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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Is this in CKAN? Could you flesh out th OP, maybe add a picture? I had to go to the origonal thread to see what this did
  2. Is Kerbal Engineer allowed? also, would be nice to put the craft file somewher to be downloaded
  3. Just so you know, this will be a feature in The Kaptain's Log, which is almost ready to be released. I've coded it and its working.
  4. Won't be hard, I'll get it for you either later today or tomorrow. I wasn't aware of the verbose logging option for it
  5. New release, 1.3.2: Fixed problem with needing to double-click toolbar icon to start
  6. New release, 1.3.1: Fixed clock position not being remembered. Fixed issue with launch sound not being played properly (causing nullrefs) Added Settings page Added default Initial throttle Added default Throttle Added option to keep bottom buttons visible Fixed issue with windows not staying in place. Now window positions are saved Fixed version numbers in changelog
  7. Right click on the part in the parts list
  8. So with the help of @Shadowmage I have this mostly working. Going to be a few weeks before I release it, this will be part of a pack of parts that I'm working on
  9. Ok, so to be clear, would it be ok if I added this to CKAN? You can always refer ckan issues to me. I need a definite yes, we dont add mods to ckan without the permission of the mod author
  10. Stock or modded? Can you save it? Try to clear the locks in the debug menu
  11. If the window isn't being shown, there shouldn't be any impact on the performance. If the window is being shown then by necessity there will be an impact. What are your system specifications, because I don't see any impact at all even with lots of things in orbit.
  12. No one is going to help you if you keep changing things without waiting for answers. Did you read and follow my post?
  13. Because this was a fun mod, not serious. And there were two sizes of plywood fins I suggest you try this version for now @Aerospacer has done a good and detailed job of fixing the tech tree issues: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sgyq2pd6x1hnjet/BargainRocketsA2.zip?dl=0
  14. Ummm, here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/USProbesPack But I'll make it easy for you: Your log file indicates you are running KSP 1.2.2, so I'll only list those here: ##Install instructions: Download and install mod from here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/USProbesPack/releases Install dependencies for KSP 1.2.x from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/paqjbizbmxfhdqc/RN_Dependencies_KSP_v1.2.x.zip?dl=0
  15. Ok, I'll get you a file in a bit. There are a few, but right now, one in particular
  16. Actually, he was in mission control, seething because Valentina was pn the rescue mission
  17. Ok, I found something. New release: 1.1.2 Optimized code to avoid doing anything when not being shown. Moved the GetTextures into the STart to avoid unnecessary gets Changed .version to look at file on Github This won't do anything while it's being displayed, but when not displayed, you shouldn't see any problem anymore
  18. No worries about the log. Before I get into rgis, can you tell me how many objects are in space? Include debris, and an approximation will do.
  19. Are you saying that you have performance issues even when the window is not being shown? I looked into this once before, and while I forget the specific reason, I think that there was a reason it was slow in the tracking station.
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