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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. Ok. I installed that version of KK. Then I created a text document and named it kerbinside.cfg and pasted the code into it. And it is still refusing to work. Ive tried it numerous times
  2. I updated to 10.1 BD Armory, I deleted the old BD armory folder and put in the new one. Except now I don't have UI anymore, which makes aiming guns hard, as well as sidewinders and other heatseeking missiles.
  3. I have an A-10. It has canards on the front to improve maneuverability so its not a TRUE replica but looks very similar. http://kerbalx.com/Combatsmithen/KAF-K-10
  4. Huh. Alright. i"ll send you an imgur link to the pics both planes look exactly the same. Its just one has 1 vulcan and the other has 2
  5. Did the challenge start yet? He hasn't posted any updates and he said it would run through february. Also does he record video of it like the BAD-T WW2 Dogfight challenge?
  6. I present to you. The Raptor!! -Combatsmithen-1-Raptor 2 Vulcans- http://kerbalx.com/Combatsmithen/Combatsmithen-1-Raptor-2-Vulcans -Combatsmithen-2-Raptor 1 Vulcan- http://kerbalx.com/Combatsmithen/Combatsmithen-1-Raptor-1-Vulcans Uses radiators as a form of "shielding" this is my first attempt at using them as shielding. Only 45 parts on the 2 vulcan raptor, and 44 on the 1 vulcan raptor. The raptor is a supermanuverable fighter jet which can maintain control as long as it has thrust.
  7. I read the rules on page 51 but to me the part with the planes felt like a jumbled mess. Thats why i asked for a clearer explanation
  8. I will make a stock plane with the only mod being BD armory by tomorrow morning. I am on the east coast of the US, ill probably have it in by 10:00 AM EDIT: Ok I read the new rules and it completely changed my design philosophy because its guns only. Do you have to submit 2 different planes or can you submit 1 and have it used twice on the same team. so for example if i submitted an F-16 my team would have 2 F-16's or if i submitted and F-16 and F-15 both planes would be on the same team.
  9. I would love to submit my F-18. But it uses Adjustable landing gear, and B9 Procedural parts (for wings) as well as tweakscale to get it to look good. Its only 67 parts. Could you allow that? http://kerbalx.com/Combatsmithen/KAF-KA-18-Hornet I will make a stock plane with the only mod being BD armory by tomorrow morning. I am on the east coast of the US, ill probably have it in by 10:00 AM
  10. I know this is off topic but what is project genesis? I'm curious
  11. I would like it if you brought the R-60 back. The R-73 is kind of big compared to the sidewinder. The R-60 IRL is really bad compared to the R-73 so it would fulfill a more minimal role. Prehaps have a short locking range like it does in real life and not be very powerful also like it is in real life
  12. DId .50 caliber machine guns get a buff? a single .50 turret shreds my plane even though its 2km away and that is 1.2 miles where a .50 cal would barely do anything to a plane. Also it seems like the GAU-8 sucks. I have hit tanks with consistent fire from it repeatedly from my A-10 and it barely scratches it. Is is because you made all 30mm have explosive ammo?
  13. Check out my A-10 http://kerbalx.com/Combatsmithen/KAF-K-10 And my MiG-25 http://kerbalx.com/Combatsmithen/Krussian-KiG-25\ Both low part count so it is not hard on your PC but they look pretty good. Some people make replica aircraft that have 100+ parts and even lags my system a little bit which is fairly decent. Those look almost like an L-39 albatross
  14. Here is the K/A-18 Hornet! You guys can take a look at it if you want http://kerbalx.com/Combatsmithen/KAF-KA-18-Hornet
  15. RIP ye old forums. I never understood why we needed to change from vbulletin. Oh well. I heard that the new forum engine is crap
  16. [quote name='tongpong']I mean I cant fire by weapons manager on hotkeys, for example I can't fire the [COLOR=#545454][FONT=arial]missile by weapons manager[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] you used to be able to. oh those were the days
  17. Holy crap. This is the largest thread ive ever seen in my entire life. and I thought the BD armory thread was long.....
  18. For me. Gravity assist has never worked. Because you would enter the gravity field. And then on your way back out of the gravity field you would lose all the energy you gained and change your course significantly. So i never see a point in doing it anyway
  19. I don't see why you guys at squad need to go through all the trouble to change the forum.....
  20. Welp. I never saw a problem with vBulletin. And never seemed to need more functionality. And data will be lost and no more blogs and no more rocket builders! *queue taps* [video=youtube;WChTqYlDjtI]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WChTqYlDjtI[/video]
  21. [quote name='Sharkman Briton']They are stock, no mods. They are new in the 1.0.5 update, as are thrust reversers and loads of awesomeness![/QUOTE] ooohhhhh. Havent payed attention to 1.0.5.... I was told BD armory doesn't work with 1.0.5 so I didn't really look into it as im just waiting for 1.1
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