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Everything posted by Crocket

  1. I was planning to add results for every experiment, but I might just have to add a part for said results. Then comes the problem of not being able to model or texture...
  2. I much prefer magical research points. Actual experiments to unlock individual parts would kinda ruin the fun of the game for me.
  3. What I was saying was I don't use antennas, so I have to return anything I collect. Also, I would like an incentive to use the SciJr: I just use it for completion's sake.
  4. I really don't like antennas because they reduce the science amount, and it makes it quite high-risk-high-reward: get back to Kerbin in one piece or else. Oh well, different strokes.
  5. You also need the Scientist for the other experiments so you don't overwrite the previous result every time. Heck, you can even use him to get multiple Crew Reports without an inane number of capsules.
  6. I use my Scientist for every experiment I have on-board to take the data and (if needed) restore the experiment. If you just use the Scientist for the SciJr, that's a pretty big waste of mass.
  7. I play on Science mode, so the one-use aspect isn't so terrible. I can always use a Scientist as a pilot and have him EVA out and restore it so I can use it once again. In Career, you just need to include another capsule for your Scientist.
  8. Here's my idea for one. After an engineer accidentally punctured the new fuel tank we were working on, he came up with the idea of just using it as a dry workshop: it would weigh less, plus it would be "more cooler than a dumb tank". He was promptly fired and our head engineer came up with the idea of converting it into a dry workshop! Plus, with the fired engineer's paycheck, we added a lounge area for your kerbonauts to relax in after a long day workshopping!
  9. I'm new to modmaking and I'm making a mod that adds four new experiment situations: SrfSpashedJustBelowS, SrfSplashedHighBelowS, SrfSplashedLowBelowS, and SrfSplashedLandedSeabed. I have a few questions. How do you add said situations? How do you add biomes? How do you control in which biome (and at which height) they appear? Can you set negative heights? Thanks for your time!
  10. Alright, that's fair. Off-topic, those modded pods make me drool! Since I can't model or texture, I'm considering creating a simple mod that adds underwater science to the game. For example, if your kerbal splashes down in the sea and you go underwater, you can get an EVA report and surface sample from "just under the surface of Kerbin's Water". Thoughts?
  11. Why didn't you use Artemis? IMHO, Artemis is a much nicer sounding name for a spacecraft than Diane.
  12. There are no merciful "gods", there is only the cold unforgiving embrace of the Kraken.
  13. Usually just a bunch of quiet voices in their head/one loud one, odd tics, stuttering, etc.
  14. Wilwig and Seannard finally landed on the Mun in the Munmuncher, but they only have 55 units of fuel left, Eagle is in a 103x107 orbit, and Seannard accidentally broke a landing leg and knocked the craft over. Wilwig is now very mad. You wouldn't like him when he's mad. KSC is now mounting a rescue mission!
  15. Okay, if anyone can beat 130 points they get serious props. Not that ManEatingApe doesn't already get props for getting 130 in the first place, but it still stands.
  16. Thanks! If there are problems, they'll be with tech level.
  17. @eddiew Do you have the design for that little Kerbin-system lander? I'd love to take it for a spin.
  18. I put Mun Station Eagle around (well) the Mun with Guspond as captain. Having gone to Minmus and back, Guspond knows the ins and outs of a spaceship. He's not piloting, however. His piloting skills have proven to be a *bit* sketchy from when he almost tipped over his craft on a slope three times.
  19. Mintmuncher status update: Success! 947 science gained, rest of Tier 4 and every node but 1 in Tier 5 unlocked! Not bad for a single-biome hop to Minmus and back.
  20. Mintmuncher status update: Guspond somewhat safely landed (broke a mini landing strut landing at 9 m/s) and is going to hop to a nearby flat with his EVApack and do more science. Edit: Maybe that flat wasn't so nearby... Oh well, Kerbin bound.
  21. I started a Science save today, and so far I've unlocked all of Tier 2 and 3 and have 2 nodes left in Tier 4. Guspond is flying the Mintmuncher 1 to Minmus for a field day (or week (or two weeks)) after Bob, all out of electricity and using only his Terrier for maneuvering, smacked into Minmus at around 30 m/s. However, I can rebuild him. I have the technology.
  22. Following this. I might not have the ability to build what I want to with such a strict limit, but I wanna see where this goes.
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