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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. 1 minute ago, Daelkyr said:

    I plan on doing some testing of the LEM today after work. The question begged, is to use stock or K2Scale. With @CobaltWolf and @VenomousRequiem both stating on more than one occasion that BDB is stock-a-like but behaves most believably/historically in a x2ish scale, should we really be trying to balance the LEM with stock size or x2 that will set its flight profile to match the rest of the expectations?

    I use Harder Solar System x2 and it works great. :^)

  2. 14 minutes ago, Jso said:

    I don't know why he made the config like that. How much deltav do you guys think there should be? We need to accommodate all skill levels. I was going to start with 1200 for the decent and 950 on the ascent.

    I'm not really sweating the electricity on the decent module. You can always slap a fuel cell on it and make use of the unspent fuel.

    The battery power should last roughly 24 hours, right? Isn't that how the real one functioned? No fuel cell, just batteries. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Sgt.Shutesie said:

    The problem with that is that I don't think it was ever proposed. The S-IVb had the whole, make it a habitat thing, but I don't think S-IV ever had something planned for habitat space. Even for proposed S-IV based space station, the stage wasn't used as hab space.

    However, if you can find anything like that from real life, I'm sure it could be made.

    Where's the imagination in that? Why can't we make something like it ourselves, without IRL reference?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Abrecan said:

    Can I ask about the progress on the S-IC/S-II, S-II/S-IVB Interstages and the SLA?


    In all seriousness, Cobalt has been pretty busy lately. The Saturn V first two stages haven't been started yet, and the S-IVb I think needs a UV map and everything. The LEM has been kind of difficult because from what I've heard Maya is giving him problems. We're a little behind schedule, but you'll get it all soon enough. :P

  5. 20 minutes ago, Nukeproof said:

    I'm not sure if this has been discussed but the upper stage engine on the Ares doesn't feel powerful enough, im searching the config with slight results, would all I have to change be maxThrust = 1307 or minThrust = 0 ?

    EDIT: Also using the stock configs

    Yes, just change the max thrust to be higher. 

    It's actually already got significantly more thrust than it should have. The real Ares 1 second stage has a pretty low TWR, and if you wanted to be accurate I reckon it should only have like 400-600kN of thrust. Kind of like the Centaur's RL10 with the stock configs. It's got roughly 400(?)kN, which I believe is 4x more than the real RL10. I think the common Centaur on an Atlas V has a average TWR of around 0.2, which yes, is impossible to fly unless you know what you're doing. :P

  6. 8 minutes ago, [email protected] said:

    Hey guys, new to the forum, definitely not new to KSP. Just wanted to say, keep up the awesome work Araym! I've been lost since the days of the FASA mod Saturn V. Recreating the Mercury and Gemini missions with your models has been fantastic!I can't wait to see your updates and hopefully I can find a way to help in the future.

    Did... Did you just credit @Araym for the whole mod?

    I think you're missing a few of us. :P

  7. 5 minutes ago, Siege said:

    Just as a note... I can't seem to the the Dmagic magnetometer to attach to the RTG boom in such a way that it lines up with the struts that appear when I get it right on the attachment node: the only way I can get the struts to appear is by allowing the part to mount at a 90 deg. angle.

    Nothing I do will get it to rotate to match the point while remaining connected (or connectable) to the actual node, for some reason...

    I've always just used the rotate tool and it works just fine. :P

  8. 2 minutes ago, einstein72 said:

    Wonderful! Is this included with the mod, or is it a separate config file, or is it included in the RO download?

    It's included in RO. I'm pretty sure they were wrote with the previous update of the mod, so I don't think the Saturn engines are included, and it is just the engines.  If you want more, I'm going to go ahead and throw @Niemand303 under the bus. :P

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