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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. After playing a bit I noticed the Knight reaction wheels are in the Fuel Tanks category, not Command and Control, I assume this is unintentional?
  2. Here's an unmanned Komodo I made for resupply missions, it also has a few things I think would be better on it. It does use kOS for one part, though, so maybe install that and you can launch rockets much more easily. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2xuP2iNeyMhYmhoUnpjUkhtTHM/view?usp=sharing
  3. Awesome! I'd love for TweakScale to be supported, and maybe a white one as well?
  4. I really, really love this! I'll make you some payloads! I do have some suggestions, though. Use Kerbal Construction Time, it really makes the game a lot more immersive, especially with mission reports like this. EDIT: Also, would you like me to pretty-ify your lifter a bit more? The stock tanks don't mesh well with the Tantares tanks.
  5. Known for a Kraken profile picture (looks a bit like Krytac as well), and having a name kind of close to mine.
  6. I'm legoclone09 on Youtube, 5 videos and 25 subs. I don't post much, though.
  7. Well duuuh Xenocide was goo, well terrible. Go read Ender's Game though, loved the book. Not the ones after it, they weren't very good. I also loved the Martian and well, crap. That's all I've really read. I'm probably forgetting something, though. But look around in the sci-fi section of a library or a bookstore and read the back cover or inside flap, see what you like.
  8. Awesome! Maybe try using the SCANsat mod, it lets you create altimetry and radar scans of the planets. I love it!
  9. So sorry for your loss!

  10. I didn't know you had a profile here! Awesome, and I love your videos!

    1. Matt Lowne

      Matt Lowne

      Thanks man, I'm glad you enjoy them :) And yeah I have a profile here. I mainly made it to have a place to consolidate my craft files into 1 forum post. I don't really post or comment much here though :P

  11. I've got a mod for more fairings, it's in my signature, as well as in the OP somewhere.
  12. Awesome! Also the LV-N doesn't use oxidizer. I think you were using that, so if you took the pxidizer out (or used plane tanks, better idea), you would have done it better and probably gotten back. Also use F1 to take better screenshots, Steam's are lower resolution I think.
  13. Yeah, but maybe increase it to 500 units, and have some small bulges in the internal tank so it looks like it holds more.
  14. Or give it to SpaceCeption since he doesn't even have the game but has more posts and rep than me.
  15. Probably Kerbal Konstructs, you can add surface structures with that.
  16. Yeah, the main lab and the experiment package. Maybe a mounting point for the experiment? An indent in the frame allowing for the experiment to be placed in there and then taken out.
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