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Everything posted by Thomassino

  1. Gets Michael Stevens bobblehead Inserts Rockomax 64-jumbo...
  2. 232: First experiments with gunpowder-powered "rockets". Kerbals have set new max height record - 5000m. 233: A wheel has been remastered - round shape appeared to be better than square...
  3. Nuclear-powered VASIMR won't be tested in space anytime soon IMHO, because some people are not comfortable with putting nuclear devices into space (they can hardly stand RTGs).
  4. I think there won't be dual mission (two orbiters) because you know... NASA budget Even when I agree Uranus being next target for flagship mission, I still consider Titan as better target, especially its hydrocarbon lakes. - - - Updated - - - I think there won't be dual mission (two orbiters) because you know... NASA budget Even when I agree Uranus being next target for flagship mission, I still consider Titan as better target, especially its hydrocarbon lakes.
  5. I had an Ubuntu dual boot some time ago. It ran well, but performance was terrible (thanks AMD ). But if I was running it, I'd probably stop using it as soon as 1.1 hit the market. I couldn't get used to Ubuntu interface...
  6. I think what we need is MK3 plane cockpit (heavy lifter subsonic planes and replicas with space shuttle cockpit? Nah) and MK3 hypersonic cockpit for spaceplanes...
  7. Gets burnt from explosion. Inserts soda can...
  8. Sapphire 7750 HD here... gonna upgrade to R9 290 probably...
  9. Fullscreen on 1650x1050... I am considering to buy ultrawide 21:9 monitor
  10. So, do they "kerbinate" or "kibernate"?
  11. Yeeeah chemists like to cook heheee... baked beans obviously The person below me has a hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia ( phobia of long words)
  12. Black, large ant roars gargantuously hot inside everyone BDIFNEK
  13. Granted. But someboddy accidentally switched ham and burger so you have a piece of bread inside 2 pieces of meat... I wish I could build a space elevator from my garden
  14. I don't like when fuel tanks are clipping... i mean fuel is liquid, so is the oxidiser and that means you CANNOT compress them. But I think clipping, for example, ladders, batteries etc. into fuel tanks is ok. Reducing amount of fuel in the fuel tank just for the realism' sake after something is clipped seems like a good idea. I'll probably start using that.
  15. Another proof that KSP community is just awesome thanks
  16. Splattered across Munar surface... together with Bob and Bill
  17. Voyager went to Jupiter first, which gave it enough velocity to have an escape trajectory from the sun and have an encounter with Saturn. Gravity of Duna probably isn't sufficient to reach for example Jool's orbit. If you really want to do gravity assisted trip, you should make an encounter with Eve, Kerbin and repeat until you are on a good trajectory. Or try Outer Planets Mod. It would be awesome if you'd do in it
  18. Its expansion rate is accelerating. So either will it start to slow down or it will just expand forever. But don't be depressed! All the energy and matter will remain, it will just transform into new forms. Something ends, something begins...
  19. I am not home at the moment, so no KSP until september... god I am having abstinent syndromes
  20. I play mostly KSP. When I don't want to, I play mostly Witcher 2. I'd like to play some space sci-fi stuff but thanks to KSP, I'd probably yell at them because of their "physics"
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