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Everything posted by dresoccer4

  1. can you attach the craft files for all of your HOYO mods? i just downloaded all of them but it's not as straightforward as you probably think it is
  2. so just tried installing this mod and loading up KSP, but it consistently crashes during loading. when i take the mod out of GameData, KSP loads up fine. Anyone else having this issue?
  3. amazing! thank you. any future plans to upgrade any of the other capsules?
  4. i mean, i built a sweet ship and got it out into kerbol orbit, adjusted my inclination to match the far star, and hohmann transferred my way there. i was pretty stoked, but then once my ship got a little ways out, its orbital speed dropped so low, that even on the highest warp, it would take an inordinate (or un-fun) amount of time to get there. how many real world days does it take other people?
  5. by george, i believe i've done it! i re-set everything and started from scratch. when i press 'X', it finally turned blue! whoop. however the Ponderosa is hovering a foot off the ground, is this normal? not a big deal, just wanted to make sure i'm doing it correctly.
  6. i have an electric screwdriver in my kerbal's inventory. do i need to equip it somehow? what i'm doing is: with screwdriver in inventory, grabbing the ponderosa with 'G', tapping 'R' until it says "bottom", i try and rotate no idea which side is up, i press 'X' and it just says "cannot use equipped item because nothing is equipped" am i the only lame duck who is struggling with the tutorial? UPDATE: i'm making slow progress, but i think i finally equipped the screwdriver. now when i press 'X', the Ponderosa turns red and it says "target object is now allowed"
  7. hi all. i just downloaded this mod and am excited to try and set up a base. but there's so much going on that it's a little overwhelming. i found the tutorial in the wiki, and am attempting to follow it on kerbin and set up a small base. i completed step 4 and got the saddle on the ground. next i'm trying to put the Ponderosa onto the Saddle. 1) while holding down the left mouse button, i drag the ponderosa over the saddle 2) i press R to make attachment node the bottom 3) there is no blue outline 4) pressing and holding X does nothing (it says "cannot use equipped item because nothing is equipped") 5) i see the tooltip says "H to attach" so i press 'H' and it says "tool needed: this part can't be attached without a tool" soooo, what the heck am i doing wrong.
  8. quick question: what is the xenon used for? i've been flying around but it's not getting used up, or used up extremely slowly. i thought it was for RCS but i think i'm wrong 2nd: is there a tutorial somewhere for doing a warp leg transfer? i was looking at http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:_interplanetary_warp but the part about using mechjeb (which i use) doesn't quite make any sense. any youtube vids or better help? dank!
  9. howdy, hate to bug, but was wondering if this works with 1.1.3 i tried looking through the past couple pages but didn't see anything. i know i can install and test to see but would rather try and find out before i do that. thanks~!
  10. hey-o. so this is the first planet pack i've attempted to install. i think it's gone OK so far. but i'm not quite sure how to get any ships there. i mean, damn it's far away, can you even fly that far? tips?
  11. yo, curious what mods you're using to get that sweet ship? i'm guessing it has a ton of dV
  12. hi all! i am excited to try this mod out, and couldn't wait to load up the pre-made spaceplanes to test drive all the new parts. but after i downloaded the zip and extracted it, i didn't see any "ships" folder with default craft? In the OP under the HOW TO INSTALL segment, it says "Double-check whether you are using KSP version 1.1 or higher. Your root KSP folder should already contain GameData and Ships folder". I assumed that meant there was another ships folder inside the zip with shiny new planes to fly. Am i missing something?
  13. love this mod, thanks for bringing it back! but is anyone else having issues with the Cooper engine? one of the two engines always seems to run out of intake air pretty quickly after takeoff. i tried adding some extra intakes, but that just delayed the inevitable. i can't remember this happening in the last version, but i could be wrong. i basically have to switch the coopers to closedCycle before i even make it to 10km.
  14. well i'm embarrassed. i guess what threw me is the spaceDock entry for this mod, which was updated to v1.1 (supposedly) yesterday, linked to that closed thread i mentioned. and now you showed me that closed thread links to another thread. so i looked at the last page of that thread and a post from March says: however i can't tell if that link is even the same mod as the onc i'm trying to get from spaceDock, or a different one entirely. can anyone else figure out what's going on here?
  15. Just wondering why the topic Component Space Shuttle V 5.0.1 (July 14, 2013) is closed when it is still active and being updated? It is linked from http://spacedock.info/mod/268/CSS-%20Component%20Space%20Shuttle Thanks! Link:
  16. can someone please help me to understand which u should download here? i want to download the community tech tree with good contracts to match it. but the main community tech tree link says, hilariously, "this is not the community tech tree you're looking for" ... urgh, wat? sounds like i got jedi mind tricked this is what is on the front page: Download: SETI CommunityTechTree v0.9.6.7 (for KSP 1.0.5) - former 748 This is not the CommunityTechTree.
  17. hi all. i just did a fresh install of the new version and also concur the clouds are super low, like flying through dense fog. has a pretty cool effect, but probably not the one you're going for
  18. trying to work out what you mean from your description, but struggling a bit. any chance you could explain further, or maybe post some pics to help? sorry if i'm the only slow one!
  19. hi all. i'm trying to run the new Renaissance compilation which is the largest memory hog since Ol' Bessy the Memory Hog. i did what the OP said and copied the two new files into my KSP directory, but when i go to run, it says "There should be 'KSP_Data' folder next to the executable" Of course, the KSP_Data folder is just fine and chillin' in the same spot since 1989. I did a quick search of this error but couldn't find anything to help me. Anyone out there got a plan of attack here?
  20. totally understandable. i think everyone can agree you've done enough awesome work for now. thanks again!
  21. eek, thanks for the heads up. i shall un-prune momentarily. are new and improved pruners planned for a future release?
  22. thanks for advice. i've used opengl in the past, but it did some wonky things like strange textures and framerate drops so i try to avoid it. i went ahead and downloaded the source for 1.9 from github, and there were pruners in there. i ran them, but haven't checked if my memory usage has decreased.
  23. i've loved this mod in the past, makes KSP look brand spankin new! but i went to download and install it just now, and i can't for the life of me find the pruners without them, ksp runs out of memory trying to load too much. i checked out the readme but i must be going insane because it says to "drag and drop the 'Pruners' folder into your KSP directory" can anyone point me in the right direction?
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