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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. An impressive tour! Thanks for posting these!
  2. @esinohio made some beautiful renders! Thanks very much for these!
  3. I am quite (in)famous as carmenara on the BattleTech forums and would like this name here too :3
  4. @esinohio Looking great! You did the X-Kom transport for me way way back
  5. Not performing an unmanned test for a BACC booster with a Mk1 capsule on top. The thing had no steerable fins so went up very high like the recent North Korean missile tests. Well, it came down just as steeply, and the chutes were ripped off.
  6. Make cute little planes! https://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/P-101b-Personal-Flying-Wing
  7. P-101 Boomerang Stock KSP 1.3 Personal Flying Wing Download Craft File @ KerbalX! Inspired by early flying wings such as the Gotha Go229, the P-101 brings back the pioneering spirit with its radical, yet simple flying wing design. Featuring just 22 parts, the pint-sized Boomerang is powered by two Size 0 turbojets making it one of the simplest aircraft capable of controlled flight at subsonic speeds.
  8. Very nice pics - I love looking at old ships especially the engineering systems, very pretty and streamlined hydrofoil, too!
  9. National Day, August 9th in Singapore Watched the fireworks from a 2nd storey bar and spent the night on the dance floors nearby.
  10. My BattleTech character which everyone says is not related to BattleTech. Little do they know House Marik has a large fraction of Arabian / Central Asian descenants thus an Arabian fantasy/western theme fits perfectly. Oh, here's the full pic and an action pose rendered against a backdrop from the BattleTech (2017) beta. My very random art page is carmenara.deviantart.com
  11. Redesign of the Leopard dropship with functional aerodynamics from Classic Battletech.
  12. Hello everyone. I used to spend all days, weeks and months in KSP around the Beta 0.9 phase. I've been long gone due to a career change that sucked up all my time and then I discovered Shadowrun and Battletech. Subsequently taking up 3D character design and Bollywood dance as hobbies. While waiting for the next BattleTech beta update (with release at the end of 2017) I thought to come back to KSP for some aerospace musing. I've been gone long enough that KSP feels like a brand new game again, look forward to trying out new stock and mod features.
  13. Heya, I've been away for a while due to a RL career switch and recently picking up gaming again - I was playing HBS Shadowrun (all 3 of them) and became a backer for their new BattleTech game. I will be looking forward to beta test "PC's only MechCommander game in many years" in the coming months.
  14. Three_Pounds has posted an amazing adaptation of the X-3 Micro Shuttle that goes into space on what appears to be the Leaning Tower of KSC https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/5al5mn/wingnuts_shnuttle_early_career_micro_shuttle/ More pics: [imgur]KYBsZ[/imgur]
  15. HullcamVDS is perfect for launch pad and 'riding the booster' cinematics
  16. Everything went well until the end. Can you help fix this munar return probe?
  17. I got a couple of missions out to the Mun today! However this munar return probe design is fatally flawed. I might have to lose the materials lab as it doomed the craft blowing up (and cutting loose the crucial 1.25m heatshield) as soon as the cruise stage was released. Can you help fix it?
  18. Lol this game looks hilarious. I'll get it once I'm bored of KSP and The Sims (yes don't stare at me I actually play that :P)
  19. @esinohio sorry to hear that! Glad to see you're still around, I was away for a while
  20. Science. It's pretty. So are realistic looking craft!
  21. Attach the horizontal stabilizers to the tail section then offset them all the way up. For some reason doing this now is much easier than in old versions of KSP because of more generous offset limits maybe. Note that you need to manually place each side (no symmetry) for this particular tail boom because the symmetry is off on this part.
  22. I love using the payload trusses of the sounding rockets for satellites and probes. They look much neater than the rectangle early career trusses. The top part of this primitive munar probe is built around a sounding rocket payload section.
  23. SM-OL Business Jet (Stock 1.2) The decisive counter to biga55 planes Is very smol Mach .95 top speed @ 5800m Download from KerbalX! http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/SM-0L-Business-Jet
  24. SM-OL Business Jet (Stock 1.2) The decisive counter to biga55 planes Is very smol Mach .95 top speed @ 5800m Download from KerbalX! http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/SM-0L-Business-Jet
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