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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Ah. That is what I was working towards, but was too busy to get to it. Glad you got it figured out, I'll drop my fork now since it won't be needed
  2. It would be nice, but not urgent anymore. If it was the TST causing the problem, I'd like to tell @JPLRepo about it. Glad 0.5.6 fixed it.
  3. @Crzyrndm Have you added the quicksearch back into this to replace the stock search?
  4. Did you do anything other than replace the render with OnGUI? I did that, but it wasn't working
  5. There are a few instances where it is necessary to save data in the persistent.sfs file, but usually not. One of them is what KRASH does, it is necessary to store a minimal amount of data in the sfs file in order to recover properly from a simulation which crashes. interesting about the info re. the MM cache, I'll have to update some of my mods to use that layout
  6. What is that event, cause I was going to be working on rotation using keys next and would like to see if it works. Also, would you know how to disable and enable a gizmo from code?
  7. That's sad. I wonder if I could force it by disabling and then reenabling the gizmo. I saw that if I had moved the part with my own code while the offset gizmo was active, and then disabled and reenabled the gizmo, the position stayed, it only gets reset if the part is moved and then the gizmo is used.
  8. I don't need it right now, but will see if I can do something over the weekend
  9. I don't know :-) I found it while searching for information related to the internal offsets of parts, and was curious. It's a great idea, and I think I may have a use for it, especially when someone has a craft in flight and sends me the persistent.sfs file, would be useful to pull it out for testing
  10. I'm now successfully moving a part in the editor using keys instead of the gizmo arrows. It seems that the gizmo position isn't being updated, so when you grab the part with the arrow, it jumps back to where the gizmo thinks it is. I'm looking at the visible and hidden members of the GizmoOffset and GizmoOffsetHandle classes, but nothing seems obvious, except that there are a few functions which are totally hidden. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, anyone have any ideas what to change? Thanks
  11. I just released a new version which may fix your problem. Get it from Github and try it. There are two releases: 0.5.5 and 0.5.6 0.5.5 does NOT have the fix for this, 0.5.6 does. So, use the 0.5.5 to replicate the problem, then use 0.5.6 to see if that fixes it. Thanks to @JPLRepo for taking a look and identifying an area of interest; he is looking into his mod because apparently there might be a problem with that which this exposed. LGG
  12. Click and drag is not simple, which is why I provide the ability to position it in the config. I realize it's not convenient, but have other things to do. I'll fix that, easy to do, thanks. You must be in career mode, because it doesn't work that way in sandbox. It shouldn't be doing that, I'll get it fixed as well.
  13. I found the answer: To know if a gizmo is active, use the following: if (HighLogic.FindObjectsOfType<EditorGizmos.GizmoOffset> ().Length > 0)
  14. I have all the changes incorporated, but since this is a relatively minor issue, I'm holding off on the release until I get the fine adjustments working as well.
  15. Well, it may compress more than you think. Use 7zip to do the compression But, that is your complete game, all I want is the test install which should have the minimal number of mods needed to cause the error.
  16. Ok, thanks. Once you can get me a list of stuff which fails, i can try to figure it out. When you do, please zip up your entire GameData and saves directory and upload them for me, this way I'll be able to test using the same install you are using. Thanks
  17. Ummm, I don't know. Please file an issue on Github, and I'll take a look
  18. When you do, please do NOT have SETI installed. The craft file you sent me is using some SETI parts, and from what I read in the SETI thread, while the mods "should" work in 1.1.2, he did not recompile for 1.1.2.
  19. Ok, that makes it simple to fix. Thank you very much for figuring this out. You suggested +-0.001 for a minumum value, I'll use that for now. LGG
  20. Wow! Thank you for finding this. I'll put in a fix and release it later this evening. One question: What if one was 0, and the other non-zero, would that work?
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