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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Can you try running the mod in your main ksp install location? I don't know if it will make a difference, but the only real difference between your install and mine, might just be the install location. I have never tried with KSP in a separate folder with this mod.
  2. You didn't apply the kopernicus dll fix to see Tellumo rings? Lol awesome vid either way!
  3. no you don't. And I would appreciate it if you would stop commenting if you don't know what you are talking about. I made the mod and know how it should be installed. The reason why it doesn't throw errors at you for having it in your gamedata is because I have code in my cfgs that disable the default EVE configs if someone accidentally installs them. Saving me from people that always install EVE incorrectly.
  4. No, he is completely, 100 percently, wrong. You need the EVE folder. The bolderco folder is just textures and cfgs.
  5. Not greyscaled like in photoshop. If you are still seeing, you may not be using the correct file. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grayscale greyscaled, as in black and white and shades of grey.
  6. Module manager? The latest one? Not the one that comes with RSS, right?
  7. The version on CKAN will probably not be right. You need to try and install the link I sent you manually. The link I sent you includes an updated mun texture. No green or purple. I saw what you are talking about and fixed it.
  8. Try removing all of your mods and do a fresh install of SSRSS. Also include EVE and Scatterer
  9. You must be installing something wrong or missing a step. Post a screenshot of your gamedata folder
  10. Well, planetshine still works in 1.2.2 so it hasn't needed an update. I wouldn't call it dead, but maybe weathering the test of time. I'm sure if it ever breaks due to an update, it will be fixed
  11. What? @blackrack is around and this mod is very alive. So, what do you mean? Did you read back at least a page or two in this thread?
  12. If it's a ram issue, you are probably not running in x64 bit or you don't have enough ram in your computer. Also, KSS has its own cloud cfgs. I wouldn't reccomend using SVE. It probably won't work with this mod.
  13. Shouldn't be. The texture is literally black and white now. Remove SVT and do a fresh install of the mod.
  14. 2.0.4 was re-uploaded to fix the green and purple spots in the Mun. Nothing else has changed.
  15. @antipro try this version of SVT. I greyscaled the mun texture should it should not have any purple or green in it now. https://github.com/Galileo88/Stock-Visual-Terrain/releases/tag/2.0.4
  16. If that's SVT I'll have to double check the textures
  17. What mod are you using to change the mun texture? I saw the purple and green in that video.
  18. Moon doesn't look green to me at all in that screenshot. Check your monitor setting or your video card settings if you are seeing green. Maybe even your eyes? The flooded KSC is a known scatterer bug and I'm pretty sure it has been addressed on the last page of that thread. If not, one page back. Just enter a building and exit it and the issue should be resolved. Always be sure to check the threads of the mods you use. You may find the answers you were looking for there
  19. Do not install the cfgs. if you are using SSRSS.
  20. The issues with scatterer only pertain to Real life sizes. SSRSS being stock size, it doesn't have scatterer problems
  21. Read the known issues posted right above your comment
  22. Sounds like you didn't install sigma dimensions.
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