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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Hi,

    It seems that TAC Fuel Balancer works well in 1.0.5.  Can you update Kerbalstuff to let CKAN and people know it is 1.0.5 compatible?

  2. Hi,

    I may be willing to take over your old PartCatalog mod, but I would need the latest code for the 3.0RC version.

    Can you upload it to Github?

  3. I was looking for a way to determine the rate of change of altitude. This is something that is measured by a Variometer in an aircraft. The ReachState has detection for speed, altitude, etc, but not for this. This is also known as Rate of Climb, and Rate of Descent LGG
  4. I see that you say this is 1.0.5 compatible, could you update Kerbalstuff (just mark it as 1.0.5 compatible) so that CKAN can use it?
  5. In that case, can you update Kerbalstuff to mark it as 1.0.5 compatible? That way CKAN will see it and make it available. Thanks
  6. I already have one (from my father who used to use it)
  7. @Starwaster Got a strange error in the log, I opened a Github issue for it: ArgumentException: You can only call GUI functions from inside OnGUI. at UnityEngine.GUIUtility.CheckOnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.GUI.get_skin () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DeadlyReentry.ReentryPhysics.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 This is on version 7.3.1
  8. Are there any instructions for using the T.E.R.R.A.I.N. scanner?
  9. DuoDex,

    If you aren't going to be updating Coherent Contracts, would you mind if I take it over?  Obviously I'd follow the license you have in there, all I'm really interested in doing is to get it repackaged for 1.0.5 with the current ModuleManager DLL and avaiable for people




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. linuxgurugamer


      Oh, just saw you updated it on Kerbalstuff.

      NM then about the MM, I see it isn't there anymore



    3. linuxgurugamer


      Do you think you could repackage it, and put it in a folder in the Zip file?  That would be more standard and make it easier to get Netkan to use it, I'm having a problem in the way it is right now



    4. DuoDex


      I see the NetKan folks have fixed it.

  10. I just update the Community Patches. Apparently the KWPatch-2 file was there, when it should not have been (I deleted it from the release a while ago). It's available on Kerbalstuff now
  11. Untili you do, you can't be sure. It would be easy enough to test. Send up a comsat using Hyperedit to the orbit, warp until the satellite is in the proper location and check it, then warp to the other side of the orbit and checkagain.
  12. Hi, all, I'm going to be taking a look at this again. Other than @budda's request, are there any problems that might need taking care of? 0.1.5 and 0.1.6 are the latest, the only difference between them is the version file change for 1.0.5
  13. That could simply be floating point error. Also, were those Comsats closer to the sun or further away? Look for the difference on the same panel, in different parts of the orbit
  14. I doubt that. Minmus's orbit may be large compard to the Mun, but it is miniscule compared to the distance to the sun
  15. Question about a list and a data node. The rover missions have 5 separate titles. I assume the following will work, but how do I make sure that a2-a5 don't repeat any of the previous ones: DATA { type = List<string> allareas = [ "First string", "Second string", "third string", "4th string", "5th" string ] a1 = allareas.Random() a2 = allareas.Random() a3 = allareas.Random() a4 = allareas.Random() a5 = allareas.Random() }
  16. Oh. ok, that makes sense. I actually solved it by adding a word in front of the variable on the title line, but will keep the s5/s6 solution in mind. Thanks On another note, I'm working on the descriptions for the Rover missions (all of them currently say "visit the interesting place"), once this is done, I hope to release it LGG
  17. That was it. any chance to get this changed so you can start a string with an expression?
  18. It turned out to be an issue with some testing I was doing. It does not happen in the wild, although now that I think about it, I may need to change something for people who install it without CKAN
  19. Ok, so the missing flags is a different problem, which I've solved, it's related to some testing files. Thanks
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