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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. 7 minutes ago, Drakenex said:

    First of all, BIG thanks for your hard work, using this mod I was able to recreate the whole Apollo program, including Mercury, Gemini and Skylab. Yes FASA covers most of the parts but I'm not a big fan of the photo-realistic style. Just install this pack plus Tantares (and recently Habtech) = best stockalike experience on KSP!

    Are you planing some Apollo stuff? I'm using KerbonTech Apollo capsule + Fasa SM + FASA LM + KW Rocketry for Saturn V and  Apollo CSM, also Real Scale Boosters for Saturn IB. Also some Apollo program probes, like Surveyor and lunar orbiter (I've used one of the antennas and the camera in this pack for LO) aaand ... I can be here all day hahaha! Sorry, because of the quality is easy to have wild dreams!

    Thanks again

    I'm glad you like it! But uh... We don't talk about A****o... 

  2. 1 hour ago, Starbuckminsterfullerton said:

    Most part-only mods keep working between versions, but they're often unbalanced because of changes to heat, aerodynamics, what have you. Since you've been playing it, did 1.1 do anything to merit changing part values? 

    No, I don't believe so. It's all... pretty much the same. Save some performance increases from the better physics handling of Unity 5.

  3. 1 hour ago, macintux said:


    I am indeed, in fact I tried both.

    I am using the 64 bit linux version.

    I love the mod otherwise, gives me the ability to make some of the more obscure American rockets most mod packs don't cover.

    I could have sworn we fixed that in the later dev updates... Is it just the booster fairing you've got trouble with?

    7 hours ago, helaeon said:

    Heads up: something about the 4/24 dev update on Git breaks all of the science experiments in the game. Throws an error about sciencedef does not exist.
    It's not the included DmagicAnimate folder (I'm using the one directly from DMagic's page). Reverting back to "MOL Beta" causes everything to work again.

    That's odd... I've got the latest version of DMA and one of the later dev releases (Not the latest one, I don't think...) and everything works fine. Is 4/24 the latest? @CobaltWolf could probably help you more.

  4. 1 hour ago, sp1989 said:

    Please please please don't misinterpret this because I have been a long time follower and I absolutely love and appreciate your work. However I saw this gif and I felt I needed to post it here because it not only represents the people waiting for you to get an official release for 1.1 but basically everyone else who wants to push their new found 64bit capabilities but have to wait for modders to update their mods. Please please please take your time and I know it will be worth the wait, but just know........

    Yeah, that did seem a little backhanded. You'll get your grubby greedy little mits on the 1.1 version when it's done. No sooner, no later. Perhaps you've never tried to model and texture before? It's time consuming and people have lives of their own. 

    Besides, I've been playing with the latest dev release and it already works fine on 1.1. Hell, the latest official release on SpaceDock works fine with 1.1.  

    @macintux Are you using the latest dev update from GitHub or are you using the latest official release on SpaceDock? 


    1 hour ago, Beale said:

    Does the payload or rocket have any reaction wheels or linear thrusters? I think I would recommend those due to all the aero problems.

    Also, the Soyuz fins that were just released are a good fit for the proton in 3x or 6x symmetry. 

    The payload and rocket both have reaction wheels. I'll try the fins. 

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