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Everything posted by Rath

  1. So I'm sitting in science class, and my hungover teacher doesn't have a lesson plan, so here comes story time! basically, at the first school he worked at, two kids decided to break into the science lab for fun. So when they leave, they keep a memento, a big hunk of potassium. There sitting at home, and then they see the cops coming down the street. "Oh $***, better hide the evidence. So they try to flush the potassium down the toilet. The entire house was leveled, and they both died.
  2. I'm wondering if I had a ship going at escape velocity through a planets SOI, would it be possible to thrust downwards (towards the planet), and give gravity some help. or, could I have engines pointing towards the planet that are always on, but to stop my ship from entering a ballistic drop, I am also accelerating forwards, keeping my alt and inclination, but going speed?
  3. Would it be possible to use engines pointing downwards and constantly thrusting to orbit a planet faster than escape velocity? i ask, because science.
  4. Let me ask why you need to swap which plane has fuel right outside the KSC, between two copies of the plane.
  5. How about casaba-howitzer. (Not an actual howitzer, just the code name of a still 98% classified project): http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/spacegunconvent.php (Scroll down to "nuclear shaped charges")
  6. I think Lack's stock estionsion has a SU-27 cockpit. The WW2 armory mod has a few antenna. If someone could take the nose pointy bit of the SAS abilities cone thing (The one that used to be for science) and turn it into a few instruments, I would love you forever.
  7. Empty fuel tanks explode IRL if they are still sealed. A fact learned by my classmate who decided he should do rifle target practice using a empty propane canister.
  8. There are already the procedural NKO's, the reason we can still talk about them is because they dont have their own textures or anything. If it's the same with large asteroids it would be ok.
  9. eh, it can be kinda annoying if its in a tutorial or something, but its fine.
  10. Nope, you want the col just inside the com usually. The advice above is true for before the old aero, and usually sorta works. 1: Yep, not enough pitch authority. Just take a pair of the elevons, turn off roll and shove them on the back. 2:It looks like you might have a quadricycle setup on the first plane. Don't do that. Change your plane to have a single gear in the front and two on the back. The control inversion may be because of a bug in the way that the game recognizes the way that control surfaces should act. if the root part is in front of the COM, but the pitch control is behind, it will think that its in front, not behind. What you could do is add a tail and disable pitch on those control surfaces.
  11. Wait, that seems weird. I always thought that it was 25km for despawn and 2.5km for load.
  12. I just wanna hop on a comet that comes around near kerbin and ride it out to eeloo. I don't care that it's probably inefficient, it just sounds really cool. How would a 50km part interact with the physics bubble? with it all being outside?
  13. The dres thing is not so much from the devs, so I guess it's diffrent. It's not a change that's being argued about. Oh, I just got reminded. The Barn (Redo textures pls, but good idea) and .90 too soon.
  14. For me it's probably the Mk3 looking like train parts. I wonder if there were earlier ones? I started lurking on the forum in .25.
  15. That was fun. Almost as much as the changing the ROUND-8 to xenon thing.
  16. oh yes, using canards for ailerons can get weird performance.
  17. I wanna see how people got confrontational about a thread discussing batteries. I don't even know.
  18. turn a mk2 cargo bay sideways, stick the stubby mk2-mk1 adaper on the front, and the long gone on the back, and viola! you have a blister that can contain extended antennas! (I think cargo bays can)
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