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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. I don't know if a topic was already made about this subject but when you remove a mod each craft having a single part from it can't be load anymore, the sole solution I know is to reinstall the mod, launch KSP again, remove the parts manually then finally take the mod out of the folder again. It could be really useful to get a mean to "over pass" this impossibility and load the craft even with the missing parts.
  2. Cool idea! Doing what I do the best, sleeping. More seriously here is what I've dreamed to fly : And this is where I ended :
  3. For the last seven months : Taken at Prague Ruzyne in 83'. That good old Tu-134A3 of CSA was shamefully scrapped in 92'. I just have seen Tu-134 twice in my life and W-O-W, that music the Soloviev D-30 were producing at take-off.
  4. The fact that after having sacrificed a lot of my few free hours to built just one launcher I will probably send it to the infinite and beyond just one time and NEVER use it again. Cause I will want to built and launch more and MOOORE rockets! (That I will use once too...)
  5. Silly personnal designs tell me that deflecting your own gas exhaust is a good way. But it will overheat the part just next to it not the whole rocket.
  6. About the SRBs many requests already exist for tiny, large and extra large ones, but I feel like something else is missing : the possibility to build our own SRB, just like with the liquid engine with fuel tanks, by adding different segments of "powder" over each others.
  7. Since the beginning I used to deploy the ESA one most of the time : Also some months ago just to annoy some of my Brits friends deploying their UK Space Agency flag I send them picture of my CNES one : I used to plant this one too.. This one for a close relation of mine who beat me with a 400x400 km able-less than 25 tons SSTO and won our contest. But much less seriously even I got one only for those for know the legend of Buckaroo :
  8. Alas... some guy find a link from bestbuy, everything is here.
  9. Please tell me this is a bad joke.
  10. Well, I'm a bit mixed on this subject, much more about the characters chosen than the concept of support from an editor, even if it's one of the handful top-editors, to re-open the peoples minds about space programs. Then from a personal point of view I would have like 2000 A.D. much more than Marvel (cause, The Law). Otherwise I remember to have read that Chuck Jones, creator of Wile Coyote, had drawn the patch of USN VA-36 Road Runners on request of the squadron when they switch to Skyhawks : I'm sure I've seen a Road Runner patch with the bird being orbited by electrons, but can't find it again...
  11. No. The Kraken is a creation from your imagination due to disseminated cosmic waves, reflected by ultra-super-secret satellites and space destroyers operating under the dark side of the Mun. All launched from the Alpha Camp in Kantarctica, under direct orders from the Killuminatis, hidden in 71st basement of Karea 51. Wake up people!
  12. He probably wrote that there is no way to get a stock and dry Whiplash as the reheat is engaged even at 10%. The Panther should be the best answer. You haven't make a mistake, it's a turbofan, simply with a low BR, as the F110 was conceived like every turbofan witch has to operate in the supersonic domain. Interestly enough there is some exception in military turbofans, like the GE F101 which got an even better BR the JT3D/TF33 as the Bone has to operate between high subsonic and low supersonic.
  13. Actually as a son of the F110, the F118 can be simplified as a half-blooded without reheat and got a pretty low BP ratio for a turbofan, around 0.80-0.81, even less than the JT8D and even the old JT3D.
  14. Hi everybody, My game crash more often due to a large amount of mods and and old laptop originaly made for an office role (graph card is not even able to support a sim like Il-2 1946...), so I use to have a large collection of output_logs in my crash folder and until yesterday my record holder for the last seven months was a 22 mb log, but then after a three hours play without any problems another CTD happen and this time the log weighs 68.127 mb, such a big jump forward! So I was curious if some of you got even heavier reports ?
  15. Sorry I went in a bit too fast as usual and as American/English is not my birth language some bad short-cuts are taken often... No doubts about the ducted-fan efficience compared to the slow-turning propeller, I was staying on the comparison between the same class of aircraft and when those are powered by a thermic or electric engine, as the topic was about a new electric propulsion system. Like for the Airbus E-Fan 1.0, even if she's just a demonstrator of what should be the 2.0 production variant, her cruise and max-speed (around 120 its at full throttle) are around the worst place for the fan (of a really small diameter), but much more the actual Li-ion batteries technology onboard does not offer enough autonomy and kw for their weight and the place they took in the cell (without counting that once you reach around 20% of the battery charge the loss of charge should be faster to 0 than during 50 to 20). Here is why I would go for a technical tree starting with small twin to four bladed electric engine to power a small aircraft in a multi-engines configuration and ending with ducted fans and an anticipation of what the next gen batteries, smaller and with a greater charge, should be. I've probably made other mistakes and confusion while translating again... sorry in advance if it's the case.
  16. Well the choice of an electric ducted fan, it will be futuristic looking for sure, should not be the most logic for an efficient engine. A slow turning propeller with a wider diameter should be a better choice in most of the situations. No doubts that some of our today's project, like the E-Fan, will give us new opportunities in some sectors but it will not be before a certain time, all of the other electric aircraft projects are based on propellers. Just like what happen with the Fenestron or NOTAR, even 40 years after their apparition most of the choppers keep the traditional, more efficient, tail rotors. Or we could start with an electrical driven engine with propellers in the tech tree to end with e-ducted fans?
  17. I got two hours tonight to play a bit, so after some seconds finally took the decision to realise the first small SSTO in my fleet. Sole problem I had to violate my promises to never use the R.A.P.I.E.R... The result is here, coming under the name of Sleg O-1 Acari. Three crew members and able to reach and circularize at 150 km. The descent and landing are in gliding only. Someone with better knowledge of the ascent profile and fuel consumption than me (not really hard) should be able to keep some jet fuel for the landing. I had to make five tries before the good one, so the shots are not all from the same flight.
  18. Damn'... having good time with KSP on a laptop makes me a relaxing half-blooded, playing on a computer AND on a couch!
  19. I will switch to your mod pretty soon but have a question. I'm currently using EVE only and have the so reporterd half-clouded Kerbin at the menu, but it also happens in flight. Strangely it's never horizontal like in the menu but vertical, you can see it here on the right : It happens only after some time orbiting Kerbin, just like if the textures don't reload. If I warp Kerbin will end totally out of clouds : I just have to put the map on and the textures will reload properly. Will it happen also with Stock Visual Enhancement ? It's not annoying at all, I mean just pressing "M" two times is not a problem, but I'm just curious about.
  20. I already share it like a year ago now but it still is the craziest (and most stupid) thing that happened to me : I got a contract to rescue a guy on the Mun, everything was "perfect", with a landing site just about a minute of walking from the futur victime when the thrust from my Swivel blew the Kerbonaut capsule away, just to fall and kill him seconds after... I even sent my pilot to see if at least there was some remains.
  21. Got two days off at last and finally reach Duna for the first time after more than a year and half addicted to KSP.
  22. This time I have to set myself with the stock product, even if non-realist it stays creative. And as the recent versions give us the so waited choice to set a "clamshell" without mods I just see one thing I would ask : would like a way to "blank" these stock fairings. The yellow/orange lines are hideous, a united full white or black option could be cooler in my opinion.
  23. Be reassured, piloting is like everything else, some "born with", "have it flowing through their veins" and learn quickly. I personally started to take some lessons at 14 and have not stopped flying since (but no CPL, alas...). The trouble is that a certain number of pilots, in the private as in pro, are true clumsy and never admit it, thinking they can do anything until THE day. I knew one of them who was always making jokes about me as a kid, cause I was spending my entire days flying on simulators, repeating all the time : "this is not realistic," "do you really think you could hand on a more than 250 t" or other traditional smelly scoff. The same idiot ended at one occasion off TFFJ RWY 10, having his PA-32 the nose first in the sand cause he touched after Charlie and decided to stop at all... at an airfield where some 14-15 aged kids know how to deal with the apps and landings. BTW sorry for such release.
  24. If this may help some, I affirm that this awesome mod runs perfectly under the older 1.0.5.
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