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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. A niche mod for streamers, updated for 1.3. Written by @IRnifty, original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/99876-ksp-12x-draft-twitch-viewers-v246-draft-tour-with-or-rescue-your-twitch-viewers-as-in-game-kerbals/ The new version for KSP 1.4.1 has new dependencies New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController (min version 1.6.4) CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed. Draft Twitch Viewers This software is provided "as-is" with no warranties. Presented under the GPL v3 license. Creation and/or publication of media (images, videos, etc.) while using this software is authorized. Created by: Nifty255, updated for 1.3 by Linuxgurugamer This mod is in RELEASE. However, bugs can still happen. If you have a bug, or a suggestion, please leave it in a mature manner. Availability Download: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/DraftTwitchViewers/releases Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1985/Draft Twitch Viewers Redrafted SOURCE: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/DraftTwitchViewers Get DTV on CKAN! FEATURES: Draft Twitch Viewers (DTV) uses web requests to connect to Twitch, and can pick a random user from any channel, and create a Kerbal in-game with that viewer's name. - Easy to use interface. - Draft from any channel, specified in the GUI. Or launch a viewer drawing without adding the winner to the game! - While getting the channel viewer list, DTV can remove bots (specified by the player/streamer) and viewers with distasteful names. - Upon attempted draft, an alert is displayed in-game indicating success or failure. - Customize the draft success message and the drawing success message. - Fully compatible with both Crew Manifest and Ship Manifest. - Players can add the viewer directly to the current vessel. - Rescue your viewers or take them on tours with DTV modified Career Mode Contracts!
  2. That would be nice, thanks. maybe start a new thread discussing the creation of skyboxes?
  3. Do you have a list of steps on how to make a skybox from Universe Toolbox?
  4. No need. I haven't released it yet. I'm targeting sunday evening for an initial beta release
  5. @Nereid Im getting ready to release The Kaptaon's Log. It eas suggested to me that it should work with Final Frontier. The interface would be fairly simple, just a single call to add a log entry. Wou k d you be willing to work with me on this?
  6. Try removing the dang it mod and see if that helps if it does then the maybe some sort of interaction between the two and I will have to look into it. @icedown, im not at home now. Pm me if you need some help.
  7. Well, according to the log, the countdown was 0.74 seconds longer than real time, after a 38 second countdown. This is using the Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();, which is the in-game clock. So it seems that your clock is running slowly, That could be for any number of reasons, but it's not this mod. Sorry.
  8. Did you read the post you quoted? It tell you how to get the logs. Right now it's like going to a mechanic and saying "its broken" without giving any information
  9. @Chaumas did you see this, and have you tried it yet?
  10. Make sure you aren't doing an autostrut to heaviest part, where the heaviest part is tank which is getting emptied. If that happens, lots of fun when the tank is no longer the heaviest part.
  11. I'm pretty sure this isn't a problem, but.... I'm debugging another mod, and when I went into the CC page, I saw that the button which says to "Reload Contracts" had the text "(BROKEN)" in it. I'm just trying to verify that there isn't anything in what I've been doing which may have broken CC (playing around with contracts, installing, uninstalling, etc)>
  12. What other mods do you have installed? Other mods do you have installed? Can you get us a log file please? Thank you
  13. Did you bother to read the OP of this thread? Specifically the very FIRST LINE?
  14. New release, Added buttons and toggle so that the vent can be used on planets, and be activated both by an action group and manually
  15. Ok, please try the dll in this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ncggyvlbaxfssii/NASACountDownDebugDLL.zip?dl=0 It has a possible fix, and some additional debugging. Just replace the dll in the current NASACountDown/Plugins folder with this and try it again, please send me the log when you have finished. Thanks
  16. I've gotten this compiled for 1.3, but don't have time to test it or update the configs right now. Anyone want to help?
  17. The blizzy toolbar and the stock toolbar work differently. It's not worth it for me to do that sort of integration. I suppose I could have options to hide the janitor toolbar button in specific scenes but again that would defeat its usefulness. So for now, I will not be doing that. Sorry
  18. Didn't realize until just now that the transcription of what I said was not correct. Anyway you got the link, the mod used to be called Qrew Queue before I took it over
  19. Save before rolling out. I know that there is a mod which will actually save your vessels periodically. You may want to look into getting that to save your two hours of work each time.
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