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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. Does anyone know why Falcon uses cold gas thrusters on the Falcon instead of SuperDracos?
  2. Uh oh, whats actually in those tanks of LIQUID Oxygen? I've definitely noticed the weird burnout/obsession loop with KSP. Lately I haven't had the big blocks of time to devote to playing the game so I spend my time lurking on the forum, updating mod (that I don't get to play with) then wondering why I spend so much time maintaining and worrying about a game that I rarely get to even play...
  3. Sorry to be obscure @Tex, just a little homebrewer humor. I applaud your efforts both at self improvement and analysis. Also, (as a homebrewer) I really think that learning to make something (usually edible in my case) that you love, so if you love soda, try making your own. You would never be able to add as much sugar into your own as a store bought soda has.
  4. I prefer to let yeast predigest my sugar water.
  5. Definitely not as cool as an X-20, but I've recently wanted more realish communication and military satellite parts. I always end up sticking lots of extra antennas and stuff on just to get the payload up to a resonable mass.
  6. I play on a ultrabook style Lenovo laptop and it works well enough. Major upside on my system is the SSD hard drive which loads the game very fast. Major downside is the Intel virtual graphics card which means I can't use graphics mods like Scatterer without a big hit to performance. Oh and an external mouse is helpful.
  7. What mod are you using to add Hydrazine? I don't see Real Fuels on your mod list and thats the only mod I've used which adds that. You might have better luck in the thread of the appropriate mod.
  8. It works with just Firespitter (and USI). I don't know if it has exactly the same functionality... but it switches fuels and colors.
  9. I haven't played RO in 1.2, so I may not be up to date, but... Do you have MechJeb installed? If so, is it trying to throttle down at a certain dynamic pressure or acceleration? That will cause the engine to shut down and since it is not restartable, you would get that message. If that is the case, turn those MJ setting off and you should be good.
  10. TWR is a ratio, so either increase your Thrust, or decrease your Weight. In the context of KRE, you want to try to land with as little extra weight as possible. Assuming you don't change your engines, you can keep TWR high by landing no extra fuel.
  11. Cool! Thanks for this, looking forward to trying it out. One question before I fire it up, I noticed that your Better Atmosphere configs only modify Eve. Are the other planets atmospheres fine to use as packaged in Better Atmospheres? Also the name of the "kopernicusCfg" folder is misspelled so that it does not properly merge with the one in the BA folder.
  12. This looks awesome, thanks for your work arranging all this! Just tried it out, seems to be working well.
  13. Has anyone used this plugin in 1.2.2 or is this feature part of RSS now?
  14. I'm having an issue where the Instances of statics that I've added do not show up in the KSC screen, but show up when in fligh. Prepacked instances such as @SpannerMonkey(smce)'s Harbors show up fine everywhere. Is there a step I'm missing while saving?
  15. That looks awesome! I've got three more days of finals then I'd love to take that for a test whirl! Do the props keep the craft balanced, or does it need a ton of RCS?
  16. Hey @Ger_space, thanks for keeping this going. I just had a great time beautifying the KSC in Kerbal Landscaping Program with some of @SpannerMonkey(smce)'s great statics. Mostly just putting rocks everywhere.
  17. You might want to check out the Test Flight mod, it goes WAY in depth for part reliability. I have used that in the past in a realism overhaul modded game and found it to be interesting. I just started using this mod and it seems to be far simpler, which I appreciate since I have less time to play lately, but still want to be challenged to design for various failures. Thanks @linuxgurugamer for keeping this going!
  18. Interesting. Maybe kerbals would have a small chance of having a Panic Attack upon being revived.
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