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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. www.carbibles.com www.jalopnik.com The first is educational, talks a lot on in depth automotive science, history and design. Useful if you want to know what makes your engine tick. The second is ridiculously funny auto journalism.
  2. Micro Shuttle! http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/X-3-Micro-Shuttle-Prototype
  3. X-3 Micro Shuttle! Rocket-launched, horizontal recovery 3 passenger training spaceplane. <30 parts stock for this experimental suborbital configuration. Useful for early career atmospheric survey contracts. Landing gear not included in this version meant for the early tech tree! Download at KerbalX http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/X-3-Micro-Shuttle-Prototype
  4. I'll love to add this to my 1.2 career when it's updated. @AlphaAsh Also pleasantly surprised to see my for fun Kerbalwagen review of Kampus still on the front page!
  5. OMG. Is this a weekend KSP dream come true? *installs right away*
  6. I was searching high and low for this mod - Astronaut Complex Overhaul was one of my top favorites when I last played last year Looking forward to adding it to my 1.2 career.
  7. I've been working hard on getting back to orbit and beyond. While I get something ready for sharing, how about a little montage of 1.2 career craft
  8. Hi! I'm so far out of touch in KSP that I can't remember a certain mod I had in 1.0.x. This mod allowed me to train astronauts to certain levels and careers. Level 0 astronauts would be cheaper than higher levels, and each level IIRC had certain skills that were trainable or learnable as well. Help me remember what was it or let me know if there's a 1.2 equivalent. I'll really appreciate it
  9. Omg this was one of my pre-haitus craft projects. I might re-create in 1.2 for extra cheesiness. I no longer have the originals and they will be reimagined with salt and pepper to taste.
  10. The space sheep flag is personal flag I made last year and request that it not be included into any pack without permission.
  11. R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 (Semyorka) You now have an idea of what my career craft are inspired by Landers are LK- series, probes are Venera series and test articles that end up being abandoned in space are Cosmos series! This is a very functional naming system - I can have vehicle stacks sorted by launcher and tell which design has more deltaV at a glance. I also have a P.O.S. series of primitive orbital stations (stock parts...) Would you pick an R-2/LK-0 or R-10/POS-1 for a deep space expedition?
  12. I use BACC SRBs as the first stage of small sats and manned orbital capsules. Each time I spawn in a BACC stack it gets thrown on its side. It would be funny to watch the dancing rockets but for the no revert option... No issue with that design on the level 1 pad.
  13. I like the different ideas here all aligned to individual preferences of gameplay and realism. I just installed 1.2 and immediately started off with adjusting Hard mode with: - 80 percent science and funding - plasma blackout and g/pressure limits on - no revert or reload - partial probe control on no signal - reentry heating 110% I didn't notice revert was disabled until it was too late, Valentina and Jeb both died, the latter accidental because he snuck aboard an unmanned sub orbital capsule test that was not meant to be recoverable, the former because I was too rusty being away for a year. I hastily enforced a strict regimen of simplistic design and unmanned testing, helped along by the Sounding Rockets mod. By the time I went for orbital flights, every rocket design flew automatic gravity turns with no control input after ignition, and return probes likewise have enough passive stability to handle themselves on limited probe control. Also, along with the "no control" theme I used SRBs for first stages. It's all fun and games until the uncontrolled stack with no abort mechanism starts flying horizontally at Mach 2 just under the cloud level... I have lost up to half a dozen rockets due to user error, keyboard failing mid flight (loose usb plug), and not knowing the Level 2 launch pad will absolutely destroy spawning without a gantry. No refunds.
  14. I took a year's haitus and just installed 1.2, and did a day of mod shopping. What a blast - KSP feels like a brand new game and I had to re-learn everything. This thread will be a craft share dump as I rebuild my fleet of wacky contraptions from scratch, starting from this light passenger plane I used to do contracts and pilot training with: PC-1 Messenger Type: Twin Turboprop Light Passenger Aircraft Performance: Top level speed 100m/s, service ceiling 6,000m Very low fuel consumption, 6 units of fuel per hour Features: Easy to fly, optimized for rough field ops Seats 1 pilot and 2 passengers Service Bay, Materials Lab Part Count: 29 Mods: Mk.2 Expansion Tweakscale Download: Craft File hosted at KerbalX
  15. Awesome! I like simple and elegant solutions to life's problems - and sometimes a refuel button is much easier than having several 'hundreds of parts' vehicles cluttering up the KSC. Since Kerbinside hasn't been updated to 1.2 yet I am going to install this via CKAN right meow. The lack of fuel prices is not a deal breaker for me - how much does a space program earn and how much is fuel cost anyway? Not much... powerful boosters are cheap once the big initial RnD cost is paid to "mass produce" them. As for "disgusting" people just ignore them - in every single community I see people with like, less than 5 posts just registering to pass unsolicited judgment on people. I would be concerned for their mental health really - they're on such a hair trigger! (NOT that I care) Ps. Love persistent rotation too. Fun cinematics can be made from them.
  16. I actually found my old 'space sheep' flag. I shall be planting it on the mun soon!
  17. Thanks so much! After getting the hang of lofting small payloads into orbit it's time to launch faux Sputniks (Stayputnik?) to get a rudimentary communications network in place. Also getting into my element making funny things. 1950s cruise missile / recon drone anyone? Another mod finding request: There used to be a mod that showed a lot of additional stats when you right clicked a part - drag, temperature, lift factor, etc etc. I tried doing a forum search and got a Critical Temperature Gauge. Would you know of a mod that shows even more per-part stats?
  18. Great mod! I was looking for another mod that also displayed things like part drag and lift in addition to temperature. Do you know of any? I used to have one last year, but am not able to recall the name.
  19. I loved sounding rockets last year and love it even more coming back to KSP in 1.2 and starting off with 3 and 4 stage sounding rockets that go to the edge of space Edit: I wonder if its possible to not auto-jettison the sounding rocket boosters - this actually flies really well!
  20. Cool! After 2 hours of using CKAN to shop for my favorite usual mods (only to see I have to wait for the essential Kerbal Engineer Redux to be 1.2 compatible), I was more or less mission-ready.. or so I thought! I started making a series of b@da55 Sounding Rockets using @RoverDude's fantastic mod and soon found myself sitting on tiny rockets streaking across the stratosphere. I then unlocked the first three tech nodes using sounding rocket science alone, and hatched an evil plan (tm) to create an SRB-based manned program just for kicks. For starters, a BACC booster core will be propelling a Mk.1 command pod to the edge of space, unmanned, with a Sounding Rockets avionics and science package atop the capsule. I also chopped the engine thrust to half so I could remotely attempt to destroy the vehicle if anything went wrong; or simply just let it fizzle out on the launch pad for lack of TWR and treat it as a static fire test. Actually this is an excuse for setting the BACC thrust so low that it sat on the pad for nearly a minute before taking off so slowly you'd probably ask why the heck is the rocket so fat and lazy. Unfortunately, Jeb snuck aboard this unmanned flight and things got VERY sour VERY fast - for I have installed the Gyro Saturation mod and the rocket had NO control as a result! At about 4000m altitude (still going really slow) the BACC started to do an uncommanded gravity turn by itself and ended up trying to fly horizontal, breaking the speed of sound. With no control (not even to cut off the engine, welcome to SRB perils) and no aerodynamic lift to speak of, it of course started to plummet back to earth, still accelerating, and would break Mach 2.0 in its lawn-darting adventure had I not the fortitude to trigger stage separation anyway in a last ditch attempt to save the command module and its avionics stack. Success - the capsule thrust away from the runaway booster, aero forces flipped the capsule around "by design" and it started slowing down........ And Jeb died anyway because I hit the parachute activation too late. To add insult to injury, the avionics package survived. Flight 2 - After mourning Jeb's loss and feeling extremely bad I am playing on hard difficulty and cannot revert to launch pad, I recalled manned space flight on both the US and Russian sides had fatalities before successful manned space missions. Apollo 1, for instance. I decided Valentina shall be chief kosmonaut and the R-1 manned SRB program should continue. I increased the BACC thrust to 80% and left everything else as is, for with higher acceleration it will streak out into space on a sub-orbital trajectory on its own. I decided from my past KSP experience of many thousands of gameplay hours that BACCs were weak and easily manageable - famous last words. Without Kerbal Engineer however, I had no idea how much power the SRB would actually generate, and how much dV this BACC - Mk.1 pod setup has. It ended up going way, way out to 200km and coming back down nearly vertically. Once again, I did not open the parachute in time and Valentina died. I then decided yours truly would be fired as head of the space program and decided the world should start to know about my hilarious incompetence in this post
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