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Everything posted by Rath

  1. KSP deds have stuck around longer than most. They should have been leaving around 1.0 (or something, .90 devnotes still feel like yesterday to me) if they had average values. And I think that at least one of the leaving devs said they come back when SQUAD makes a new game.
  2. Everybody note that they also hide sales figures because they don't want to be known as rich in Mexico city.
  3. Rath

    This would suck

    Maybe he just got gouged by EA and Is salty?
  4. It would be really funny if they all still counted as part of the tracking station building, just offset and rotated to be in the correct positions.
  5. I know this likely will not happen, but I want it to. Separate Jet Engines and Nozzles: This would change jet engine from being a two part system (Nozzle, Intake), to a Three part system. To get a jet nozzle to function you would need an intake, engine/turbine (significantly smaller than the exhaust, but not fully one size smaller. Still stays under 1.25m category if it fits a 1.25m exhaust for example) and a nozzle. Intakes: The intake mainly governs the way air is taken into the engine. The same as now, with two new parts, and separating of the Goliath into intake, bypass fan and the 1.25m low speed turbine and a goliath nozzle. Add-ons: These are not required for the functioning of the engine, but help it do something or have a special effect. These are mounted on a few different places in the engine. E.G. Pre-coolers for increasing hypersonic performance by cooling down intake air, High bypass intake attachments for massive efficiency boosts, or afterburners as a ASAS-thickness toggleable thrust booster. Turbine: This mainly governs the thrust, Altitude and efficiency of the engine jointly with the exhaust. These parts fit within special mounting parts, similar to the structural fuselage, but with thicker walls and they contain liquid fuel. The engine nacelle becomes one of these parts. 2.5m version, 1.25m version and 2.5m and 1.25m engine nacelle. There would be at least four parts for 1.25m, one low speed turbine (Wheesley), one middling one (Panther) and one hypersonic one (Whiplash), and one convertible to rocket one, that only works with the matching exhaust to fully function, but can rocket augment the other nozzles (RAPIER), basically a super powered afterburner that runs on oxidizer, but doesnt work without air. Exhaust: Governs the Speed curve and, jointly with the turbine, the ISP. These would use the current models we have now. There would be four versions, corresponding with the turbines. When set with the matching turbine, they produce the current values. Possible Combination examples for 1.25m: Turbine Exhaust Result Wheesley Wheesley Normal Wheesley Wheesley Panther low altitude-medium speed Wheesley Whiplash low altitude-high speed Wheesley RAPIER low altitude- high speed, with rocket agumentation. Panther Wheesley medium altitude-low speed Panther Panther Normal Panther Panther Whiplash medium altitude-high speed Panther RAPIER medium altitude, high speed with rocket agumentation Whiplash Wheesley high altitude, low speed (This combination is what made me want to make this) Whiplash Panther high altitude, medium speed Whiplash Whiplash Normal Whiplash Whiplash RAPIER normal whiplash with rocket agumetnation RAPIER Wheesley a heavier whiplash-wheesley RAPIER Panther a heavier whiplash-panther RAPIER Whiplash a heavier normal whiplash RAPIER RAPIER Normal RAPIER
  6. A big dump all over you pretty thread http://imgur.com/a/0cB5a A big dump all over you pretty thread http://imgur.com/a/0cB5a A big dump all over you pretty thread http://imgur.com/a/0cB5a A big dump all over you pretty thread http://imgur.com/a/0cB5a What the h#!! Why did it post four times. I'm just going to leave it here and call it art or something What the h#!! Why did it post four times. I'm just going to leave it here and call it art or something
  7. Do you have any Idea how happy I am that you didn't call this the kerbal Kharter Khallenge.
  8. I might attempt this with a Cessna 152 or bananza lookalike. Or maybe a epic turboprop: https://www.google.com.hk/search?q=epic+aircraft&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNotjcxo3PAhXFnJQKHYnSCOoQ_AUICCgB&biw=1280&bih=655#imgrc=XZmVxqW6OelVDM%3A (This is the actual plane I flew once. I recognize the tail number, but theres only something like 27 in the world so its not that difficult to find one)
  9. The craft I was planning on using probably doesn't work anyways. Its from like 1.01 or whenever they had nearly nonexistent drag even a sealevel.
  10. Thats what I meant by suborbital: Exiting the atmo. I wanna do a ballistic hop with a fancy plane. Not cost efficient at all, but cool.
  11. Could I be allowed to do a suborbital hop if I can get up there with only jets?
  12. There are too many of the old wing boards (yes, they are boards) in this thread. They look more like that pattern you see in cellulose or the bottom of celery in a line than wings. eew.
  13. Can I record and play at the same time across two or more loaded vessels? If so, you may have the best formation flight system ever.
  14. Once you build a radial decoupler string, decouple it all at once while its in the air. Please.
  15. If it feels like cheating, it probably was intended to be cheating.
  16. If something feels like cheating, it probably is. Or is meant to be.
  17. I think that they just have large band photosynthesis so stellar radiation is tasty, not terrifying.
  18. I never use the 2.5m parts. Not only are the engines kinda ugly, the tanks are the worst thing in KSP history besides the original .07 stuff. The main 2.5m part I use is the big orange, cause it can be symmetrically clipped for cool 3.75m parts.
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