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Everything posted by Rath

  1. Those fins drive the COL forwards. You need to have larger ones at the top. put them on decouplers so it can launch
  2. When lifting surfaces are rotated to a direction other than forwards, they shift the COL massively. This is useful to get balance on janky-COM planes, but it screws you up otherwisel
  3. He wants to stop the billions of years old thermonuclear furnace we call Kerbol from melting his ship.
  4. How complex is the fuel duct system? One tank may be draining after another runs out of fuel, but not the other ones placed in symmetry with it. Did you try and do asparagus staging?
  5. When a ECM countermeasure system was added to the Tu-95 that would stop it being detected aprox til 20km out, but they removed it cause it was heard by radar crews 30km out...
  6. What will happen soon (This is an actual story involving my moms old guidance counsellor, who happens to run EEA chapter 1158 in west bend, WI): The fuel boy forgot to put back on the fuel cap on his Cessna 172, so when he was flying back, he noticed a weird brownish streak on his wing and a slight roll problem he had instinctively corrected with trim hours before, and once he glanced at the fuel gauge half of his tanks were empty and he had to land in Alabama, of all places. in a storm.
  7. Noob is somebody who asks for help getting to orbit, and when I say dude, you need fins on the bottom, he/she says, STOP FLAMING!!!1111!!!!ONE11!!! in all caps. a newb is a new player who actually wants to learn. Although the OP did use it incorrectly noob is for someone who deserves a derogatory term.
  8. KSP is a game where you can do what you want. Me playing BDarmory does not effect you in any way. Weapons will never be in stock. I support that. Its still fine to play with them. And no, that quote is not sarcastic. You are assuming something wrong.
  9. Wouldn't KAX radials be much more similar to the IRL one? I am sure b-29s did not use turboprops.
  10. Back when I played with mechjeb, anything I had was always a 200km. It got bad. I had like 50 rockets explode and scatter debris everywhere. Both prograde and retrograde. back in .90 I had a chunk of a double orange mainsail booster take out nothing but the core of my semitrical station and a hab with a one random fin on the side. it was only like 100m/s though.
  11. too much this The weirdest thing for me was when I got pegged by a empty double orange booster right in the middle of my semetrical station, and only the core module was destroyed. my station got hit by like 2000 m/s debris and survived. A fracking huge double orange. I could see the outlines of where the fins hit.
  12. They were ground tested. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NERVA
  13. So much this. Guys... I think I need an intervention.
  14. correlation≠causation. Does anyone honestly belive that janky landing gear is a major reason for KSP's success? Also, if you are flying up at 5m/s vertical if you tap s, that is a problem with one of two things: Plane design or control sensitivity.
  15. 20hr. Luckily my computer is powerful enough to run multiple instances of KSP at once. That was for my super low orbit solar observer. I tries using the same craft to do the xkcd olberth kepler, but tylo ate it...
  16. Shouldn't it be 40% weaker? Or am I stupid?
  17. Also, if you limit the juno to 65% thrust, it has equal thrust to the lowest estimates of the Heinkel HES-011 (~10.5kn.) Max estimates, acording to wikipedia, is 12.01
  18. It used to be the 48-7s. You could get off eve with 1.25m parts using clusters of four. And then balancing happened.
  19. Neither wins. microoffsetting fixes it.
  20. Its hilarious how they were converted to gunships. Materials: Two rocket pods of anything. Even russian. Even mismatched. about 4 meters of wire. Grease pencil button. Duct tape. sandbag ballasts. Battery. Procedure: Duct tape on rocket pods. Run wire to button, battery and firing system of rockets. grease pencil an X on the canopy. hover under 1 foot off the ground too see what the weight is doing. Jimmy the rocket pods to a balancedish position. Use sandbags for any significant balancing. Streamline sandbags with more duct tape.
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