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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. KSCSwitcher does not use KK to switch bases. You have to choose them from the tracking station. Also, KSCSwitcher only lets you use one base at a time.
  2. Uh, what? The performance issues aren't with GPP, but with your hardware unfortunately. Particularly your CPU. Run the game without scatterer. See if that helps. Also, if you have any part packs, remove those as well.
  3. There is only one base included in GPP... I have no idea what other bases you are talking about. For additional bases, GPP uses KSCSwitcher.
  4. I'm pretty sure when 1.3 finally drops, 1.2.2 will be in that list. Then, all you will have to do is choose it to continue your game.
  5. @Voodoo8648 let's put a list that long in a spoiler tag next time, alright bud? Lol
  6. Did you install the texture changes folder in the optional mods folder?
  7. Just download EVE (not the cfgs) and Scatterer separately. Install like normal and run the game. SVE will not work with ssrss
  8. RSS does not have any scatterer cfgs that come bundled with it. You will need to go to whatever visual mod you used and ask there.
  9. Well, no. There is a body node for it in the kopernicus cfg. So, it was definitely intentional
  10. If you are experiencing fps loss with cloud shadows, I doubt disabling them will help at all, but you can open the GUI and set the shadowmaterial value to zero on all cloud layers that have shadows. Or just unclick the button
  11. It does it in a completely stock game as well, not just when reparenting kerbin. From what I can tell, it is completely random. I have tried in the past to replicate it, but never had a consistent way to make it happen. The way I have seen it happen the most often is returning to the space center from orbit using the pause menu.
  12. All of that is on purpose. I highly recommend you do not touch the settings
  13. That and we never claimed compatibility with any other planet pack.
  14. There is a PS cfg for RSS inside of the planetshine folder that comes in the planetshine download. Or at least, there used to be
  15. Please read my explanation above. Macs are fine and no worse than PC's. Opinions may vary though. Let's not be a troll, and try to start a Mac vs PC war, especially if one does not fully understand the capabilities of a Mac compared to a PC. It's how this mod is structured that causes the issue that @Swithmario was having.
  16. NASA already works pretty closely with the military, especially the Air Force. A lot of technology, past, present and future come directly from the collaboration. The budgets, while wildly offset, are a bit misleading. NASA only gets what the government deems necessary, but you can rest assured that in a time of need, the budget will expand. BTW, the budget of $18.5 million you stated above for NASA is incorrect. NASA is actually receiving roughly $20 BILLION this year, which is actually more than NASA requested.
  17. If you didn't change the directories, you will likely see either white planets, stock planets, or the game won't load at all, so I would double check that the mod is working as intended. I say this because it would be impossible for the mod to work if you just renamed the folder and didn't make the directory changes in the cfgs.
  18. Ok, let me put this dds thing to bed now... The issue isn't how dds textures are saved or a mod incompatibility, or anything wrong with Macs or Linux machines. Also, plenty of Mac users have used this, but @StarCrusher96 just recently converted a lot of the textures to dds. The issue with this is that he has those textures inside of a "PluginData" folder. This is typically done to reduce the initial load time of KSP, but OpenGL systems don't like this. What needs to be done, if KSS is to use dds format from now on, is to move those textures out of the "PluginData" folders and into any other folder not named PluginData. So something like "KSS_Textures" would work. Also all of the directories would need to be changed in the cfgs. This will fix the yellow, moire effect, but with 80+ celestial bodies, and textures for all of them, you are looking at potentially a very long initial load time each time you start up KSP. One other thing you can do is convert all the textures to PNG and change the directories accordingly, but this will use a ton more ram than dds textures will use. so pick your poison... Now, back to sleep for me.
  19. I will definitely give this some MM love when I get the chance. I didn't even think of the scaling earlier. Thanks for bringing it up
  20. It's a stock issue. Will be fixed in 1.3
  21. No, but you can easily put the textures in SVE and they will work
  22. That's scatterers EVE integration, which without some editing, can look like garbage, like that.
  23. This would have been a more helpful suggestion had you said: Jokes aside, KSP is probably as optimized as its going to get. The stock game, without mods, will run on almost anything, and run well. Squad is not obligated to make the game run better with mods, if that is what you are getting at. The quickest way to get better performance out of KSP is to spend money to get better hardware. Not everybody can just go out and do that, but you can probably save up money faster and upgrade faster than Squad can rewrite the game (because it probably won't happen).
  24. In olden days, you could. I haven't tried with it with the last few versions. Good question!
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