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Everything posted by HvP

  1. That's certainly one of the most unique stations I've ever seen. I'm reminded of an episode of ST: The Next Generation where the crew designed an impossible geometric design that couldn't be analyzed by the Borg computers without destroying their system. At least that's what was starting to happen to my brain. Escher station perhaps? How did you get it up there?
  2. The Zvezda module has many small maneuvering thrusters along with two hypergolic S5.80 thrusters which are the main engines for the ISS. It's located on the trailing end of the ISS so that it can be used for orbital corrections. There really isn't an engine or thruster in KSP that directly compares to the S5.80 used on the Zvezda, but the "Place Anywhere RCS Port" is the one that most closely matches the size and thrust capabilities of the real thing. It responds to RCS controls instead of thrust controls however, and won't show up in the delta-v calculations. You'll find that it won't move you very far very fast, which is also true of the ISS. If you want a more powerful orbital maneuvering system engine you could use the "Puff" monoprop engine, although it's significantly bigger and more powerful than the real thing, it will respond to thrust input and the game will calculate delta-v for its maneuvers. Edit to add: Thinking about it some more, the engine used doesn't have to be monoprop at all. Considering that the original is hypergolic we can imagine that the fuel used by the "Spider" or "Ant" in the game could be a hypergolic combo like the nitrogen tetroxide/UDMH of the S5.80 (instead of the RP1/oxidizer I'm used to assuming is KSP's basic fuel.) In that case the "Spider" or "Ant" would be excellent analogues to the ISS engines.
  3. You will need to master rendezvous and docking to build complex space stations in KSP. There is a simple tutorial for this here. Although you can launch fully built stations in one piece, it's usually not practical to do so and often impossible for really large stations. It's best to design them to be docked together in modular sections which are launched separately and then connected by docking ports in orbit. Most people do this by having each segment of the station be moved into place by a detachable "tug" segment that has a probe core with enough monoprop and RCS to maneuver the module into place to dock with the central station. Once they are connected you can decouple or undock the "tug" section and either deorbit it or keep it to continue attaching new segments as you bring them into orbit.
  4. Agreed. With no SAS control the "Stayputnik" has a very difficult time staying put.
  5. As long as vacuum is only the default for the VAB. I feel like atmospheric should stay the default for the Space Plane Hangar.
  6. I haven't tested Tweakable Everything on 1.6 yet so I don't know. The mod hooks into the right click menu to gain access to part actions, and since a lot of these menu options changed in the background with the introduction of part variants, I have a feeling that it will have some problems here and there.
  7. I second this suggestion. I have found that it's best to never set autostruts to "heaviest part." When the craft stages the game will detach the autostruts from your lower tanks and grab a different part of the ship. This can cause all sorts of asymmetrical bending and breaking if the craft was flexing at the moment the struts switch over - which in your case it probably will be. Setting a few segments to grandparent part seems to be the most reliable for me. And don't get carried away with the autostruts either; one connecting each stage to the next, or connecting just two segments in long stacks usually does the trick. Although, for particularly large lifters like that you will need to experiment to find the best results.
  8. Only attached antennas are capable of transmitting science. The ones built into command pods and probe cores can only receive control input and can't transmit anything.
  9. There is good news, and bad news. The good news is that the mod "Tweakable Everything" does exactly what you are wanting. You can use it to attach nodes to shielded docking ports in the editor - along with lots of other adjustments that will become available. The bad news is that it hasn't been updated to be compatible with the 1.6 update yet, but give it time.
  10. @JoaquinJAR Glad you got it fixed like you want it now. For future reference, it's a good idea to make a separate copy of the game from your Steam folder and put it in a duplicate location on your computer. KSP doesn't have any DRM and can be run directly without requiring Steam. So you can freely make multiple copies of the game on your own computer and add your mods to those copies that you play from, which keeps your Steam version clean. This has the added benefit of allowing Steam to update the game when a patch comes out and it won't break any mods in your older copies.
  11. Also, it really helps to double-click on your spacecraft once you are out on EVA. That makes your craft a target and your navball will show you the prograde marker (the direction you are traveling relative to your target) and target marker (the direction towards your ship.) This will really help if you drift too far from the ship; just use your jetpack controls to keep lining the prograde marker on top of the target marker . Clicking the green numbers inset into the top of the navball will cycle the guidance display from orbit display, to surface display, to target display and back again. If you find it hard to master the WASD eva controls, I find it helpful to reassign them in the start menu settings to the numeric keypad.
  12. A real spacecraft engineer wouldn't even begin to imagine going the speeds KSP rovers are capable of in low gravity environments. The lunar rover topped out at about 5 meters-per-second and the mars rovers are struggling along at less than 0.04 m/s. Remember that while gravitational attraction to the ground may be reduced, mass inertia in a straight line never changes.
  13. Elegant use of screen real-estate. Between the new stock delta-v data, and using this mod for AP/PE I no longer I feel the need to have KER data all over my screen. Thank you so much for this mod!
  14. I wonder if this has anything to do with the new delta-v-per-stage indicator that was added in 1.5 for maneuver nodes. A large number of engines attached to a large number of tanks might complicate the delta-v computation which attempts to show if you have sufficient fuel in your stages for maneuvers.
  15. You are not alone, the game doesn't give you much detail in finding waypoints. But there is a mod that will help called Waypoint Manager that will add waypoint markers in the flight scene and distance-to-waypoint HUD data.
  16. Because the contract locations are randomly generated there is always a possibility that they will occur in poor locations like that. Since it really isn't possible to complete it fairly I would suggest that you enable the "no crash damage" option in the ALT-F12 cheat menu before you come into range of the capsule you are rescuing. It should then be able to fall down the hill and come to rest without being destroyed. Then you can at least transfer the stranded Kerbal to your rescue ship and make plans for a salvage operation in the future. Be aware that sometimes high velocity impacts with the ground can cause strange glitches with the cheat enabled, possibly even ejecting the capsule from the planet. Make sure you do a quicksave before entering range of the capsule so that you can always come back and try again.
  17. That's mainly due to the fact that when you're traveling long distances very small changes in the initial conditions will have a large effect on the far end. It's practically impossible to launch into a perfectly zero-inclination orbit in relation to your target. There will always be some small degree of relative inclination, and even if it was perfect your aim when making your transfer burn will almost certainly introduce some small error. For a path that extends for thousands of kilometers even a very slight bias towards the normal/anti-normal directions can project your path far above or below the equatorial plane of your target. Imagine shining a laser beam onto a target a mile away. You would probably have a hard time even aiming at the target because tiny movements in your hand will cause the laser to jump all over the place at the far end. This error gets compounded when the same path loops around both bodies more than once because each near approach will further disrupt the arc of your orbit. You can use this to your advantage to enter a polar orbit by burning normal or anti-normal very early in your transfer long before you enter the sphere-of-influence of your target. This requires far less delta-v than would a plane change while in orbit of the target.
  18. The default method is to left-click and hold, then drag the mouse up or down. There is no default key-binding but the mod EVA Enhancements Continued gives keyboard controls to EVA pitch.
  19. Thanks! They are made almost entirely out of B9 Procedural Wings which can be customized to give the red edges and dark panels. Unfortunately, it doesn't fly and is held together by generous use of autostruts. The large fuel tanks on the ground are part of the same model which have simply been translated downwards to form a base for the craft, so that's how they appear to hover. The Vessel Mover mod makes it possible to place them into the scene as needed. Lighting rigs on the ground cast the blue color onto the buildings and the green sheen on the recognizers. There has been no editing of the photos in any way.
  20. Welcome to The Grid, program... ...end of line.
  21. You may want to raise the cargo bay's docking port slightly higher if you can. When you first test the height of the two docking ports inside the building hanger the wheels on the rover will be in their "compressed" state, which makes them a tiny bit shorter. But this won't be the right height for the wheels once you start driving it. After undocking the springs in the wheels extend a little bit. But, when the craft are docked together it will ignore any parts that clip through the same craft, which means that your wheels could end up slightly below the floor of the cargo bay. But as soon as you undock the game will read the collision of the wheels sticking through the floor and explosions are likely. If it's possible to raise the cargo bay docking port enough and still be able to drive up to connect with it then that should prevent that from happening.
  22. @Klapaucius as @Aeroboi said, be sure that when you assign the action group that you add both docking ports and both "decouple" and "undock" functions to the action group. That should cover all possible combinations to undock the rover. This assumes that you have been trying to undock the rover after driving it into the cargo bay from a separate launch. If you are only having the problem when launching the craft with both of them already connected then I'd guess that some nodes on the structural panels have been accidentally attached together in the hangar instead of the docking ports themselves.
  23. After you re-dock only one of the two docked ports will have the option to un-dock. If you are having trouble clicking the right one you might try decoupling by setting up an action group for that function instead.
  24. @cmd_paem You select the language you want at the time you download the game, but it looks like there is a known problem with incomplete translations for the DLC expansion. It might be better to post about your problem in this thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/172233-dlc-translate/ I don't use Steam so I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.
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