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Everything posted by Rath

  1. Class F and G asteroids please, just so we have another obscenely hard thing to do. Grappling hooks would be cool to.
  2. Granted, but law collapses and you get shot by looters. I wish I had friends.
  3. Young and aspiring for me. Studying at a international (CDNIS)school in Hong Kong. Hating it in a culture that loves science and invented gunpowder and the first rockers, yet everyone says aerospace engineers make no money. I'm pretty sure that is just their coverall way to discourage kids from doing something they couldn't to maintain their own self-image, because a third of my science teachers don't know what aerospace means. - - - Updated - - - I find it funny how the magic price of paper that lets you succeed in life is called a BS.
  4. Lived longer than my dog(14yr) or my other cat(3yrs ran over On a road with roadblocks on both sides somehow)Really hard to say anything through a text-based medium without sounding like your aunt.
  5. You can have your public domain, I will have SQUAD not getting bought out and the developers staying employed.
  6. I saw the MK3 chine with the door in it and thought "What if there were chine crew parts?"
  7. like having a really small gear base. On my K-27 rocket interceptor I solved this by landing upon a pair of single wheels qmg having landing legs to act a stabilizers on the side of the wings when it tilted a low speed.
  8. Not sure A380s use SR-71 egines, but it looks cool
  9. I suggest having 1.2 be nothing but optimisation, remodels and preattyness.
  10. ITS OUT WOOT!!!!! I have been stalking your mod for forever now.
  11. Change the name of the KSA to KSP and hide all evidence of the old name and the clauses in the insurance papers that say the coverage can be revoked because of 'terrorism'. Then call it an 'Unprovoked attack'
  12. Random report trollers? #OnTopicNow Only new thing could be a selling mechanic of some sort
  13. Remember to use aircraft wheels that cannot pop because KSP wheels popping is based on surface velocity.
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