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Everything posted by Crocket

  1. @Andem Were Sergei and comrades trying to bomb the KSC last chapter, or were they just aiming for a random target for an accuracy test?
  2. I've just got an Intel i3 HP laptop. If I tried to load anything near 500 parts, there'd be smoke shooting out of the cooling vent...
  3. It was a routine part-ordering session at the KSC. Was. An intern foolishly entrusted with putting in the orders neglected to put in a number for any of them, so the next morning Gene was quite surprised to find only one of every part at the KSP's doorstep. He still thinks a mission is feasible, though, so he's making you do one. Rules: No game-changing mods. Only one of each part may be used. No debug menu. General Achievements (may change)
  4. I suggest using the mystical powers of massless parts to break the portal into kajillions of little portal bits.
  5. That chapter was a feast! I love the bit about the static, and that I probably shouldn't feel emotionally invested in a space probe that burns up in the atmosphere. Anyways, wonderful work and can't wait for more!
  6. No. KSP is a game about little green men flying around a solar system and using goo to gauge gravity. I don't think life support should be added.
  7. I hate to be that guy, but Extraplanetary Launchpads does just this. On using KIS inventories to store parts that are easily 100+ tons... I think you can see how that would work out.
  8. I think you're looking for PSA. PDA means Public Display of Affection.
  9. There was an announcement somewhere by Squad, but I can't seem to find it...
  10. Remember the rescue mission I mentioned a while back? Well, I plan on launching that today, recovering the crew of the Munmuncher and their delicious, delicious science! Not that the science is more important than the crew...
  11. As a non-colorblind individual, I can say your textures look very nice, lots of colors that work well together. For curiosity's sake, what kind of colorblind are you?
  12. Well, to help on your quest, I strapped a fairing to a Kickback and hit the spacebar. It survived speeds upwards of 2,300 m/s in atmosphere without batting an eye while it soared up to a periapsis of 1 million meters, but bit the dust on re-entry somewhere around 40k meters up. 'Twas a brave little fairing...
  13. Wait, you don't control the releases? Then who does?
  14. Now take the barometer around KSC for moar science! I still haven't taken my science around KSC due to a disturbing lack of wheels.
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