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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. How well does this play with the Hooligan Labs Airships mod? Uugh. The Uugh is my not reading before posting. Appears that this is more of an add-on for it
  2. Ummm, I don't see it in CKAN I've checked CKAN for this mod, it's not there. I even looked in all the .netkan files, trying to see if someone added it without permission. It's not there.
  3. Wiki created, go for it Answering your observations in order: Working on a new screenshot. It was moved because this mod applies the changes to ALL games. The code to move was a late addition, I'll get the text updated. I'll think about updatig what the "Apply All" button does, but that raises some other issues; it's not going to happen right away
  4. New release, 0.1.1: Added some checks for nullrefs Removed some log spam
  5. Looks like a debug version is out there, those messages are not put to the log file in the correct release. This isn't from this mod, it's a stock message, I think. Working on an update now
  6. I've fixed the filename, thanks. I looked at the file, and didn't see anything unexpected. Can you be a bit more specific as to what is WRN and ERR in it which you are concerned about?
  7. I made a mistake, working on fixing it how. Basicly, I asked @JadeOfMaar to review all the LS stuff. He sent me some new files which were supposed to REPLACE the old ones, instead I just added them :-( Anyway, I've updated it for a new release: 0.1.6 Removed old LS files, moved into Extras directory Added Small Centrifuge Note that some of the LS settings have changed
  8. Wish I could help more, but based on what you say, seems like some sort of memory issue. As you say, lots of errors in the logs, which makes it hard to identify a single culprit.
  9. Thanks for the report. I'll review both sets, one set is new, was a new config by @JadeOfMaar
  10. @TheReadPanda asked me to take over the mod, so I've done so. Original thread is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/111412-121-trp-hire-formerly-ksi-hiring/& This mod used to be formerly known as KSI-Hiring. So right now it has the following features: You can select the gender of your kerbal hires or make them random (male/female/random) You can select the career of your kerbal. You can select a number of kerbals to hire (1 to 10) but this is limited to what you can afford or what the Astronaut complex can hold in career mode. You can set the kerbal Courage Stat (Higher is better!) You can set the kerbal Stupidity Stat (Lower is better!) You can set the kerbal Fearless attribute (On/Off - Game code calls this BadAss) You can hire said kerbals with a hire button. If you are in career mode the various options you pick will change your cost. In career mode you can hire level 0 kerbals without upgrading the complex, level 0&1 if you upgrade it once and 0, 1, and 2 if you have fully upgraded the complex. Note it costs more to hire more experienced kerbals. If you are in career mode each kerbal that is MIA in a profession raises the cost of that profession by 5%. If you are in a mode that results in KIAeach kerbal of that profession that is killed raises costs for that profession type by 10%. Additional traits are now supported Note the cost increases are cumulative, so two dead kerbals results in a 20% increase if they were both pilots. If you have a bunch of dead pilots but not a single dead scientist it should not effect the scientist costs. New feature: The Community Trait Icons mod is now supported, if installed an icon will be displayed next to the trait. Download Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/777/TRP-Hire Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PHS License: MIT <---New // Old -->
  11. Are you running 1.2.2 or 1.3? 0.6.2 is the version for 1.3, I made a mistake in the earlier post (which I just fixed) I've started a new thread for this here, please move all discussion there:
  12. Worked on a new mod called The Kaptains Log. Will do automatic logging of events, has a manual mode entry, will allow display of logs using various filters. will be demoing it tomorrow evening on Twitch.
  13. I was already summoned, why are you summoning me again? @RoverDude
  14. Feel free to use the old one. No one was supporting it anymore, so I adopted it. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it
  15. You have so many mods, would be best to remove 1/2 of them, see if it happens, if it does, then you can repeat, if it doesn't then swap the ones which you removed with the ones there and try again.
  16. I can tell you right now, that you are running at least one mod which is not updated. KSP-AVC -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blowfishpro/B9-Aerospace/master/GameData/B9_Aerospace/B9_Aerospace.version NAME: B9 Aerospace URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blowfishpro/B9-Aerospace/master/GameData/B9_Aerospace/B9_Aerospace.version DOWNLOAD: NULL GITHUB: NULL VERSION: 6.3.1 KSP_VERSION: 1.2.2 KSP_VERSION_MIN: NULL KSP_VERSION_MAX: NULL CompatibleKspVersion: False CompatibleKspVersionMin: True CompatibleKspVersionMax: True CompatibleGitHubVersion: True KSP-AVC -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blowfishpro/B9-Aerospace/master/GameData/B9_Aerospace_HX/B9_Aerospace_HX.version NAME: B9 Aerospace HX Parts URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blowfishpro/B9-Aerospace/master/GameData/B9_Aerospace_HX/B9_Aerospace_HX.version DOWNLOAD: NULL GITHUB: NULL VERSION: 6.3.1 KSP_VERSION: 1.2.2 KSP_VERSION_MIN: NULL KSP_VERSION_MAX: NULL CompatibleKspVersion: False CompatibleKspVersionMin: True CompatibleKspVersionMax: True CompatibleGitHubVersion: True KSP-AVC -> C:\Users\Johny\Desktop\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MarkIVSystem\Versioning\MarkIV.version NAME: MarkIVSystem URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChrisAdderley/MkIVSystem/master/GameData/MarkIVSystem/Versioning/MarkIV.version DOWNLOAD: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/91713-122-mark-iv-spaceplane-system-minor-bugfix-update-march-10-2017/ GITHUB: NULL VERSION: 2.3.7 KSP_VERSION: 1.2.2 KSP_VERSION_MIN: NULL KSP_VERSION_MAX: NULL CompatibleKspVersion: False CompatibleKspVersionMin: True CompatibleKspVersionMax: True CompatibleGitHubVersion: True It also appears that you may have two copies of the Mark IV Spaceplane mod installed (both of which are marked as for 1.2.2 only) You have something which is spamming your log with Dynamic Battery Storage messages
  17. You can't willy-nilly change part names. Those names are significant and can't change The part shows up in the Utility section. If it isn't there (I just installed via CKAN to test), then you have another problem. So, do the following: Delete the entire directory Install it again, preferably using CKAN Start the game and see if it's there If it isn't there, send me the following files: output_log.txt ModuleManager.ConfigCache
  18. Thanks, got it. After looking at it, I see it's the old one, I have the new one already
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