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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. 3 minutes ago, davidy12 said:

    @VenomousRequiem: Just want to point out, I think the Juno is a bit under powered. When I try the Juno IVB 1st stage can't lift the rocket.

    @Jso is in charge of balance, not to throw him under the bus. :wink:

    I'm sure he's already looked at it, and it's just right. Have you forgotten the first rule of KSP? More boosters, friend.


  2. 1 hour ago, Jso said:

    I agree. A scientist should be able to reset the film cameras. No reason for a limit on digital. I logged it for CobaltWolf to look at when he gets back.

    Hey @VenomousRequiem the plume on the single chamber LR-87 isn't working. It's trying to use Hydrolox-Red but there's no such thing.

    It used to exist... I noticed they also removed Metholox, as I'm sure @hraban learned recently. :P

  3. 1 minute ago, Dodovogel said:

    Hi again

    I used the camera science experiments and I was surprised that they do not seem to be reset/cleanable using a scientist/science lab. Is this intended behavior?

    Yeah, those totally seem to something that is re-runnable. Which camera are you using? I feel like the film one shouldn't be as re-runnable than the others.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Dodovogel said:

    Ok here we go. KSP 64 bit on Windows 10. Unmodded KSP installation except Tantares 35 from Spacedock.

    Craft: MusXCL2.jpg

    Just launch it. At about 6 km the camera goes crazy.

    The thing is that from there on the problem persists with the craft even after reloads/restarts/quickloads/whatever and irrespective of situation (i.e. flying in atmosphere or in orbit).

    When I remove the RCS tanks or replace them with other tanks the problem does not occur.

    There's probably some kind of issue in the part cfg. We recent fixed this same issue with one of our antennas over at BDB, and it was cfg based. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, Ravenchant said:

    @CobaltWolf I just submitted the first pull request for a couple of command parts on Github, have 6 or 7 solids partially done as well. I'll try to finish configs for solid motors sometime this week :)

    Cobalt will be gone for a while, but I'll bet if you ask nicely @Jso could take over the Github administration for me while Cobalt is gone. :wink:

  6. 14 minutes ago, deskjetser said:

    Sorry to bother you, but im not sure where to post this...

    RSB seems to be broken on CKAN and returns a 404 error when trying to update. From my limited knowledge, it seems the problem is a space being used in the URL?


    Any help appreciated, as the same error is occurring when trying to update Tantares.

    CKAN thread, not here. 

  7. 28 minutes ago, Jso said:

    We fixed it once and it got accidentally reverted, so we fixed it again. The original issue was happening when smokescreen was installed but realplumes was not. That's fixed. I'm assuming what's happening now is something is borking things up and making it look like realplumes is installed when it's not. I need a log to see what it is. Then we either do a workaround or communicate with the responsible party. There also could be more than a single cause.

    Simply having Smokescreen but not Realplumes does not cause it.

    Someone get this man a log!

    Also, I took a screenshot for the OP whenever @CobaltWolf gets back...


    I like it because it really captures my PC struggling to stay above 30FPS. :P

    Notice the stuttering of the FX...

  8. 18 minutes ago, Jso said:

    I think it's happening when someone uninstalls RealPlumes via CKAN and something gets left behind. I can't be sure until someone produces a log.

    Edit: I just tried uninstalling RealPlumes through CKAN and it did just what it should have done. RealPlumes + Stock configs were completely removed, SmokeScreen was still there as it should have been since I did not tell it to uninstall that. Everything worked just fine, I got stock effects.

    It's possible it's not CKAN at all but some other mod using a FOR[RealPlumes] in a config. I need a log.

    Did you actually play before you uninstalled it? Sometimes mods will generate their own files for whatever reason, and those are left behind. CKAN doesn't touch files it didn't make. 

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