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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Question, If I use this mod for a stock plane, will people be able to download it as a stock plane, not having the mod installed ? Edit: " I can see some modded plane parts in that screenshot" Haha, you got me there, yes, I'm checking out some different cockpits . . . But I'm not using them for publications.
  2. Thank you, I will take a look at that. Not a big fan of mods, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
  3. Soon™ This will be my new favorite vessel: I love my new airframe, now to make it fly.
  4. O yes, the crashes.....Soon™ we have to jump off the hype train.
  5. Failed an SSTO test, Val saved the craft though.... EDIT: On her behalf: the small frontwheel design was crap...;
  6. Into SSTO's at the moment...No orbit yet with this design, but there are many engine configurations to try... Lots of work to be done here...
  7. Nice test, good info, have to try this myself. Groetjes uit Brabant
  8. Umm, I think you've quoted the wrong Kerbal.
  9. You are welcome, I loved the mini Enterprice btw
  10. Brilliant, why didn't I think of that, it's like the Russians using pencils in space in stead of ballpoint pens
  11. I call this lill craft "The Egg". Can't fly it no more because the KAX-mod hasn't been updated yet for 1.2
  12. My alarm clock went off 15 minutes ago telling me to get ready for work. Ignoring it cause busy landing a vessel on an other planet... Priorities people, landing a vessel on an other planet is much harder than my job, and it is so much more fun ! Live
  13. Harvesting @ 0.7 m/s going down hill . . .
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