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Everything posted by Svm420

  1. Don't know if you have considered it, but is there anyway to edit thruster isp? This looks really awesome, but also wonder does this conflict with tweakable everything Eva tweakable? Nice work definitely want the navball and pitch/roll
  2. Would you consider exposing the variables used to calculate [COLOR=#333333][FONT=Consolas]secsPerDay [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Consolas]secsPerYear in the settings for those of us using real time?
  3. Then make it switchable on the fly and you can roleplay, and that way no needless restrictions on anybody letting everybody can play how they like .
  4. Well beside the giant issue posted last page with RealFuels and RCS build aid posted last page
  5. Did a quick search didn't tur. Up anything to recent, so excuse this if it has been asked a lot. Is there any plans for a velocity sensor? I want to dump my LAS stage after going hypersonic on a resized system and would like a sensor for that. I don't always hit the velocity at the same altitude so the altimeter does quite meet my need. Thanks for making such a wonderfully simple to use mod!
  6. Is the resource hard coded? Asking for Real Fuels compatibility. Thanks! Can't wait for the full release
  7. Congrats on the release! Watch this mod like a hawk, but I be one of them there remote tech users and I would be just so sad to see my nicely placed sat system come crashing back into Kerbin . Thanks for making such a wonderful feature in such a simple package
  8. Thanks Nathan I appreciate the feedback I will go bug M4V then
  9. Well it seems to be the strangest incompatibility I have ever had. The mod Quickstart by Malah was the cause. Without that mod fast loading to the VAB the tweakable shows up. If I let the mod fast load to the VAB the tweakable never shows. Logs was entirely clean of errors so I don't have anything for you. Though with the cause found I should be able to avoid it. I will let malah know as well maybe something he can fix on his end.
  10. There seems to be a major issue with the RealFuels mod and RCS Build aid. Any tank without a basemass in its MFT node will after being saved and reloaded have the wrong wet mass reported from RCS Build aid. I haven't really found the correlation of the mass it reports. The issue lies with RCS Build aid. There are no errors in the log or anything like that just RCS build aid report wrong numbers. I hope this can be fixed as I wondered for so long why my perfectly balanced planed would have now suddenly have torque after being reloaded. Steps rep to repro. 1. Build a new craft. I used mk1 pod. 2. Attach any tank without a basemass in the MFT cfg file for the part 3. Open UI an add any fuel to the tank. Must be above 0L 4 Examine RCSBA reported masses in vessel mass window 5. Save and reload craft. 6. Repeat step 4. mech jeb and the engineer report get it right consistently just RCSBA getting strange numbers. Using latest releases of applicable mods.
  11. There seems to be a major issue with this mod and RCS build aid. Any tank without a basemass after being saved and reloaded will have the wrong wet mass reported from RCS build aid. I haven't really found the correlation of the mass it reports. I don't know whether this needs working on on RF's end or RCSBA's end, but I wanted to at least make it know. There are no errors in the log or anything like that just RCS build aid report wrong numbers. I hope this can be fixed as I wonder for so long why my perfectly balanced planed would have torque after beefing reloaded. Steps rep to repo. 1. Build a new craft. I used mk1 pod. 2. Attach any tank without a basemass 3. Open UI an add any fuel to the tank. Must be above 0L 4 Examine RCSBA reported masses in vessel mass window 5. Save and reload craft. 6. Repeat step 4. mech jeb and the engineer report get it right consistently just RCSBA getting strange numbers. Using latest releases of applicable mods.
  12. Where and how do I use the tweakable EVA part of the mod? I right click on kerbals and there isn't anything there so I am confused.
  13. I posted an issue on Github, but thought I'd post here too. RemoteTech desperately needs to add a forward RCS translation option to the flight computer. It is absolutely fundamental for RSS and real fuels in general now that ullage is a part of the plugin. Please make this a priority as it leave Realfuels with ullage unplayable. I love the mod so much thats why I ask. Thanks
  14. Here they are. Not perfectly tuned, but very playable. Feel free to redistribute them with credit in the RFStockaliike DL, and please any users if you improve any engine flare/plume placement please pass it on. This was only 1st pass on placement,and I got better as I got further in. It may have some configs for engines I have added not currently included in RFStockalike, but will cause no issues. I plan to keep updating, but will do it as I use engines instead of several hours each night for a week . Enjoy
  15. I am still getting the wrong orientation for the flat solar panel to receive energy using the latest dev version from github. I will say this solar panel texture, color and design is my favorite it looks beautiful amazing work !
  16. Is there a way to duplicate an attachment/Stack node? This is what i was going for. Create a duplicate top stack node for all engines that don't have one. Also can I parse the list of coordinates with MM so that i could change a single variable in the list? Thanks @PART [*]:HAS[~node_stack_top2[],@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]]:FOR[ZZZZ] { %node_stack_top2 = #$node_stack_top$ }
  17. Of course no rush from me I just wondered if nertea was open to using the Alcors props as they are very nice and very functional.
  18. Would you consider using Alcor prop pack to create the IVA? That has the best instruments and panels for IVA actual usage. That would really make the mk4 look amazing inside and out.
  19. same question. I had the larger of the 2 kax prop engines throttled down and when I tried to start it it said magnetos off.
  20. That is very wrong. :FOR[Foo] is for the mod Foo itself to use not outside mods they use :NEEDS[Foo] if you all are so bent on a pass name use :FOR[MK4]...
  21. Love this mod amazing work. I was just coming to ask about the map view for a rescale and here it is already being discussed. Thanks for the awesome mod!
  22. Because they are unrealistic even if they look "nice"
  23. Well i seem to have found a major issue with using realfuels with tweakscale. Using latest tweakscale, realfuels, MFI, and dev version of solverengines Windows 7 64bit KSP 1.0.4 32 bit outside program files folder Steps to reproduce. 1. create new craft in vab. I used mk1 inline cockpit 2. Place stock septron SRM on cockpit 3. Tweakscale to non default value 4. Save craft 5. Reload craft while still in editor 6. Select another septron SRM from build list and errors begin. Attach the septron to the cockpit. Try to open engine GUI. Mass log spam. Trying to launch results in more errors of a different nature. Logs! MM cache! Hope that helps!
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