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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. I figured this was good since no one is complaining on here, but I can confirm that it is still working fine in 1.3.0, with Realplume and Module Manager of course. Still fiddling with the setting to improve performance at launch.
  2. I guess I was think of more interesting conversational names like the drone ships or any nautical ship, rather than codes.
  3. Now that spacecraft reusability is an established thing, we can't just refer to these rockets by mission number or payload owner. Does anyone know if the reused Dragon capsules and Falcon stages have individual names? If Elon can't be bothered to name them I think we should. Any suggestions?
  4. That looks great! Even better than the gold color on my phone. I'm definitely going to try that out.
  5. @DS1992, another good option for getting into Realism Overhaul is to get Real Scale Boosters. The rockets go together more realistically and sizes match, and it helps remind you that lower stages have to be much BIGGER than in stock. Once you reprogram yourself from trying to build stock scale rockets, then you can get more creative using the tools described by others here.
  6. If my goal is to increase fps on a laptop (no real graphics card), would adjusting the settings provide much improvement? What is the difference between globalCollideDisable and globalPhysicalDisable?
  7. Will an abundance of captured asteroids cause more collisions?
  8. Test flight works great with the Realism Overhaul suite of mods because those folks of making configs for all the engines. I really like that it models improvement of parts with testing. I haven't tried it in a more Stock-ish game though. I'm sure you could use both, but they will model failures differently.
  9. This looks great. Can anyone say if it works on rescaled systems or if there are tweaks I'd have to make?
  10. A new version of the game requires most mods to update Make sure you are only using mods that are marked as 1.3 compatible by the mods creator. Install only 1 mod at a time. Start the game and see if it works as intended. If your problems continue, a screenshot of your GameData folder and the other files mentioned above would be needed to help.
  11. Kerbokatz Modified Explosion Potential modifies every resource in the CRP. This only modifies stock resources.
  12. Whatever this thread was about has likely become STOCK KSP since Squad became part of Roverdude's empire a couple years ago. Did you mean to post about Asteroid Recycling Technologies (ART)? That mod is 1.3 compatible and loads fine for me. Stick to the USI mods in this list that are explicitly listed as 1.3 compatible: http://umbraspaceindustries.github.io/UmbraSpaceIndustries/
  13. Thanks Magico, that's great. At some point I got in the habit of always deleting the old version before putting in the new one. I keep a folder of all my "House Rules" for MM tweaks and such so that's the perfect place for this to live.
  14. FAR has been updated to 1.2.2, and works very well. KSP updated to 1.3.0 a day or two after that (It's almost like they were waiting for FAR to update). Make sure your KSP version is 1.2.2 and you should be good to go.
  15. I've given SSTU a whirl on the 1.3 release and it seems to be generally working well. I built an SLS Block 1 and noticed a few little things. The main trouble I noticed was that the SC-C Service module side panel would not release in flight, though they could be toggled in the VAB. The only other thing was that several tanks and the SRB were using a texture with thick vertical black stripes as a default when I assume they should be plain white. This was my first time using the new coloring setup so I may have overlooked some setting. Thanks for your work @Shadowmage!
  16. Thanks for sharing, that looks interesting. Does anyone know if custom KCT presets are required to like in the KCT Presets folder or can they live anywhere in Game Data? I am concerned about accidentally deleting the preset when updating the mod.
  17. Just tried this out in 1.3 and it is seems to be working. I've only been to Low Kerbin Orbit so far so I can't say what the rest of the system looks like. (I'm not using Principia or OPM since they don't seem to be updated yet). Thanks @_Augustus_!
  18. I've had a similar issue with these two mods installed together as well. I pretty much always have KCT, so I don't know if it happens when only Kerbal Health is installed.
  19. Is this mod the best way to have my RSS game start in the year 2017 (or whenever)?
  20. Just marked this as updated for 1.3. Its just an MM patch so it doesn't really need to be updated though. If anyone is has suggestions for other mods to tidy up please let me know. Enjoy!
  21. Cool idea with the batteries producing heat. I will try this out. Do they also produce heat when charging? I know that when the rechargeable things get hottest. (Now that the weather is getting hot where I live I suddenly notice how hot my laptop charger gets!).
  22. Keep an eye on this mod. The main purpose is to integrate MKS into RO/RSS It also is a bit streamlined from all the RO/RP-0 dependencies so its easier to get everything working. I've used it in 1.2.2, not in 1.3 yet.
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