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Everything posted by Svm420

  1. How many seat did you plan for the mk1 to .625?
  2. Did you ever figure out compatibility with Realfuel? Thanks!
  3. Well we can't please everyone! Then if we started trying we'd have even more posts demanding a new release D: you just can't win
  4. What if you reuse the model with a slightly alter texture for a lab version? So 2 distinct parts. Looks like cobaltwolf said the same. Well a hab won't really have function really more aesthetics. What differences would you make between the 2 choices? If you are going to design a lab or somethIng I think that would be very interesting. I just wondered what you would make different to better make a real choice.
  5. Your craft is too long. with the aerodynamic center is above your mass. The blue ball want to be below the yellow ball relative to the direction of travel.There are are several options as solutions. If you want to understand why I recommend you try and learn to use the stability analysis tool FAR offers they will tell you everything you could want to know without wasting Kerbal lives or dollars. Knowledge and understanding is always worth the time
  6. I vote sleep. I feel there are enough lab mods out there.
  7. Well couldn't rep you again, but it looks great.
  8. Oh this may be my best source yet. List it at 17200 again. Search for j75 as the doc is pretty big. Then again these might be variants as you stated so IDK. Hope some of this help. - - - Updated - - - Thank You!
  9. Well I thought I had something a bit more reliable, but all I can find are these 2 sites. Not the most reputable, but the numbers seem reasonable. I wish this was easier. I love the mod, but damn i is hard to find the data you need. This site list it at 17,200lbs dry then HERE it lists it at 16100 on another page. Maybe a typo with the 16100. This site list it at 17200 as well so that seem to be a the more correct number. I wish i could find a better source for you. :/ - - - Updated - - - Well this document seem a bit more reputable, but could be fake? List it at 16100lbs.
  10. They are trying to do the same thing and weren't initially made to be compatible, so they don't try to avoid conflicting. Pretty simple really.
  11. Cockpits are looking really good. That mk3 is so big it reminds me of a greenhouse or something
  12. Why wouldn't you? I have never heard of issues with it and use it frequently in game. I usually have at least 1 dish set to that for interplanetary relays and for my moon relay sat. So what is the issue with that setting?
  13. Think about what you are asking how can they use real physics if they aren't based on real engines? There is no magic guide to make a engine real. They are only realistic in that they mimic real world engines. So what are you asking for? I mean you either want realism or you want Kerbal.
  14. I think the second request is implemented. You use H to do so. At least that lets you remove multiple parts. I have not tried attchIng multiple parts.
  15. Great job taking over as maintainer. Glad to see something also on the horizon. Have yet to get to a place in career mode to use these, but they are on the list for when I start dropping colonies on other planets/moons. Hhhmmm i wonder who was rude and abrasive about CKAN.....
  16. If you are familiar with Github Blowfish already seems to have this in mind. Here. Sounds like he wants to do something like you described.
  17. Just tested and confirmed Thank you NG you are a great dev!
  18. The sounds for the props come from the fire spitter folder in the DL so make sure to at least grab the sound folder even if you have fire spitter installed already. I know I didn't have it at first thinking I'd dint need to install firs putter again. Also the prop sounds is quiet for at least the smallest one, so if your engines sounds in KSP setting is low it could be that. I felt it was almost too quiet, but I have never been anywhere near a prop plane to say factually.
  19. Just my opinion, but a part that shape and size really will be limited by being landing gear. That said the animation looks really good.
  20. No. Long answer a little, but not enough to really matter. If you plan to use the mod you are planning for a lot more complicated engines than stock. Complicated doesn't mean harder necessarily it just means more intricate. So if you want to use the mod just try it see how it feel watch some videos. The mod is aimed for people who hate stock magic engines. It aims for realism first fun second. Not to say the mod isn't fun you just have to want what the mod offers.
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