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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. 59 minutes ago, Creideiki said:

    This is the most wonderful pack I have ever used in KSP. Hell, it's unseated KW Rocketry from my "must have" list; because this has all of the parts I've wanted. I haven't had a chance to try out the newest version; right now I'm on the quickfix for 1.1 that was mentioned in the thread a while back, the most current version can be gotten via the GitHub, right?

    I can't decide if my favourite rocket is the Atlas D or Titan I. And I absolutely love the AVCO Mark IV re-entry vehicle for the Titan I and Atlas (well, it should be on an Atlas E or Atlas F, but Atlas D is close enough); when North Kerbin Dynamics updates to 1.1 I'll take a stab at seeing if I can make that AVCO Mark IV do it's originally intended job...

    I asked him if we could make actual warheads and he's really against the idea. :P

    I'm glad you like it! It's replaced a lot of my "must have" mods as well, which seems kinda well... self centred of me to say?


    I just testing this out. If you update CAL and Firespitter and BDArmory, North Kerbin Dynamics works fine in 1.1. Not sure about 1.1.2... I'm sure it won't get the same  results, but some things didn't break with 1.1.2! Maybe it still works.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Sgt.Shutesie said:

    I uhhhhh, won't go @CobaltWolf crazy, but can I get a list of those visual mods?

    I have literally the most basic setup. 

    And I'd like PlanetShine but it's broken in 1.1.2 last I checked.

  3. 4 hours ago, Jso said:

    I'm a little distracted at the moment - my new computer arrived. Haven't seen my jaw since it fell on the floor.

    Isn't it great? Welcome to the club, buddy. :cool:

    I tried to play without these visual mods, but there's something about stock Kerbin that drew me back. It of course doesn't run nearly as well, but a solid ~45 frames it totally tolerable if I get to use these and still get it. :)


    1 minute ago, CobaltWolf said:

    Your RAM.

    Yeah, in 64x, if you've got at least 8GB of RAM, you should be able to fit any mod you need or want into your install, but it'll still take forever to load.

    There is a limit, yeah, but you may never actually hit it. I have a lot of mods, and I've not had any memory problems. I run on a laptop with 6GB. :P

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