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Everything posted by Grenartia

  1. You mistakenly presume I was implying the forum is a positive asset for the buyers. "we have a forum" wasn't a selling point. It was a matter of "We're looking to sell everything associated with Private Division, including the entire KSP IP, and that includes the KSP forum". From Haveli's perspective we're the couch the tenants left behind when they left the apartment. 1. Agreed. 2. Disagreed. I couldn't care less about clouds, volumetric or not, or pretty exhaust plumes. Colorable parts? Sure. A consistent part-art style (think what the base game or restock offer compared to the *original* parts were, even before 0.90), definitely. But leave anything beyond the bare minimum to modders. 3. I feel like that "actual progression, not just sandbox with random missions" statement's too vague and subjective. I, for one, don't want to be railroaded into a particular form of progression. Mile wide and an inch deep, indeed. And I remember being told that Windows 10 would be the last operating system they'd release, everything going forwards would just be updates. I'm running hardware that was a year old when 10 came out, and doesn't support 11. Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written. I was referring to the obligation for support, not the obligation "to host a free forum". You've got a major attitude problem and assumption issues, m80. Don't be mad at Nate, be mad at T2 for imposing dumb repurposed bovine waste on the entire IG team. The buck stops at the desk of T2's CEO, not Nate's.
  2. Its not for me to decide where I fall on that spectrum. But I will say that most good managers are also good people, because being a good person is a prerequisite for being a good manager. If they appear to be a 'good manager', but are a bad person, then they're simply only good at pretending to be a good manager. Unfortunately, our society tends to reward those types more and more often than anyone else. Nepobabies constantly failing upwards, while cravenly leading their teams from the rear. I think you're underestimating things like lobbying to rewrite laws that advantage them over their potential victims, insider trading, etc. There's an entire range of different forms of macroeconomic manipulation that you can accomplish with enough of Daddy's Money, a few bought-off senators and congressmen, intimidated regulatory agents, and a complete and total lack of a moral compass. That doesn't really prove your point (and actually proves mine). The airplane was almost certainly a drop in the bucket compared to their expenses. It was almost certainly bought as an actual asset, and served as one. For an expanding business (especially in the era before the 07/08 financial crisis), a plane wasn't (and in many cases still isn't) simply a luxury item. The luxury aspect isn't as important as being able to send your dealmakers anywhere they may be required without having to worry about the hazards of more publicly-accessible airline travel (lost luggage, cramped seating, non-weather-related cancellations or delays caused by the airline, etc.). A company jet also serves as proof of success by the very act of owning it, which can help seal a deal. In other words, pre-buyout, the Marsh team likely saw selling the plane not only like looking for a dollar in the couch cushion to pay a $100 debt, but more importantly, equivalent to selling an important source of securing future revenue (IDK, probably like selling the car you use to commute to work). Post-buyout, all that the new ownership cared about was looting the house of all possible valuables before burning it down for insurance money. The spare dollar wouldn't have made a difference to the previous owners, but the new ones can leverage it to help buy a mansion to loot and burn next year. That's more of a grey area. Either way, they'd probably get blindsided by a layoff, but being laid off by the owners who are doing very well while their puppets get golden parachutes is just kicking them while they're down. Nate obviously had his hands tied by the suits. He ain't blameless, but there's far more blame that should be getting flung at the nameless and faceless suits that imposed repurposed bovine waste rules like "reuse KSP1 code, and don't talk to any of its devs, current or former". As for Dakota, he deserves none of the blame. He was even more hamstrung by virtue of being lower on the totem pole. Riddle me this, batman: I never bought KSP2. I did, however, buy KSP1, along with both DLCs. I.E., outside of EA. Am I supposed to be up excrements creek without a paddle, too? Because I expect continuing support for my purchase from whoever owns the IP. That's not an unreasonable expectation to have. When does the obligation end, then? And how was it communicated to potential customers? It really doesn't. All it shows is that T2 included this place as part of a package deal. We're likely just an ant in a box of bananas to them.
  3. As long as you're using academic-adjacent words such as "lexicographically" and "combinatorial problem", allow me to drop another word frequently used in academia: "Non-trivial". If that doesn't convey any meaning to you, why don't you try filling your request yourself, and you'll quickly learn the meaning of the term.
  4. Honestly, I was just gonna use another tech tree mod until Snacks gets supported here. I'm pretty sure I have the coding equivalent of a brown thumb.
  5. Thank you for at least answering anyways (mood on that depression, too). Though, I will point out, I've yet to see a popular mod that doesn't support Snacks unless it doesn't interact with life support at all. If anything, it tends to have the broadest support (followed by TAC and USI, with Kerbalism seeming to be the least supported, but I've never used any of them, personally). So most of the mods already supported here also support Snacks (including the Near Future suite, Airplanes Plus, etc).
  6. I do recommend it as a lightweight alternative to Kerbalism's health effects. Basically, "what if snacks, but for health?"
  7. I mean, you can always just use KEI to automatically do KSC science. Anyways, does anyone know how well Snacks is handled by this tree?
  8. CKAN -> Settings -> Compatible Game Versions -> select every checkmark from 1.8 to 1.12, inclusive. Doing that makes you lose more than a few nice features added from 1.9.x onwards. The method I mentioned is much better, most 1.8.x mods still work in 1.12.5 and every version between, and those that don't typically specify it, or at least have posts in their threads that mention the issue, and a lot of most people's essentials that haven't been updated have been adopted or have replacements. There's honestly no reason to revert to 1.8 unless you just don't like the changes to the base game that have been made since then (which is valid, to be fair).
  9. At what point in your thought process did you decide this was a constructive thing to say? There are reasons I'd never be made a project manager: namely, I'm willing to name the problem instead of passing the blame to the most convenient party. Or maybe its a sign that upper management generally has no clue how the sausage gets made, and has poor communication skills with the actual workers. Where? Give me a timestamp. Quite easy to do when the entire group of soul-sucking demons can orchestrate macroeconomic factors in such a way to provide a steady stream of reluctant victims.
  10. Not until just now, and now that I have considered it, I reject your hypothesis. One cannot "24hr gamejam" into existence something like what KSP2 was promised as. "Crunch time" does not solve more problems than it causes, and the few problems it does solve are generally vastly outweighed by the problems. Everyone who keeps track of the industry (consumers, journalists, influencers, and insiders) all know this so well that whenever "crunch" comes up in context of an upcoming release, EVERYONE recognizes that as the harbinger of doom that it is. To my recollection (which is pretty good, most of my friends would describe me as a walking Star Trek Wiki) Scotty has never said this in any iteration of Trek. Even if I'm being generous and interpreting that false quote to his appearance in TNG's Relics (the only time Scotty admitted to padding his time estimates on screen), he was explicitly talking to Geordi, and in context, was extolling the benefits of what Lower Decks later termed Buffer Time, in order to counteract the demands of Crunch Time coming from a captain. As I recall, the context for that particular utterance was as a morally-neutral admission of the state of affairs under the current economic system the world is run by. Not an endorsement, and more likely a criticism intended to be tempered by other benefits of the system. I shall reserve my personal thoughts on that system because they are not the topic of this thread, except to say, I'm highly skeptical of it, and I shall reserve any further thoughts on that for a different venue. I mean, I don't even disagree that the Sunk Cost Fallacy exists. My point is simply that nobody sells good things to private equity, and private equity rarely, if ever, improves what is sold to it, and both employees and consumers that are left to the mercy of a PE acquisition experience no mercy as a general rule (just look at the excess death rates of PE-owned nursing homes compared to non-PE nursing homes). PE does not operate on the assumption that some things are more important than money. Nothing in capitalism does, but especially not PE. Other common forms of ownership at least pay lip service to being willing to accommodate dreams. PE thrives on killing them. As fans of a game franchise that literally exploded in popularity because of dreams (literally: "Build, Fly, Dream"), we should be very concerned by this change in ownership. This is not a time for optimism for us as a fanbase. Incorrect. Micromanagement (and even nanomanagement) is how you extract every last cent out of an acquisition in the short term, and that is literally all PE cares about. Not long term, sustainable success. Just flash in the pan conversion to pure liquid assets. I'm not sure what you're saying here, its phrased in a way that's hard to parse. I get it, English isn't your first language, I'm not condemning you for that, just making an observation that I saw this, but don't know how to respond to it. Other than this, I guess. I'd actually consider PE firms to be soul-sucking demons, as a general rule, tbh.
  11. I think this question is too open-ended to answer. There's just too many possible combinations of mods, and even restricting to "essentials", different people are going to have different definitions of essential, and even similar definitions are going to have pretty different mod recommendations.
  12. Yes, I'm aware the group that owns Haveli was mentioned in the video. I rewatched it before posting, after all. And yes, I'm aware that for now, the forum is up and running, and there are seasoned developers assigned to PD. But neither of those count for much in my eyes. They can just as easily decide to pull the plug on the forum tomorrow. And as we saw with T2, no matter how passionate (or even skilled) a dev team is, its the bean counters that lord over us all who decide what happens. Enexcrementstification is a near certainty in current economics. Did you ever wonder why the ex-Annapurna team is the ex-Annapurna team instead of the current Annapurna team? Something obviously happened between them and upper management (and for my money, it was likely upper management's fault, blame in the corporate world should be treated like anti-gravity fecal matter: it rolls uphill). I have no doubt in the skills of the now-former Annapurna team. I don't even doubt that they would be entirely capable of revamping KSP2 into what it was promised from the beginning, and while respecting the spirit of the original game. What I do doubt is the bean counters at Haveli's willingness to give them the time and money to do those things, just like T2 was unwilling to do (except Haveli probably would close up shop earlier). What I fear most is Haveli forcing them to churn out microtransacted-to-hell-and-back mobile game slop for a quick buck before taking our inevitable outrage as proof that the market for the IP is 'dried up' and pulling the plug altogether. My second biggest fear is that they just sit on the IP and do nothing at all.
  13. The thing you're not mentioning is that there's a relevant descriptive phrase for the new IP owner that should make everyone recoil in horror: "Private Equity Firm". They will get what they paid for, by hook or by crook. If you thought T2 was capable of terrible things, you ain't seen nothing yet. A brief primer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK8hpxR_r2Y
  14. I've seen a guy do one in stock, but he doesn't like using part mods. Its also an older video, so it doesn't look as clean as it should.
  15. They were talking about the parachute kerbals have access to on EVA, not the parachute parts that attach directly to a craft.
  16. Probably, yeah. But most of that would probably be convincing the new IP owners to allow it.
  17. That'd probably require a whole mod just to put it in a different engine (maybe Unreal?)
  18. Here's hoping more of these become available on CKAN soon.
  19. When I divide 2030 by 426, I get 4.765, not 14 and change. Still a math discrepancy, with the simulator, though. I'm thinking possibly an order of operations thing? I'll have to do more number crunching. EDIT: So, I've decided to work backwards, and the simulator only seems to be counting 5,000 snacks. 426 days (1 year) + 407 days = 833 days (ignoring the change). Multiplying by 3 meals a day = 2,499 Multiplying that by 2 kerbals = 4,998 Figuring the extra hour and a half at the end of the simulator time, that should be about 5000. I'm not sure whether that's still a calculation error on the part of the simulator, or if you've got CLS installed and Snacks is only seeing 5k snacks in the areas connected by CLS (that's the only reasonable alternative explanation I can think of), or something else altogether
  20. Partially. In the game copy that I normally play on, it didn't seem to work at all (i.e., everything defaulted to structural, except the Airplane Plus parts). Tons of mods there, so if there's any interactions, I'd have a hard time isolating them. But I used my troubleshooting copy, installed only RR, RR Blacksmith, RR Companion, RR Parts, RR RCS, RR Squad, RR SSPXR Tanks, Restock and Restock+, SSPXR, SSPXR Internals, NF IVA, Janitor's Closet, and their dependencies. The LFO tanks all default to LFO, the xenon tanks default to xenon, the ore tanks default to ore, but the LF tanks default to LFO, as do the monoprop tanks. Even the surface-mounted capsule monoprop tanks. Also, the RR Cryo tanks and RR Gas Cache tanks default to structural. I'm unsure if that's intended behavior.
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