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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. @micha Are you going to be doing official support for this moving forward, since the original author hasn't been around for 7 months?
  2. New beta release: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux/releases/tag/ added missing tech tree nodes
  3. You also need to do the same for the highPerformanceFuelSystems, ti is also included in ETT
  4. I have a new beta release I need tested: --------- https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux/releases/tag/ The only change between this and the previous standard release is that all standard patches have been merged. I developed some automated tools to both merge the patches (modified ModuleManager) and a utility which reads the both the old file and new file, and both copies over any comments which were missing as well as ordering the lines in the new file in the same way as the old file. Given the changes I'd really like some feedback before I do a full release. Most important are the engines, they were the most complicated, and I actually found a syntax error in a couple of the old files which caused me no end of headaches.
  5. According to ckan, AOa 1.2.7 is available, and the following are installed along with it: Firespitter Core 7.5.1 RasterPropMonitor 0.28.0 B9 Aerospace Props 6.2.1 B9 animation Modules 1.0.5
  6. Many mods on spacedock.infi have all the dependencies included. Re ckan, I can help with that if you like, just let me know
  7. So install it, then install Janitor's Closet which you can use to hide/prune the unwanted parts
  8. you may want to fix the title, continued is spelled "Continued", not contunued anyway, Greatjob, looking forward to the next release. CKAN is submitted Here is a link to the New_Stuff_For_Station_Science by DirtyFace: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ae00lapu184t1yi/AABfmeJBYqlXHZ5xkjcjhFkNa?dl=0 and here is a link to the old thread:
  9. I was going to ask for a log, but probably don't need it. Could you get me the craft file? Thanks
  10. that's fine, I won't be able to get to this for another day or so. IThe log will show me other stuff, and no, I haven't yet been able to reproduce it.
  11. A tour bus needs a driver. A tour plane needs a pilot. Etc. Did you raise this on an issue on github? If not, please do so.
  12. In a previous post, you mentioned that you had been in touch with him. Before I do anything with this, is there any chance in your humble opinion that he will come back soon? I'm not planning on doing any work with these, I'd rely on other people to get me patches and updates, at least initially.
  13. New release: 1.3.1: Fixed issue where parts with category = "none" was causing a nullref And it is available in CKAN
  14. That worked. So as soon as someone else double-checks it, it will be in CKAN, expect it by the end of the day, hopefully.
  15. Kerbalstuff has been gone for a year. And the mod seems to be in a frozen state in CKAN (ie: not being updated) because Kerbalstuff is gone and the .netkan file wasn't updated with a new download location I got the source from that dropbox link someone posted earlier. Do you think it would be ok if I uploaded it to a Github repo, and then fix CKAN to use that? Or, I could put it up on Spacedock, and have CKAN use that instead? Let me know. Thanks
  16. You will have to do the same with ASETAvionics, available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ahsmf7fzwijuj07/ASET_Avionics-1.0.zip?dl=0
  17. Thanks, but that doesn't have the source. I did get the source from that dropbox link someone posted earlier. Do you think it would be ok if I uploaded it to a Github repo, and then fix CKAN to use that? Or, I could put it up on Spacedock, and have CKAN use that instead? Let me know. Thanks
  18. ASETProps hasn't been available via CKAN ever since KerbalStuff went down! there is a working version here (not mine, I found this on the ASET props thread): https://www.dropbox.com/s/o9ngxq9l925lsu6/ASET_Props.zip?dl=0 @Wolfair corp. can include this in his mod and get the ASET dependency removed from CKAN. The license allows it (CC-BY-NC-SA). Otherwise you will have to install this by hand.
  19. The OP says the following: Kerbalstuff has been gone for a year. @alexustas hasn't been around for almost 2 weeks. I have no idea what the github account for him is. And the mod seems to be in a frozen state in CKAN (ie: not being updated) because Kerbalstuff is gone and the .netkan file wasn't updated with a new download location Is there anybody who can help with explanations?
  20. This is blocked on ckan due to a dependency. CKAN had a hiccup which was fixed. I think the dependency was KAX. Which I updated yesterday, so I'll check again. Still missing another dependency: Module ASETProps required but it is not listed in the index, or not available for your version of KSP.
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