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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I'm guessing it's only there once in the log. It can be ignored
  2. I run with it for hours and >200 mods with no problems. You may not see anything in the log, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything there. Please post the output_log Also, I'm wondering if you are having memory issues?
  3. If I had a nickle everytime some said this, I would be rich. It is NOT pretty simple, if it was, then DMP would work well. But there are soo many thing that can go wrong and be corrected for, it turns out to be oretty difficult.
  4. You have my blessing if you want to take it over
  5. Sine it appears that there is a 1.3 version available, could you update the OP with it?
  6. It's not bad if he can be resurrected for the hundred and 60th time
  7. If a MM file is bigger than the original config, then either it is being abused, or it's compensating for a lot of mods. KW Rocketry used to have patches upon patches before I merged them all. The nice thing is that it worked, and different people were able to do little updates for various issues. And I wasn't criticizing, was just commenting. It sounds like you have reasonable reasons to do it that way.
  8. Check to see if it's writing a cfg or xml file, if it is, delete it rather than reinstalling
  9. If everyone who ever complained about Spacedock being down contributes $1/month, the funding problems would be solved.
  10. And then when the original part is updated, for any number of reasons, your copy won't be updated. I don't understand your dislike of MM. It's used by many mods, and works very well in integrating various patches. Why not use something which most people will have anyway? Also, copying the cfg file can violate copyrigh, if you are copying, for example, a stock config. MM eliminates this problem
  11. So if you want it to stay up, maybe some contributions would be helpful. And before you asl, yes, I have a monthly contribution to it.
  12. I don't know if you've addressed this, but, you can have solid fuel engines fail in a number of ways: Reduced thrust Overthrust Exploding, either immediately or after a reduced/overthrust event These three are fairly simple to address in KSP, feel free to pull the code from DangIt if you like.
  13. First, I would need the full log. What version of KSP are you running? Second, that particular error won't be a problem, that is related to putting the build aid on the Blizzy toolbar
  14. there are still some significant mods which have not yet been updated 1.3.0. I suggest waiting a little bit longer before moving everything over.
  15. New beta, Changed default option for "Hide UI for screenshot" setting to be false Changed method of getting screen messages, now using callbacks Added Intro window Added initial sort window, currently only sorts when selected, will eventually always keep in current specified sort order Secondary sort is always universal time, except when sorting by universal time; when primary sort is Universal time, secondsry sort is vessel id
  16. NASA does a lot more than rockets. The full name is National Aeronautical and Space Administration. I suggest you take a look at the budget before equating NASA's budget with the ESA's budget
  17. Before anyone asks, CKAN is in the works, but this is a somewhat complicated setup, so it may take a day or so to get it set up properly.
  18. Can you please post this as an issue on github? Please add this as an issue on github. that being said, since 1.875 is not a stock size, there may be a problem selecting it. Not going to Blizzy. Icon sizes are different, and the internal coding is very specific to the stock toolbar Whatever order it finds them in. Its actually harder than it sounds, since internally there isn't a textual name assigned to the buttons, please add this to the issues on github I hope to be able to get back to this soon. Been busy with another pair of mods
  19. A suggestion for the nuclear engines. Right now, all four engines are put there as a single point. This can cause problems when thrusting because if there is a heavy cargo the thrust will be offset too much. Why not make the engines individual , I know it's a little extra work to place five engines, but then you can individually turn them on or off to control the thrust. Basically, you need a thrust plate with five (4 for the engines there now plus one in the center so it could only have one engine) nodes, and then a single nuclear engine.
  20. Love the mod, really brings back memories. my only complaint is that it is too OP for a career game. so, has anyone made any MM configs which tone down the power of the parts (specifically the engines) for a stock game? I am currently streaming a GPP game on Sunday evenings, I would love to be able to use this.
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