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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. 10 minutes ago, Incursore said:

    Nice mod here :) Just a question, I see that the antennas/dishes included into this mod aren't usable as normal antennas for science trasmission: Why? Are they usable only for things like AntennaRange and RemoteTech?

    I istalled the mod with CKAN.

    Completely uninstall it, install it manually, and see if it's still doing that. Until then, @akron, id just blame CKAN. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, ultraviolet150 said:

    I've been a KSP player for well over 3 years now, purchased the game 3 times and have used countless mods. I'm only deciding to use this mod now, (Must admit, I've stumbled upon it before - never used it till now) and I have to tell you its AMAZING! It's become my replacement to KW Rocketry as an add-on parts pack. I'd like to advise you to maybe add some pics of the parts to the front page, I think had I seen some pics and known what to expect, I think I (and many more people) would've ended up using this mod a lot sooner! 

    Thank you, thank you, thank you @CobaltWolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't forget about @Jso and the rest of the team. :wink:

    I swear there was pictures of all the parts in the OP before... Or am i thinking of another thread? 

  3. 5 minutes ago, hraban said:

    This is not a bug.

    It is on page one pointed out that RealPlume is a prerequisite.
    Contares does not own stock engine effects and the few
    remaining  will completely remove to version 1.8.

    So long and RTFM

    Some people can't run RP, Hraban. You should really consider keeping your engines compatible with stock FX. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Rory Yammomoto said:

    OK, @CobaltWolf, I retract my previous statement.

    The H-1s are outclassed in all ways by the muo's booster engines...except they are 500 kg lighter.

    In practice, my Atlas IV (a normal atlas with H-1Ds instad of the standard skirt engines) has all of the qualities of the normal atlas, but goes like stink and is very useful for rendezvous with a station.

    They're also early in development I think. Numbers are probably not final. :P

    1 minute ago, CobaltWolf said:

    It's getting fixed.

    But does it look right??

  5. 49 minutes ago, schneemannski said:

    No No... It isnt a stock part which is missing...when i try to load  the  the VAB says: bluedog.mercuryHeatshield is missing.


    I think it is missing because the mod dev has put the ablation into the command pod to reduce part count...


    But when the part isnt in the library anymore you cant load any vessel which had the BDB bluedog.mercuryHeatshield integrated.

    Yes we(probably not me, just Cobalt) decided it was best to just put the heatshields in the pods, but i believe they'll be separated soon. 


    Bluedog Design Bureau is not responsible for any broken crafts, emotional damages, or general game breaking failures. Have a nice day. :P

  6. 44 minutes ago, trooperMNG said:

    I agree. It flies wonderfully, still didn't tried with landing gear but I think is possible. Anyway, I had to Hyper-edit pinbol in orbit, because at least with Tantares launcher (as you showed in page 20) is impossible to fly: too top-heavy and the craft is uncontrollable.

    P.S. I would add a little more solid fuel and force to the abort system. It's a little weak (only a few meters from the launcher sitting at the pad) and burns for little time

    I just used the Soyuz 5 from Contares. Without the boosters even. I could tell mechjeb was struggling, yeah, but it's flew fine! 

    And i agree, the abort rockets need more thrust. It can't really get the spacecraft away too well. 

    Speaking of aborts, one of the tests i did was ejecting off of the rocket and then flying back and landing back on the runway. I don't know why but i felt super cool afterwords. 

  7. Only really managed to get a quick abort test, but it actually flies! Wow! No offence to @Beale but I think you might have actually executed it perfectly. :P

    And there's something about the style and colour of the interior... The colour really captures the soviet space program, you know what I mean? LIke it's about the colour seen inside of Mir and such. Very nice work.



    Ahhh this thing is so cool! I did a full flight test and everything works fantastic.

    Parachutes are for wimps. :P

    I figured it glides well enough for me to do it without one, and it landed fine.


    6 hours ago, hraban said:

    IVA? I do not like IVA!

    It's rainig and what comes in mind? Water ... river ... a euopean river (Dnepr) named a ukrain launcher. Well, to build launcher is much easier then #$%#§§+# IVA!

    Huzzah, now i don't have to do it. Looks good this far, man! 

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