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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. 4 hours ago, hraban said:

    Regarding the implementation of Soyuz 5 launcher is a problem which I would like to discuss.

    The best matching diameter for Soyuz 5 (alias RUS-M) would be 1.5m (original 3.06m). Would that be acceptable?
    What name should the Soyuz 5 obtained in KSP?

    The River Class (Angara) would stay with a diameter of 1.25m (original 2.9m).

    So mentioned in passing, all Contares launchers are created in 50% of the original dimensions. Only the diameter differs, in favor of KSP common dimensions.

    I know you're a fan of BDB so me and @CobaltWolf's opinions don't really matter to you, eh? You know we're both going to tell you to go for it. :P

    More 1.5m support for everyone! 

  2. Just now, hraban said:

    Could be possible, just not with the next release. It depends on the ToDo list.

    Also, you wanted suggestions so here goes: 

    You posted the Soyuz  5 first stage not too long ago. The Methane one? What ever happened to that? I'd love to see that.

    Another suggestion is Dnepr. I supposed to do one for BDB but it kinda seems like it would fit better here, as it's a Russian ICBM derived rocket. We only do American ICBM derived rockets in BDB. :P

  3. 5 hours ago, benjee10 said:


    Did that before i even posted. :wink:

    Really though, this thing goes super well with Nertea's cryo engines, as I'm sure you were shooting for. I used his J2x to make a pretty wicked Jupiter. Today I'm going to shoot for a space shuttle of some kind. 

    Also i noticed that the first stage of this before mentioned Jupiter that used 3 or your Hydrolox SSMEs and a few of your 5m orange tanks burned through all of its hydrogen with a noticeable fraction of oxidizer left. That's not supposed to happen, is it? 


  4. Since everyone is on the topic of launch towers, what about a Titan II GLV launch tower, even though I know you don't have a Titan II(Yet?) I can't recall exactly which LC number it is, but i know all of the Gemini flights were launched there. 


    Also, you should consider doing a KK pack for some stock-alike launch pads. I would download the hell out of that.


    Eh, it works. :P


  5. 4 hours ago, Incursore said:

    If it can help, I installed the mod with CKAN.

    We're on CKAN..? When did that happen? I've heard CKAN will sometimes have a stupid broken way of installing things that messes up configs. This issue you're having could very well not be our fault. :P

    And don't ever apologize for your English. It's not your fault that you don't know it perfectly, hell i don't speak any other language other than English so the fact that you can speak at least two is dope as hell. Rock on, man. :cool:

  6. 10 minutes ago, Starbuckminsterfullerton said:

    We already have Hermes, so how about Helios? 

    Keeps the Greek theme going, keeps the sun theme going. It's perfect!

    New OP looks fantastic BTW.

    Edit: 3.125m? Funky. Still a multiple of .625 though, so I guess it fits...

    Super Edit: Looks like I'm not the first one to the Helios punch. So uh, seconded? @VenomousRequiem I like Leto too.

    Yeah Leto and Helios are already used. 

  7. 1 hour ago, KnutG said:

    here is my full working version on his trip to the mun - made a year before in KSP

    It physically hurts to see you go straight up until 10KM

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