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Everything posted by ThiccRocketScientist

  1. The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once. We are living in the fourth dimension, but it isn't ideal. It is like an ant on a conveyor belt: It cannot do much to disturb it, and as hard as it may try, it may only change its path a few millimeters. It is constantly moving on that conveyor belt. The fourth dimension isn't parallel to our three changeable dimensions, however. It is 90 degrees from it. I don't like the illustration of that tesseract, because we cannot really imagine it. You can, however, find the area. For a line with dimensions of 4, 4 to the power of 1. For a square? 4 squared. For a cube, 4 cubed, and for a tesseract... 4 tesseracted, I guess, which is to the power of four. In fact, if aliens do exist, it might be very likely that they are higher dimensional than us, perhaps fifth, or above. ~John
  2. Ok so what do I do. Also what is this porkjet overhaul about. I want it. I want to consume it all.
  3. The new relay and debug menu look awesome. For the past day I have been trying to make large ships that float around the KSC using Air Park. Imagine 100s of them around the solar system sending signals to each other.
  4. Video I made, 1 min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq-eQJqnbCs
  5. Congrats, my dudes. I hope this does well. Will Squad be revamping the controls and possibly U.I. to fit the console controller and layout? Danke
  6. I feel like all sorts of people are going to get them all right, so are the people who answer all correct just taken at random?
  7. Isn't space jumping awesome!? I made this video with this amazing mod.
  8. Then how iz it suposed to fet in ma kargo bae?
  9. Ugh. As much as I love this mod, I friken hate rovers. They slide around, and randomly have wheels popping into the ground and flipping them and their wheels being destroyed... but I love the mod itself. Also, I am having an issue where the mini wheels are having spasms, making the rover slightly rattle going ~0.1 meters a second. Is this normal? I never installed subwoofers that strong.
  10. Finally, part 3 of my Lost Kerbals. Should I combine them all into one or just keep them seperate? I feel like keeping them seperate would be best, most people don't have much of an attention span.
  11. I created a wiki for KSP cinematics. Just started it. Why? I don't know, I am bored. Is it usless? Kinda. http://kerbalcinema.wikia.com/
  12. Dang man that Aircraft Carrier is... amazing. I finally finished part 2 of my "Lost Kerbals of Antarctica" series. This took me around 15 hours total to make, which compared to a good cinematic is quick. But anyways, check it out and leave an opinion, thanks!
  13. Yo peeps, on pretty much all of my programs I use my name is usually Wernher von Braun... so...
  14. A bit late of an answer, but I learned that if you use many screen recorders such as Dxtory, your FPS will **** itself. I just started using the Windows 10 recorder and has been working marvelous so far, so I'd suggest that if you have Windows 10.
  15. This is a proposal to a semi-sequal for HatBat's Antarctica. The intro will be remade due to bad screen recorder. Part 1: The arrival (10 Mins) Part 2: The Rescue (20 Mins) Part 3: The Departure (15 Minutes) These will be taken down if HatBat doesn't want them or doesn't approve, but I still need an opinion whether to combine them all once done or keep them seperate.
  16. Hey! I have been working on some KSP cinematics on my channel. This one took me a while to make and is the first in this three part movie This is supposed to be a semi sequal to HayBat's Antarctica, however he hasn't rellied yet. P.S. Does anyone know a good screen recorder for KSP? DXtory is rraaally laggy as shown in the video.
  17. There is a bunch of likes, you deserve more for being a moderator.

  18. I made a video with the Antares and Cygnus mod!
  19. Yeah but... is it as cool as the R-7 Semyorka, or the Mercury Redstone?
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