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Everything posted by Nich

  1. Switch to the inline cabin and a shielded docking port and you can get 1650 fairly easily
  2. To be honest I don't know how things were done in the 50-60s but I suspect they didn't just throw things together hoping they would work.
  3. Could you imagine an engineer designing a rocket without a super computer doing numerical soluitionssolutions, drafting software, detailed mission plan? Yet it is done every day in the kerbal universe.
  4. Don't quote me but I am pretty sure all engines are cooled by oxidizer before burning it. Heat shield would add a ton of weight and decrease its max temp by adding coolant lines
  5. Here is an SSTO with enough oomph to get to minimus.
  6. Nuke sucks for learning TWR is too low. Try anything else spike is nice
  7. seeing as this ship will be a limp noodle and balance is important we may want a little coordination and a puller type craft. I have an idea for a central core but it will be a couple days until I get home and can install 1.1
  8. Pinpoint scanning not required just do the high level scan and find a spot with more then 5%
  9. Check out munar marooned but yes I agree it should pay much better
  10. alt-F12 menu will let you max out science with a low level research center.
  11. Kick back for me I use it just about every launch from unlocking it to about 200t
  12. what is the difference between RSS, RO, and RP-0?
  13. I do not have 1.1 yet but to delete an engine you need to left click on it. Drag it over to the parts list and left click again.
  14. I am torn on this issue, on the one hand it is definitely cheaty and on the other hand i have used it because Stock does not have a hibernate/low power mode. And beginning probes are very hard to work with before solar panels which come very late in the tech tree. I am also sad because I like to put 1 panel facing the sun and leave a spare battery off in case it gets drained and I need to re position the satellite. Sadly I think I will be using infinite electricity when this happens
  15. You have recurring revenue already ;/ Just need to find it. Unfortunately there are no recurring cost Never mind I just realized that save file is for 1.0.5 I am going to have to wait until I get home from vacation to
  16. I have made you a Hard mode Budget persistence file. Contracts pay nothing Most world first pay nothing You have 10,000 starting cash. Your mission is feet and flags on every celestial body except Joul. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0iPRE-stt2CUGNRdkdqYlV6Tms
  17. @kujuman Advanced Solid Rocket Boosters! link is broken and development thread only points to a kerbal stuff link that is no longer active.
  18. I am torn on the one hand I agree on the other hand you sound like a jerk. I do believe there is a mod available that lets you adjust filter parameters. Not sure how well Mech Jebs electricity usage is but I have heard bad things about the mono usage. Generally with Autopilots you can have responsive or efficient but you can not have both.
  19. I believe that mod is better then manned. No idea if it is still maintained.
  20. hhmmm... Initial impression is a 5 part lander is impossible for tylo or laythe so that only leaves a multi contributor docking port lander monstrosity. However I suspect the kerbal Kommunity can come up with a soluition
  21. I feel any game where a budget is the main challenge is impossible to balance and no fun to play. You are either going to be strapped for cash or the game will throw money at you depending on skill level. Challenge get 1 kerbal orbit for free or a profit (yes this is easy with all the tech unlocked)
  22. Remote tech was interesting, interstellar or RSS will be my next
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