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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Got the PR, thanks. The message in the PR says something about fixing a UI. let me know if you can't, the big issue for me was the shader issues. For everybody, once @gomker gets all the shaders, I'll do a somewhat more official release.
  2. I need a little help here. I have two MM patches, from two different mods. I need to integrate one patch into another, and am not quite sure of the syntax. First patch (primary patch): @PART[SeatHDCommand]:HAS[@MODULE[KerbalSeat]]:FOR[TakeCommand] { CrewCapacity = 1 MODULE { name = TakeCommand minimumCrew = 1 } Second patch (abbreviated): @PART[*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[>0]]:NEEDS[VanguardTechnologies]:Final { %MODULE[ModuleKrEjectPilot] { %name = ModuleKrEjectPilot %ejectionForce = 100 } } So, what I need is to have the 2nd patch added to the first, so taht the module ModuleKrEjectPilot will be added if there is a part SeatHDCommand. I think this will do it, can someone confirm: @PART[SeatHDCommand]:HAS[@MODULE[KerbalSeat]]:FOR[TakeCommand] { CrewCapacity = 1 MODULE { name = TakeCommand minimumCrew = 1 } %MODULE[ModuleKrEjectPilot]:NEEDS[VanguardTechnologies] { %name = ModuleKrEjectPilot %ejectionForce = 100 } }
  3. I looked at the plane, it didn't have an ejection module installed, so unless you were using a patch to add the module to all parts, it won't work. I added an ejection module, and it worked. Please try it with the ejection module installed
  4. I just released an update, fixes the null refs when there was bad data in the ship file
  5. Well, it seems that @micha hasn't been around since the middle of December, and the original author hasn't been around since May 20. I'm going to wait until the weekend, at which time I'll fork and make a more official release with CKAN support
  6. I have a Patreon set up here: https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer Thanks
  7. Regarding a comment you made: This 1.2 update is getting a bit frustrating. I can't seem to override the Launch button anymore, so that's a real downer. I might have to change things to an "on the pad" filling method Take a look at the code for KRASH, both current and the old code from Holodeck, it might help
  8. @Probus Is the YongeTech mod rebuilt for 1.2.2? I looked at the github, first, I couldn't find the source for this, can you please tell me where it is? I was going to take a quick look to see if I could find a fix for the bug mentioned in the previous post: I believe this: When parts are detected in several nodes, it behaves like a AND, thus both nodes must be researched before the part can be used by the player. Thanks
  9. A quick search showed the following: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/60380-12x-kerbonov-kn-2-cockpit-module/&do=findComment&comment=906034 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/150837-12-rekt-escape-pod-mod-v042-beta/&do=findComment&comment=2823487 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/122102-122-contares-181-with-addons-for-tantares-and-tantareslv/&page=1
  10. I believe the kerbal is internal, therefore not visible. I'll have to see if I can disable internal transfers like that. To get the kerbal back, dock with it and do another transfer back What other mods do you have installed? Specifically for the internal crew transfers
  11. Nope. Although there seems to be a funny graphics bug in KSP now, in that the smoke trails follow the vessel (actually above the vessel) as it ascends
  12. ok. One thing I can say is that it looks like it is installed correctly. So I'll take a closer look at this later this evening, please leave the files there for a few days at least
  13. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ShipSections/blob/master/README.md I've opened an issue, but would appreciate confirmatino from someone else
  14. Please do NOT PASTE THE LOG FILE IN THE MESSAGE. It is unusable that way, and causes problems with mobile users Provide a link to a file, use Dropbox, Google Drive, or some other file upload service. Thanks Are you using Take Command?
  15. There is a bug in the ShipSections part of the mod, I am working on it and hope to get out a fix in a day or so. Thanks
  16. And if you used CKAN, you wouldn't have to go hunting all the mods, the installer will do it for you, for all the mods that are registered with it (most of them)
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