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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. 49 20 6c 69 76 65 20 69 6e 20 61 20 6d 61 67 69 63 61 6c 20 70 6c 61 63 65 20 6b 6e 6f 77 6e 20 61 73 20 57 61 73 68 69 6e 67 74 6f 6e 20 73 74 61 74 65 2e 20 3a 29 20
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoftcirclejerk/comments/5fv3g5/rate_my_polerstar_gun1/?st=IW6USTDB&sh=93dd13ef
  3. Speaking of bang for your buck a GTX 660 can handle modern games at medium settings well. Great for being 5 years old!
  4. Awesome! I'm sure to do this! The link, however does not work.
  5. Oh, didn't know you were in Canadian. Yeah, better deal.
  6. For that price you could easily build a better PC with a dedicated graphics card as well, here's a list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/RsbTpb
  7. Nice! Here's my list: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/legoclone09/saved/sRrrHx I'd look at r/buildapcsales for some sales.
  8. @pTrevTrevs would like this a lot!
  9. Yep. Although, just because a lot of businesses would do it doesn't mean it's right. I do hope AMD makes a comeback though, if Zen is great I might upgrade to that instead of Intel sometime. On an i5 right now, however.
  10. I was mainly trying to show the part about the new Zen architecture and how it might be a lot better than it previous AMD processors.
  11. Pinging @Badie for a new challenge.
  12. In my previous save, six. Kasper Kerman and one more I don't remember I added (was playing Sandbox), in addition to the orange 4.
  13. https://np.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/3s5r4d/is_nvidia_sabotaging_performance_for_no_visual/cwukpuc/
  14. Relevant to this is this post on r/pcmasterrace I was linked to earlier today. https://np.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/3s5r4d/is_nvidia_sabotaging_performance_for_no_visual/cwukpuc/
  15. Nothing wrong with an AMD rig! Just got me an RX 480. Also, the AMD FX 8350 might run KSP well, 8 4GHz cores would run the physics well. Or an i7 Extreme. What are your full specs, Slam?
  16. Cool! By the way I had to copy-paste the link because it doesn't work. Here's the image embed link: https://i.imgur.com/52rNFm9.jpg
  17. Bluedog Design Bureau is also a great mod and fits well with Tantares. Also Apollo.
  18. And this is exactly why I'm still on 8.1. I hope 8.1 gets DirectX 12 support. I'd hate to have to "upgrade" for that.
  19. We've gone low enough to be stealing jokes from r/sneks Just kidding, here have some snake memes.
  20. @CobaltWolf becuase he makes the best mod in existence. @SparkyFox cause he's in heart surgery, and finally @sal_vager for being a great moderator.
  21. It's a known issue with it. You either need to install Kerbal Joint Reinforcement or use autostruts (advanced tweakables must be on). If using autostrut, strut the interstages, Apollo engine, and the engine mounts.
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