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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. 3 minutes ago, DECQ said:

    I'll check them again, when they interrupt worked well and I did not notice the problem ...

    Should I be using FAR? Try deploying the parachute less than 5km. I'll reinstall and try again in the morning... 

    Also I'd like to mention that the RO config doesn't resize the engines for Angara, and misses the RD-191 completely! 

  2. 5 minutes ago, DECQ said:

    If the rocket is turned at you every time then you something is not done so, the missile flies very well, parachutes have to open very early, as shown in the video.

    So what you're saying is that the parachutes are useless for abort procedures? I think maybe it was messed up somehow and it's issues slipped through the cracks during your testing. Shouldn't parachutes work at all altitudes? (Except maybe 3 feet from the ground...)

  3. 20 minutes ago, lrd.Helmet said:

    I just re-installed this pack. And I love it! It is insanely huge, but after looking through the manual and making some subassemblies, it is really amazing.

    I have just one request, would it be possible to give the parts their real life counterpart tags like tantares does? I think it would be really nice if I were to search for Atlas, I would get all the Muo parts for example.

    I'm glad you like it!

    It... should already be like that? Oh god @CobaltWolf did we do all that work for nothing?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Rory Yammomoto said:

    I think the new RL-10s need RealPlume Configs. with Realplume and Cryogenic Engines, the new extending RL-10 uses LiquidFuel (though Cryogenic Engines already has one, so this isn't much of a problem) with a stock plume, and the new non-extending one has no plume. 


    Also, a request: why not make an LR-87-LH2? (a LH2 variant of the titan first stage engines)

    There's no need to request RP configs, as they come out with the engine typically, no matter what, but I've been having issues with these new engines. Don't worry, you'll get it eventually.

    There's a single-chamber LR87 in the mod that runs off of Hydrolox, will that work for now?

  5. 1 hour ago, Rory Yammomoto said:

    thank you. should've read. Cannot wait for 10.7.


    (WOAH THAT WAS FAST. you have boosters on your fingers to make you type fast?)

    Instant email notifications on my phone, I don't particularly have much of a life (save I guess my gf being here right now) so I usually respond immediately if I have anything to respond with. :wink:

  6. 1 minute ago, Sgt.Shutesie said:

    I'm the only one doing X-20 in the BDB group as far as I know. I must decline the offer, as I am doing X-20 as my own, first, project for modding KSP. It's a nice model, but I'm happy with doing my own, thank you.

    It's good that you could make it in an hour, I can model X-20 in anywhere from 1-3 hours, depending on how much detail I put in.


    I mean, there can be two, right? 

    @hraban maybe I misread the post as I was just waking up. Are you just posting that you're doing it or are you actually offering the model to us? I'd love to see your rendition of X20 in Contares. :wink:

  7. Just now, ultraviolet150 said:

    I'm talking specifically for ProceduralFairings (the mod). Not for the stock 'procedural' fairings.

    Yeah, I know what you meant. I think it's linked in Jso's signature, actually. Look for one of his posts here on the thread. :P

    It's a small mod that adds all of the fairing bases from BDB as PF bases and adds a few custom textures for PF, and you can switch them via Firespitter. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, ultraviolet150 said:

    I must say, I've been using this pack and I have to congratulate all of you on an astounding job. I have a sort of strange suggestion/request; I love using procedural fairings, yet I fail to always get a matching texture. Would it be possible to create a Procedural Fairing texture for BDB parts?

    I thought we already had that..? @Jso?

  9. 50 minutes ago, Nnimrod said:

    What's this bit do?

    useThrustCurve = true
                key = 0.0  0.30
                key = 0.01 0.30
                key = 0.07 0.60
                key = 0.85 1.28
                key = 1.00 1.00

    It's thrust curves, mate. :P

    The SRBs will have different thrusts depending on how much fuel they've used, because the inside of the SRB is carved out like that.

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