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Everything posted by Shantaboy

  1. Spectacular work. I had totally forgotten that the original cupola was shaped that way. Are there any IVA plans for the new Freedom Cupola?
  2. That is a really good point. Thank you for breaking it down. I can definitely see the unified gameplay in your work. It has helped me as a player.
  3. I had the same problem, found the dark theme button by scrolling after reading this thread. The solution is working for me too, so far. Forum's not been loading right for me for the last few days.
  4. To provide feedback (sorry for the length): I think your visual fidelity is already top of the pyramid. I'm sure there are people who will greatly appreciate such a redo and I'm sure I'll enjoy it as well, but what really captivates me is the most variety of parts in a common enough visual style that they don't seem to clash when I mash everything together. You are the top of the KSP modding pyramid in every category. You made Restock, and you defined stockalike. Why not do a good enough patch on your cluster of mods (put them all at a common floor instead of creating a new ceiling for the community) and wrangle some other modders to round out some of the legacy mods to a similar polish in your art style. The Endurance mod for example: it seems abandoned and a new coat of paint and finished IVA would revive it permanently. JohnnyOThan has done something similar in adopting a lot of old mods and helping to unify the scattered IVAs made by modders over the last decade. That work has been transformative in expanding the diversity of how we play the game. I have nothing but respect and admiration for your work, your parts are essential downloads and your art style sets the standard for BDB, Tantares, and a whole host of others. I don't want to sound like I am dictating how your creative direction should go. I would just be remiss if I didn't mention the opportunity to bring together a lot of the scattered modding projects and build on a strong uniform art style that the community seems to have subconsciously settled on.
  5. Saw the new models on the roadmap, things of beauty can't wait to test them. Request though, can you include the Starship IVA before the DearMoon one as an option via Reviva?
  6. Any body tried fitting an emergency spare Crew Dragon into these fairings yet? It looks like it could hold two!
  7. Appreciate some love going into the Sidemount, always had soft spot for it. Any any thoughts on an optional heatshield/cone for the propulsion section of the Sidemount. Always loved the idea of reusing that bit.
  8. Finally refound this, best image I've found of the SSE intertank layout. Note at the bottom how there is an extension on the interstage tube to connect it to the docking port that links to the ODS. It also demonstrates ladder and grapple fixture placement on the ET and the orbiter. Lastly if you look very closely in the center, you can see the hatch connecting the "intertube" to the forward tank. It looks like the same hatch the orbiters used on the middeck IRL.
  9. Just saw the new release on Spacedock, Congratulations! Never thought I'd get to see Boldly Going parts in KSP. Dream come true, thank you.
  10. Oh yeah, and this amazing piece! My two cents: The intertank between the LOX and Hydrogen tanks fulfilling the "hab module" and "converter part" functions (to enable to the tanks to be used) would help a lot with builds that aren't based on the External Tank's Aft Cargo Carrier concept.
  11. Can't believe how long it has been since I checked this page. LOVE the work on the LOX Tank, a dream come true, gonna make a lot of people happy . In case it got lost in the shuffle, in addition to the LOX Tank there is a donut shaped tube in the intertank that is used as the common connection between the LOX Tank, the Enterprise Cabin, and the Docking Port on the ventral portion of the SS Enterprise station. The best images of it are the original patent that the station is modeled after. I'll enclose the link and the images below. https://patents.google.com/patent/US5350138A/en There aren't really any pictures of the interface between the LOX Tank and the Interstage Tube (or how it went into Enterprise for that matter) but I did find this image of the exterior dock on the ventral part of the station. https://www.deviantart.com/aedwardbaker/art/Transposition-870115624
  12. Any plans to replicate the Space Station Enterprise tank? https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/boldly-going-a-history-of-an-american-space-station.502152/page-2 https://patents.google.com/patent/US5350138A/en That interstage tube has been haunting my KSP dreams for a long time.
  13. Think it would be possible to ship the torpedo launchers as separate parts? It would help with making BDArmory configs for the old Sci-Fi photon torpedo and the old phasers.
  14. I ran into this problem a while ago, and I agree, having to redo a complex craft file from scratch sucks. So here's how I did it: I figured out where the KJ-10 was from using KerbalX. I then reverted the Benjee10 mod back to when that part was available via Github. Lastly I took the file and turned it into a JSGME mod. It fixed the compatibility issue. Post if you have further questions. I can also submit what I did to Benjee10 to implement for backwards compatibility if they are interested.
  15. Godsend, absolute godsend. Literally can't wait to try it out. And can't wait to make a Spacedock! http://www.astronautix.com/s/spacedock.html
  16. Don't be dissuaded, I built the station by running a Stockalike Station Tube through the bottom fuselage connected to a module in the cargo bay. The tube ran through a NF Launch Vehicles tank. Produced the same effect as Station Enterprise. There are plenty of workarounds, half the fun of the game is finding them.
  17. While I can't make it myself the key parts missing from Space Station Enterprise in KSP are: -A passthrough/docking port for the front of the S.O.C.K cockpit module (for the tube that connects Enterprise to the ET). -An IVA update with Reviva+FreeIVA compatibility that puts a hatch on the floor of the Orbiter Middeck toward the front of the fuselage -A set of tubes to replicate; A: The tube connecting Enterprise to ET; B: The Donut tube in the intertank with appropriate exits. Needs some IVA and external modeling). -An IVA for an ET Oxygen Tank part that uses the Wet Workshop mechanic from BDB. FreeIVA compatibility involves an opening to connect to the intertank -An ET LH Tank that has two modes: full of LH2, and Hangar + Padded Interior with FreeIVA compatibility that involves an opening to connect to the intertank. A simple script could prevent opening of the tank until it is drained. -Bonus points for: Custom padded RMS parts for the hangar, custom module for use in the hangar, a custom spacelab part for Enterprise Payload Bay, and custom solar arrays/parts to fit in the shuttle pallets from the Shuttle Payload Mod. I acknowledge I have spent far, far too much time thinking about this.
  18. I think the only challenge in fully replicating the assembly sequence is the lack of the Unpressurized Berthing Mechanism. The empty shell of the Habtech2 fuel module could probably work (albeit after some blender edits) with a tweakscaled robotic extender rod and tweakscaled docking port attached to htRobotics Shuttle RMS mount. You can tell I've spent way too much time thinking about this.
  19. Need any help curating your archive, I've found a lot of documents over the last few years but would love to see if there are any I've missed.
  20. @benjee10 can you provide an empty version of Freedom Fuel Pod. I've been trying with Blender over and over and can't figure out how to edit the model while preserving the texture on the structure. I need it to build Freedom the stupid way they originally planned to. See below for images. https://commons.erau.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3313&context=space-congress-proceedings
  21. That is incredible, I'm always blown away with what you've been able to do with this mod.
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