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KAL 9000

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Everything posted by KAL 9000

  1. They also set up science equipment from the SEP mod.
  2. Just so you know, my Boffins have developed the Kerbal-Cryosleep-Malady-Fixer-O-Tron 5000 (patent pending). How long would it take to ship it up to Sarnus (seriously, Gergas looks awful (no offense to you or him))?
  3. A kerballed mission to Minmus has found a good landing site for the colony. Future colony launches will use the flag they left behind as a "landing beacon".
  4. Jebediah Kerman (our glorious leader, all hail his BadSness) crashes into your pyro, obliterating him.
  5. Can't wait! Oh yeah, it's launching on Pi Day!
  6. Sucks. I have some awesome screenshots
  7. I kinda feel like it looks like an exact copy of KerbalStuff (or what KerbalStuff was before it shut down).
  8. No, I just bought it from the KSP site. Why did they delete file uploading in the Great Forum Migration of 2015! Why! Why! Oh, yeah, I'm having a hard time getting the first colony module, the Karbonite unit, to Minmus. List of failures: 1) Crashed into Minmus 2) Lost contact with Kerbin (RemoteTech antennae not set up properly) 3) Randomly exploded for absolutely no reason on descent to the surface 4) Preparing for launch
  9. I don't have an Imgur account, so I don't know if I can . Do you have an idea how I can do it?
  10. Sure! Any specialization (pilot, engineer, scientist) or gender you want in particular?
  11. I have a couple of missions launched so far: the RemoteTech 2 comsat network and the Minmus SCANSat. The colony supply drops and modules are being designed and will be launched soon.
  12. Actually, we measured it in space too, and the equivalence principle says the basic physical laws and mathematical constants (not things like the Titus-Bode law and coincidental ratios) are the same everywhere in the universe. And Einstein says so. And if Einstein says so, it's probably right .
  13. With your Titus-Bode law/ratios thing: So, you have a sample size of one (Earth/Solar System), and yet you apply a coincidental ratio to every habitable planet/solar system in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE? Waaaaat?
  14. I could do forum-name colonists! I'll have to see about the Valentine system... is it on CKAN?
  15. Hello, Kerbonauts! Today, I would like to present to you: The Forever Plane, a plane that can (theoretically) fly, you guessed it, forever! The reason is simple: I have the USI mods installed, and the plane's engine runs on Karbonite, and there are enough Karbonite intakes to power it! The one downside is: All the intakes and the engine take up A LOT of power, and since flying forever means flying at night, too, no solar panels. I need SIXTY-FOUR of the superpowered Near Future Electrical RTGs to provide enough power (at least according to AmpYear, which I trust). Still in the prototyping stages, so no .craft file yet, but it's coming soon. What are your thoughts on this idea/plane? (When Jeb was asked about it, he suggested getting rid of the emergency parachutes, because "Safety is for sissies". Bob suggested adding more emergency parachutes. I compromised by keeping the amount of emergency parachutes at four.) To test the plane, I decided to return Val from a space station (Kelgee II), because Jeb, my normal test pilot, REFUSES to deploy the emergency parachutes and save his life if something goes wrong.
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