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Everything posted by *MajorTom*

  1. Im excited for procedural wings, planets, multiplayer and giveaway
  2. Hopefully the developers will watch this movie "LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life". And at the end of the story we will get at least one inhabited planet with at least something. (Even if they are smart tomatoes ) Since one of the most important questions is the search for life outside the mother planet. After all, you can make KSP2 an interactive game, and not just new planets (which players will pass in a week) and new engines (on which new concepts will be collected in a month and abandoned)
  3. My old (2018) carrier with catapult and arrestor hook (.craft link in video) and place 4 two planes... multiple flying aircraftcarrier challenge.... hm... intersting..maybe later
  4. i have some visual problems (chassis) at LKO or high atm. when reentry. i use Astronomer pack+planet shine+ scatterer. problem problem no problem no problem problem both type of wheels no problem no problem the problem appears and disappears at different heights, at different angles of the view
  5. ....and in 1.11 does not show eva propellant for new (removed) jetpack
  6. @Gameslinx Hi ! What about Kerbin ? It can be seen from the Mun.... or Mun from Kerbin... And Leythe/Jool...etc something like this.... in Joolian system are lot of moons in the sky sometimes... or we just see stock textures of far away objects?
  7. @Gameslinx I'm just shocked by the beauty you are doing. Wanna ask : trees, boulders, fallen asteroids to planet (stock quest) , UFO at Kerbin polar, Kerbin Pyramids, Moon arches... can also be parallax ? and all kinds of asteroids and comets there too? or it only can be applyed to planet ground? PS : icy region of planets can be half transparent or some kinda of transparent effects, ice cracks etc? like ice at Baikal lake?
  8. I built it not for challenge (because of 2 kerbals on board. with 1 i can make better BUT WHY? (i name ship the same ), but for my game (sent kerbals to station). Just cool pics (this is really nice craft) for U. 29.6 tonns and 1.185m/s at LKO . You can make 2 kerbals leaderbord...but why? It is Much harder to make "Goliath" SSTO. Hell it is Hard to make! i have one. if you need pic here - looks like flying pregnant penguin...so i name it .......... yeah we have only 5 m/s at LKO =) look Jeb smile =) (as usual) BUT hi in chair.... not cockpit...
  9. I hope the mod will be also for stock and will become an absolute favorite for everyone as a "scatterer"....
  10. Game not loading with MKS. it stop loading at: when i delete MKS it start loading and ok so.... waiting for normal update
  11. @blackrackMan, You are the best ! Responsive guy who fixed everything so fast! last .dll fixes the bug! Can even turn on all the shadows. I like scatterer so much! it ok now!
  12. @blackrack 1) ok. disabled . add your new scatterer.dll and again vessel viewer black screen.... //Can you just check if you have this kind of message in your log: "Added reflection probe fixer" with those graphical settings disabled i check it - no this line in my logs: https://easyupload.io/5l023u 2) sorry, please forget about scansat. it looks like this line not a bug -but trajectory of many passes near planet in "far far far.....future" for Kerbin escape trajectory (untill spaceship) not leave Kerbin . Why this i dunno , but it not scatterer problem, looks like scansat "feature" 3) ok try to check it "water on runway +cam" scatterer problem or not. i try it this way: in scatterer THEN uninstal scatterer folder and this test show what "water flood" NOT are scatterer problem BUT: BUT vessel viewer with deleted scatterer folder start works again...so Vessel Viewer black window problem -is 100% scatterer problem
  13. @blackrack i m disable reflections here (reflection refresh mode off) in scatterer (sky reflections) and all shadows off restart game but bug the same - blackscreen in Vessel Viewer ---------------------------- also found strange bug in SCANSAT monitor - white lines in the middle, they changed then I move camera --------------------- but no lines if i open big scansat map (not cockpit just map). here difference: (plus i can remove orbits in big map -it is not noise)
  14. Hi@R-T-Band @blackrack it seems I found incompatibility between Vessel Viewer Continued and the new version of scatterer (0.06). with the previous version of the scatterter, the raster prop monitor (in cockpit dashboard) displayed an vessel image, but with the new one there is none (blackscreen) i dont know why, but it is scatterer (i run game 5 times, install old and new scatterer) -------------------------------------------- I also wrote about the problem in the Vessel Viewer Continued topic ------ my game version is breaking ground -------- new scatterer 0.06 old scatterer the same spaceplane
  15. Hi @linuxgurugamer it seems I found incompatibility between VVC and the new version of scatterer (0.06). with the previous version of the scatterter, the raster prop monitor displayed an vessel image, but with the new one there is none (blackscreen) i dont know why, but it is scatterer (i run game 5 times, install old and new scatterer) -------- also i post pics here - scatterer page EDIT: fixed in scatterer last version of .dll
  16. forced dx12... forced opengl.... bugs...why do your need this? I better use 1.8.1 KSP and and patiently wait for the normal scatter under 1.9. All these new 1.9. stock textures are not worth a tenth of the beauties of the 1.8.1. scatter
  17. wanna damge like in mod KerbaKrashSystem . ...... I want the ships to flatten, crumple, melt visually (and repair job for enginers)
  18. better version 3.2km/s orbital 3.008 km/s surface hypersonic manned is harder (unused payload)
  19. HERMES Gagarin (manned) class for 2 kerbals . 3.1 km/sec (better maybe later, need balance between lf and oxidizer) z"Kirkon" hypersonic spaceplane (4 whiplash, 1 poodle) craft file in 1.8.1 for proof here: https://yadi.sk/d/ylBSK1czmvHVRA
  20. It looks like you adjusted the config files. 6fuel cells*18el/sec=108 el/sec ship energy input 17ions*8,74=148el/sec ship energy output after 850m/sec no el input from panthers! where you get delta 108-148=-40 el/sec? = it can drain big z1k 1000 battery at 25 sec! until I see the file I will not believe!!! it seems like not true news (i dont belive in videos after Hazardish, i belive in maths :) ) also my panters not start with 1 little intake =) at least 3 little ps: put the engine under the fairing - this is a cheat. since the game does not warm the fairing, and does not consider drag from the engine
  21. everything broke in 1.9. ... water and sky on Kerbin. is it a scatterter or something else?
  22. same issue today (not have mechjeb) it is happened at my SSTO. i launch it. it atmosphere engine MECO, then rocket ascent, but cabin burned due to otherheating in hi atmosphere . i return game to restart. relaunch but spacebar staging not worked.... even i reload game. only moded part at ship is kis/kas container. only game full restart help. i try it again and find same issue! -------------------- ok i found problem - looks like it is a last module manager! i return from 4.1.3 back to 4.1.0 and its ok!!!!!!!!! no issue after thermal explosion and return to launch. staging work good maybe someone can report to creator of MM also this was my "issue point" at screen -------------- at MM4.1.0 staged good:
  23. please, can make a safe stripped-down version? only certain types of surfaces seem to be “explosive”
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