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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. The contract pack is generating errors because you have vessel names beginning with a number. ContractConfigurator doesn't allow that. The errors are in the following: 1Week Duration Orbiter 4 Kerbal Station Crew 5 Kerbal Station Crew 6 Month Crew 1 Year Crew When I edited the cfg and added a letter in front of each of these, it worked This was a recent change to ContractConfigurator LGG
  2. Yay!!!! Just added a new .netkan file For the very first time, the initial build and merge was successful!! Maybe I'm starting to get the hang of this. FYI, this was for my new contract pack: Sprite Missions
  3. Just released my newest contract pack: Sprite Missions Full details on first page. Not yet available via CKAN, but that will be soon. LGG
  4. and after another trip, Jeb never spoke again
  5. So, how would you progress to this in a career path, keeping to the same idea as the 50's style? Love them, gave you rep.
  6. Take a look at my contract pack Grand Tours. It only depends on ContractConfigurator. I'll start with stock, then as mods get updated, I'll start adding them. KER, MechJeb, and Chatterer are essential, IMHO
  7. I'm going for medical tests because I've been asked to donate a kidney since I'm a match to the recipient, so I'll be in a hospital ALL DAY LONG :-(
  8. We would need the complete contract name, if possible. What contract packs have you installed? Do you have "Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System" installed? Any other modpacks which might include an orbiter? A copy of your peristant.sfs file would be useful, then we could see exactly what it is looking for.
  9. Hey Bob, I was just watching your episode 15, Minmus traveller, and wanted to comment on what you said about some of the rocket flames, looking like balls of fire. Those may be trying to simulate the shockwaves which can be seen in real engines. Take a look at these pictures I found online:
  10. Try Hullcam VDS, or Camera Tools: @feldbourn, love the videos, am in the process,am watching them all right now, in the middle of Oddyssy
  11. A memory leak will appear as a constantly increase in the amount of memory used, usually for no reason
  12. This is an open message (obviously) to all the maintainers of CKAN/NetKAN, Sarbian and anyone else associated with this process. First, a very big THANK YOU for all the work you do. I know it's real pain sometimes, but hopefully the end result will be worth it. Second. Would it be possible to, whenever a release is done, to rebuild ALL the .netkan files? It was very frustrating for me, being a fairly new mod author, over the past day or so, to run into the issue with Sarbian's server. A full rebuild would have shown the issue before it was released. Third. In real life I am a system's administrator for a very large number of Linux systems. I'd be happy to help if you need any support. Just contact me via private message (and you will even get to learn my real name :-) Fourth, to Sarbian. A thank-you for first responding to me, and second, for finally finding the problem with your certificates. LinuxGuruGamer - - - Updated - - - Oh, and I just signed up to support Paul on Patreon at the $5 level
  13. CKAN is having a problem downloading modulemanager from the web site: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ModuleManager-2.6.0.zip Here is the error: 0 kbps - downloading - 0 MiB left - 93% Failed to download "[URL]https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ModuleManager-2.6.0.zip[/URL]" - error: SslCaCert One or more files failed to download, stopped.
  14. The problem seems to be an old server config on https://ksp.sarbian.com/ this is the error: Failed to download "https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ModuleManager-2.6.0.zip" - error: SslCaCert One or more files failed to download, stopped. I'm going to contact sarbian about this. an analysis of his server shows that it is still using SSL 3.0, which has problems.
  15. For several hours now, trying to pull new netkan files is getting the following error: For some reason, it is pulling the wrong version of spacetux: Downloading "https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases/download/0.7.11/ContractConfigurator_0.7.11.zip" (libcurl) Downloading "https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ModuleManager-2.6.0.zip" (libcurl) When version 0.3.3 is available for the Spacetux Shared Assets [h=1]Build #869 (Apr 16, 2015 1:34:14 AM)[/h]
  16. The niceness doesn't have a huge impact on the system. -10 is fine, but don't use -20 :-)
  17. Doing it from the command line, it was done in about 5seconds, I didn't even get a chance to move the mouse I did do a mono ckan.exe clean before testing Just a reminder, this is OSX
  18. Tested this on OSX Yosemite. Problem: Asked me if I wanted to upgrade to 1.6.6 (I assume this will go away, just reporting all issues) Problem: Entering text in the filter field is very slow and iffy. I need to type 1 char at a time, about 1/second. Problem: I typed "spacey" in the filter by name field. all lines were deleted from listbox, BUT in the right side, it did say SpaceY Heavy Lifters Parts Pack I then deleted the filter, scrolled to find SpaceY by hand, selected it and installed it. Result: Progress bar slowly advanced. I monitored the network, it seemed to advance as data was received. It was slow, I'm not sure why. I have a 50 Mbit download speed here, and it is performing at that speed with other tests. Problem: It appeared that if I moved the mouse while the window had the focus, it would download at about 128 Kbit/second. If I wasn't moving the mouse, or if the window didn't have focus, it wasn't downloading Final result: SpaceY was installed
  19. Sorry about that. I totally redid the directory layout, and had a lowercase 'd' instead of an upper case 'D' in the GameData. This worked fine on my system, but CKAN was not happy about it at all. And the windows in which i was displaying it was small enough that it took me 3 hours before I saw what the problem was. Oh the joys of coding :-)
  20. None. I had problems with Netkan/Ckan, had to do several updates just to get around it. There is a changelog inthe directory when it is installed.
  21. This may have been asked, so my apologies if it was. What is the difference between VOID and KerbalEngineerRedux? They both seem to give the same types of information.
  22. Already planned. I've already been in touch with CaptRobau, who is the author of OPM. His reply on April 9th included the following: So once his update is out, I'll start working on it. Since I've done this with scripts, it should be fairly easy to generate a set of contracts for OPM. I'll also be doing a set of contracts for OPM with the UnmannedContracts (and Rover contracts, when that is finished). I haven't decided yet whether to simply include the contracts in the current mods, or to have two (or three, when the Rover missions are released) new ones. - - - Updated - - - OPM is planned, not yet released. According to the author, OPM is a bit iffy (his words) when it comes to contracts. He is preparing a new release, and when that is out, I'll be incorporating OPM into these
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