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Everything posted by Rath

  1. Its hilarious how they were converted to gunships. Materials: Two rocket pods of anything. Even russian. Even mismatched. about 4 meters of wire. Grease pencil button. Duct tape. sandbag ballasts. Battery. Procedure: Duct tape on rocket pods. Run wire to button, battery and firing system of rockets. grease pencil an X on the canopy. hover under 1 foot off the ground too see what the weight is doing. Jimmy the rocket pods to a balancedish position. Use sandbags for any significant balancing. Streamline sandbags with more duct tape.
  2. yeah, I hate how with the swept wings and a standard early jet tail the COM/COL are so screwed up
  3. We can talk about othe planets geography too, I even made a post about Dunas empty riverbeds earlier
  4. But the weird thing would be that the main crater would have to be formed before the smaller ones.
  5. Perhaps a small asteroid broke apart in the lower atmosphere, resulting in clustering of craters?
  6. Thats weird that is a stupid amount of detail. Literally a collisionless layer.
  7. While it certainly doesn't have airfields... Or scalding hot volcanic sands... Or entrenched imperial Japanese... While, because kerbin the the default libnoise seed (Earth) turned backwards, it may actually be a weird variation of iwo jima. Or another island.
  8. I'd give it some sort of spaced armor too. Possibly several versions would be useful: One for heavy combat insertion (Spaced armour, added side protection for tracks with a line of plates shaped like this:/_, Possibly a howitzer) The current one for dangerous area transport (Mined roads ect). A light one, possibly half-track, lacking heavy weaponry and armor (Strip it down to a frame, but replace the top plates with racks for foliage).
  9. This is definitely extra evidence. If you look at how krakota blew up, later it developed a new small volcano on top of it. In the fifth picture a small raised section with a depression is visible. This would most definitely qualify as a supervolcano.
  10. The reason we stick nosecones on rapiers is because the free node is draggy. Free nodes are always draggy.
  11. Is this possibly the orginal crater? http://imgur.com/Ds4hPrc One this large would support the blow-apart theory
  12. it's probably caused by the same thing that causes Canada to be shaped like that. #longlivethethread
  13. If you read the PB-NUK description, it says "not to be used for heating during emerengcy rover expiditions". Pls halp, phone editor.
  14. And most countries that have sent people to space make their own (Buy now for 10% off. Terms and conditions may apply). I like Kerbonaut because at least in a few of my headcanons, Kerbin is united, and then we get this, removing national indenties. and if kerbin is not united, I have diffrent versions per country. I have too much time to think about KSP but not enough time to play. Chinese class does that.
  15. I think the OP is talking about the dumb "stowed" mechanic that just limits. (Yay Bias on my part)
  16. I wasn't being hostile up there, just joking around.
  17. Kasper, How could you do this to me? You have a motorbike? That, that means, your cooler than me...
  18. You do realise that you are on the internet. Specifically the part where the lights in our bedrooms burned out three months ago, but we supply light with our computers with KSP open and loaded, Just so we don't have to wait ~1min when we have an idea at 3AM. Where we attempt to catorgitize the spectral characteristics of fictional stars that are nothing but a pretty backdrop probably made by an intern in photoshop, where we study the geology of fake planet made from turning a random noise generators source code backwards. Where we build walking mechs and puppies in a spaceship game. The Point has nothing to do with it... (Dun dun duuuunnn) On topic now Yeah that is true. although I have been interplanetary, if is a bit of a pain to figure out how to do a homman transfer. A lot of the reason I have not gone past duna and eve is that I basically play a more fun career with self limitations in sandbox, where I must run an entire program consisting of at least twelve missions.
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