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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. And now, the first folder in the file is "Desktop" You can fix by just repackaging and uploading again to Github, don't forget to delete the bad one first
  2. I checked the .version file for syntax errors before making any changes: Your .version file has syntax errors: Extra comma following the "Allow Release MIssing comma after brace closing the GITHUB section Missing brace at the end. I use a website: https://jsonformatter.org/ to validate JSON when I write it by hand. For these, I use the site: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/ to store current data and generate the file for me. The following is fixed: { "NAME":"SmartActuation", "URL":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theRagingIrishman/SmartActuation/master/SmartActuation.version", "DOWNLOAD":"https://github.com/theRagingIrishman/SmartActuation/releases/latest", "GITHUB": { "USERNAME":"theRagingIrishman", "REPOSITORY":"SmartActuation", "ALLOW_PRE_RELEASE":false }, "VERSION": { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":0, "PATCH":1, "BUILD":0 }, "KSP_VERSION": { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":2, "PATCH":2 } }
  3. @PocketDoor hasn't been around since October, so I'm reviving his Augmented Reality mod. Original thread is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149259-augmented-reality-ar-docking/ Availability Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/AugmentedReality Download:https://spacedock.info/mod/1359 License: MIT Tired of staring at the NavBall while docking? Don't want to get a mod that docks automatically for you? Try Augmented Reality (AR) Docking! Add this part to project an arrow from your ship to the targeted docking port. It will also display an arrow with your relative velocity, "right" and "up" relative directions, and an arrow pointing what way you need to adjust your velocity to line everything up. Included in the download is the part and a Hooligan Labs flag! Reviewed by Kottabos Games *** Tutorial Video *** *** More Tutorial *** Attach the AR Docking Part to your vessel. Only one per vessel needed. It takes up a small amount of space and has weight, but does not require power. Approach the vessel you want to dock with as normal. Right click it to "Set as Target". When you are close enough to see it then an arrow will extend from your ship to the target. If the target has multiple docking ports you can right click and select the exact port you want to dock with. The arrow will then point to that docking port. As well as the white arrow indicating direction, there is a also yellow arrow which will come out of your ship to indicate the relative velocity between your ship and the target. These arrows will first come from the center of your ship. Right click the port that you want to dock with on your ship and select "Control from Here". The arrows will then come from that docking port. The arrow may still not be easy to see. It probably is because you are moving away from your target, so the relative velocity arrow points "into" your ship. Start moving towards the target to see the yellow arrow. There are 5 total arrows... Long white arrow from your docking port to the target docking port. This turns yellow when the docks are moving towards each other. Short yellow arrow indicating relative velocity between vessels. When pointing towards the target your ship is moving towards it. A blueish arrow indicating the direction you need to change your relative velocity to align it with your direction of travel. A yellow arrow pointing your vessel's relative *up*. This is to help with docking maneuvers. Like above, a yellow arrow pointing in the *down* direction. Here the direction and relative velocity arrows are lined up and thus the same color. The relative direction arrow disappears. Due to orbital mechanics it is normal for your relative velocity to drift out of alignment over time. Keep correcting it. Keep in alignment and don't go too fast... and you will dock!
  4. I assume that if a drag cube is definied in a file (such as in the mk3CargoBay), it overrides the dragModelType? Because in the mk3CargoBay, the dragModelType = default one more question, I noticed that in the stock Mk3 parts, there is no ModuleLiftingSurface. Is that taken care of by the default drag cubes? Reason for this question is that the mod I'm trying to update has ModuleLiftinSurface modules in the cockpit and other parts which the stock equivilents don't. Thanks in advance
  5. ok. So one of the part is (surprise) a cargo bay. How can I set up the drag cubes?
  6. Drag cubes, would be specified in the config, right? So if these old parts don't have drag cubes, I'll still need them?
  7. I'm looking into some of the config files of the stock parts, using them as reference, and I noticed the following oddity: In the Mk3 Shuttle parts, the maximum drag is set lower than the minimum drag. This doesn't make sense, can someone explain this: maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 I need to know because the parts I'm updating are shuttle parts from another mod. Thanks in advance, and, if this is in the wrong forum, please move it to the correct one.
  8. An old mod, revived. Original thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/84279-102- Original authors: @zzz, @munseeker and @Angel-125 I've updated the description and fixed the reaction wheels, otherwise, no changes. A new type of large radio telescope that can be packed into a small volume and deployed at remote locations. Contains a small SAS for stability control. The telescope needs roughly 1 unit of electrical charge per second and does provide science reports both while landed as well as in space. Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ZZZ-RadioTelescope Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1358 License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Dependency (for the contracts) SpaceTuxSA Install: Copy the MunSeeker folder into your GameData folder. If there is an existing MunSeeker folder, copy the ZZZ_RadioTelescope folder into your existing MunSeeker folder. Use: The built-in SAS is for operating the telescope properly and it draws large amounts of electricity. It is recommended to turn the built-in reaction wheel OFF for launch and transportation. The model and texture are from the always excellent zzz originally as part of a microwave receiver, the part.cfg for the radio telescope is by Munseeker. zzz released his model into the public domain and graciously gave me written permission to use as part of this mod. The great science experiment code for the telescope has been provided by Angel-125. This project is licensed non-commercial share-alike with attribution.
  9. New release, 1.5.1: Added Settings page Added option to make tooltips optional Added option to make the autoupdate default to on Added option to specify using last selected planet Fixed bug when closing planet selection window
  10. And it's back. My apologies to everyone for the initial misunderstanding.
  11. I'll leave this here, but essentially, I wasn't setting the value in the correct place, so it wasn't being saved. I'm having a problem getting a ScenarioModule working. I'm trying to save a string which is set while inside the editor, so it can be used the next time entering the editor. While I see it in the persistent.sfs file, it never gets set. I even tried setting the value from inside the module where I use it, but it still didn't get saved. Obviously, I'm missing something but don't know what. Any ideas: Here is the code namespace CorrectCoL { [KSPScenario(ScenarioCreationOptions.AddToAllGames, new GameScenes[] {GameScenes.EDITOR})] public class CorrectCoL_Persistent : ScenarioModule { static public CorrectCoL_Persistent Instance; bool loaded = false; [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public string lastSelectedPlanet = ""; private void Start() { Instance = this; } new public void OnAwake() { Debug.Log("CorrectCoL_Persistent.Awake"); if (lastSelectedPlanet != "") PlanetSelection.setSelectedBody(lastSelectedPlanet); } override public void OnSave(ConfigNode node) { Debug.Log("CorrectCoL_Persistent.OnSave:" + PlanetSelection.selectedBody.name); lastSelectedPlanet = PlanetSelection.selectedBody.name; base.OnSave(node); } } } An alternative try: namespace CorrectCoL { [KSPScenario(ScenarioCreationOptions.AddToAllGames, new GameScenes[] { GameScenes.SPACECENTER, GameScenes.EDITOR, GameScenes.FLIGHT, GameScenes.TRACKSTATION, GameScenes.SPACECENTER })] //[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.EditorAny, false)] public class CorrectCoL_Persistent : ScenarioModule // MonoBehaviour { static public CorrectCoL_Persistent Instance; [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public string lastSelectedPlanet = ""; override public void OnAwake() { Instance = this; } void Start() { Debug.Log("CorrectCoL_Persistent.Start"); if (lastSelectedPlanet != "") PlanetSelection.setSelectedBody(lastSelectedPlanet); } } }
  12. @Boris-Barboris didn't have time anymore for this, so I've adopted it. Original thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130783-12- Important - New Dependencies Support has been added for the ToolbarController and the ClickThroughBlocker. These two mods are now required for this to run. Links: ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker Download and source (MIT license): Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/CorrectCoL Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/789/CorrectCoL License: MIT Stockalike CoL indicator for stock Aerodynamics, accounts not only for ILiftProviders. Please, don't try it with FAR (mod disables itself if FAR is found). Simple static stability analysis: Most graphs are torque-AoA relations: green graph - current fuel levels. yellow graph - emptyed fuel tanks. Exceptions: blue graph - pitch L/D ratio (wet). blue vertical line - level flight AoA (wet). aoa range - AoA and sideslip range to plot, degrees. aoa marks - horizontal axis marks step, degrees. aoa compress - zero for 1:1 AoA axis, positive for quadratic compression. Helps to focus on important stuff near zero AoA while not loosing large-AoA behaviour. speed - speed towards root part nose direction, m/s. Enter negative values to analyze retrograde stability. altitude - meters above sea level. Four simplistic and quite stupid trait labels, may sometimes fool you. New features AutoUpdate toggle, click this to have the graph update automatically anytime a change is made Tooltips - Hover over the labels to get a tooltip Selectable planets - Click this button to select a planet Be careful with launch clamps, they are accounted for too. Also, move your craft by the root part a little after loading to ensure correct results for graph (strange API stuff). I'm adding a settings page which will define the default behaviour of AutoUpdate and ToolTips Selectable planets, would you like to remember the setting between sessions?
  13. Hi everyone, New release: 1.5.0 Adoption by Linuxgurugamer Added AutoUpdate toggle Added Destroy() and lines to remove gameevents whch were added in the Start() Changed GraphWindow from static code to dynamic, added support code Added tooltips to entry field labels Made window background solid I'll be making a new thread for this, once I do, please move discussions over there.
  14. Quite the laundry list. 1, 2, 3 are done, see the earlier post. Tooltips have been implemented. I'm not sure what you are asking about in #5, the whole idea behind the AoA range is to show how it is at different AoAs. In terms of the COL marker, this mod isn't touching that. What do you mean by #6? Alpha-0??? Again, the graphs are showing a range assuming you are moving forward. For opposite direction, put in a negative number Not going to do #7 or parachutes I may do #4, but will see.
  15. Looks like it got updated, I'm still going to look at it regarding the .version file I see the problem. It looks like the file is good in the repo, but you didn't bundle it in the zip The .version file is wrong in the zip file, so I'll have to leave the .netkan hard-coded. This is what's there: { "URL" : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/master/ProceduralParts.version", "NAME" : "Procedural Parts", "GITHUB" : { "REPOSITORY" : "ProceduralParts", "USERNAME" : "Swamp-Ig" }, "VERSION" : { "BUILD" : 0, "PATCH" : 8, "MINOR" : 2, "MAJOR" : 1 }, "DOWNLOAD" : "https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/releases", "KSP_VERSION" : { "PATCH" : 1, "MINOR" : 2, "MAJOR" : 1 } } Essentially, the whole thing is wrong :-( it's still referring to the last version that Swamp-Ig did. you will need to rebuild the .zip file with the new version
  16. Log file, please Sorry, been busy. Haven't forgotten about this.
  17. Is it in the download? If it is, means I need to make another change to the file. Will get to that in an hour or so
  18. Not really. It's written in Ruby, i believe, and I don't have any knowledge of that, nor do I have time to sit down and learn it. Sorry
  19. Someone else had done it, but hadn't updated the version number, I'm doing that now Do you think you could add an AVC .version file, to make this automatic? Edit: Change is done, this may take a few hours, depending on the daemons
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