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Everything posted by BlackHat

  1. Hmm I occasionally get the game unresponsive to key strokes for 5-10 seconds (Frustrating if it comes when your getting ready to do a burn at a node) and will have to try this modified [X]Science.dll to see if it goes away. I never knew what the cause of the unresponsiveness was and was not annoyed enough to bother trying to solve it.
  2. Would be nice if they could also incorporate those abilities into the new stock BBT too. I do like the stage dV bar.
  3. My CKAN is set to only install 1.4.5 mods. (NOTHING checked in the Compatible KSP versions settings. Thus it defaults to the installed Game version) This will only install mods that are marked as 1.4.5 compatible or set up as compatible max version of 1.4.9. or any. (Currently 568 mods) Selecting 1.4 in Settings to allow All 1.4 mods, enables 846 mods. This allows all mods that are only 1.4.0 or 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 or 1.4.3 or 1.4.4 compatible to be installed. But some authors have not updated their mods and some of these are NOT compatible with 1.4.5 yet. (although quite a few are). But me personally I don't want to allow CKAN to install them until I have Confirmed on the forums that they are compatible. So when I want to install a mod and I see in CKAN that it (or one of its dependencies) is only 1.4.2 compatible (like Scatterer) and I want to install it because it is a dependency for another mod (Like SVE which I use) I go on the forum and Confirm that the 1.4.2 mod, Does work in 1.4.5. Then I set CKAN to temporarily allow 1.4.2 mods to be installed. Install the mod I wanted (Like SVE) and it will install Scatterer also, since it is a dependency. Then I return Compatible versions back to its default setting of only installing mods that are marked as compatible with the installed KSP version.
  4. Yes, it is currently Incompatible through CKAN because one of its dependencies (Scatterer) is only listed as compatible with 1.4.2. BUT, Scatterer does appear to work fine in 1.4.5. SO if you tell go to CKAN Settings tab and temporarily set CKAN to allow 1.4.2 mods to be compatible, CKAN will allow AVP to be installed. After its installed, uncheck 1.4.2 from the compatible versions.
  5. Thats exactly what it does... It will only kick in if your going to enter the atmosphere, and drag will cause you to land (i.e. sub-orbital) it will show your estimated trajectory and probable landing spot. Now maybe you talking about, if your going to only do an Aero-Brake around a planet. You Don't want it to kick in? But that is also part of its purpose. It will show you the projected new orbit after you aero-brake. If it did not kick in in this instance, you would have no idea if your aero-brake altitude was to deep (and thus you crash) or to shallow (and thus you wont be captured into an orbit).
  6. I have been using SVE on my Laptop... (Its not quite a potato, maybe call it a pumpkin or watermelon) Hmm I just realized its a 6 year old laptop. In any case, I like playing with OPM too. But with SVE my game clock consistently flickers between Green and yellow. (mostly yellow) Previously I never used any of the VE mods, but having tried SVE I find I want to keep the visuals. I wondered if you (or anyone else) have created the files/configs to include OPM? EDIT: after Googling I found an old thread, I will have to do some checking to see if its still working.
  7. Check icons to the Right of "Fuel Systems" Icon. (Icon looks like Gas pump nozzle) Should be in #3 "High Performance Fuels Systems" (looks like Gas Truck), or #4 "Specialized Fuel Storage" (Looks like Geodesic Sphere).
  8. My comment was in response to Weavetoucher reply to weregamer problem. @weregamer is the one that whould do this.
  9. Well the toolbar Icon should still react to mouse clicks to open/close the Available Experiments list. even if the Available Science location has already passed.
  10. Are you using RealFuels mod? ARP is looking for RealFuels icons in the RealFuels mod folder. (They should be found) Maybe you had Realfuels installed before but removed it? Maybe ARP thinks its still installed and is still looking for the icons. The other possiblilities is you have CommunityResourcePack mod installed. I know it has a config file (CommonResources.cfg) that points to All the possible ARP icons from various mods.
  11. Quick question, I recently installed this mod on my current game (1.4.5 career) and launched Jeb to do a landing on Mun in a Mk1 command pod for a plant a flag mission. About halfway to the mun, I noticed I had a rendezvous mission around the mun, so launched a second Mk1 command pod ship, and timed it to do a close approach encounter when it entered orbit. OOPS Then I notice that Jeb was in low health. (40% already? I forget the exact amount.) The chart was saying both crews were losing 8-9 points of health per (hour?/day?) Jeb was Not going to be able to land Or wait for the rendezvous, I immediately sent him on a return to kerbin, he fell below 20% and went tourist, and his ship with out control tumbled to Kerbin and crashed. (I think I could not even do staging if I remember correctly) Hmm even if it WAS 9/day, that gives you 8-9 Kerbin days to do a Mun landing, which should be more than enough time. Did I get something wrong? Or are you just not supposed to be using a Mk1 pod only for Mun missions. (Cramped & Lonely penalties). This occurred a week or so ago, been to busy dodging Hurricane Florence to get back on KSP to try again or ask about it here.
  12. Hmm, maybe an updated OP? with a list of the parts left and fix the imager album links? (All I see are blank images)
  13. This is not a Fortune 500 Company. So Comic Sans is allowed.
  14. So if I launch, it starts tracking my orbits around Kerbin, until I leave Kerbin SOI. So I enter the SOI of the Mun, does it start tracking orbits of the Mun? Or I Leave Kerbin SOI and enter the Sun's SOI (I am heading for Eve) will it start tracking Solar Orbits? From the OP it appears that it ONLY tracks Kerbin Orbits? If it DOES work in all SOIs, Does it keep track of all orbits? So if I Launch, Orbit Kerbin 50 times enter Mun SOI, and orbit Mun 30 times, return to Kerbin SOI and orbit Kerbin 20 times, what will the counter show? 20 orbits? 70 orbits? 100 orbits? Kerbin 70 orbits, Mun 30 orbits?
  15. I like the Ranges charts someone made in another thread. (I use the 2nd one for OPM) Kerigain's has a later post has a clear explanation how to use it.
  16. Looks very interesting.... Quick question. re: "Kerbals who discover an anomaly can now gain a free quirk" Does this apply to Just the first Kerbal(s) who discovers it? or do all Kerbals who visits the same Anomaly in later missions get a chance? [EDIT]: in reading the quirks wiki, it appears that Only 1 Kerbal in the initial discovery mission might get a quirk. Installing. Ok looking at the quirks wiki, I wonder how much of the info is available in game. Adding a page to the Kerpedia in game might be helpful. I did not spot a kerpedia file in a quick review of the file contents
  17. ie. he wants and option to tell (X)Science to indicate an experiment is complete if he as researched to x% instead of 100% so it can be hidden when you select hide completed science.
  18. The First post has links to 3 threads of people who have created Custom Ribbon Packs. (3 different authors) Also CKAN has 18 ribbon packs (From the 2nd and 3rd ribbon pack links on the first post. The first Author "Araym" Ribbon packs are not on CKAN.) As a reminder, FF will not assign Ribbons from these packs. You have to manually add them to the kerbals in FF. (ie they are Role Playing Ribbons)
  19. It was made for 1.3.1, but it is a simple mod would probably work in 1.4.5 unless there has been any changes in the Kopernicus code in the cfg files. Just install with CKAN, or download the file in the OP and unzip it and drop the "BiomeCorrections" sub folder in your KSP/GameData folder. Would need to ping Rodger to see if there have been updates, or if the mod is even needed anymore.
  20. Hmm I believe the direction of spin will depend on if its above or below the Equator. Northern Hemisphere storms (Typhoons, Cyclones, Hurricanes, etc) will spin Counterclockwise. Southern Hemisphere storms spin Clockwise.
  21. Open FF window in game. Bottom Right side above the "About" button is a "Config" button. Press it, the next to the last option is "Always use direct texture load (Requires Restart)"
  22. I just double checked mine and I DO have the SpaceTuxIndustries folder. It sounds like you dont have the mod installed right and have somehow lost that folder, i.e. instead of GameData\SpaceTuxIndustries\RecycledParts you have GameData\RecycledParts or have that folder inside another so the path is incorrect. i.e. GameData\GameData\SpaceTuxIndustries\RecycledParts (I dont have the Ram jet Mk 10 part of the mod in my install so cant comment about any typos in it. )
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