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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. I double checked that everything is right on my end. What version of Kopernicus are you using? Did you go download it seperately or did you use the one in the RSS download?
  2. I have updated the mod to version This just fixes the .bin file for Saturn, and removes the transparent atmosphere from around scatterer.
  3. Actually you didnt delete the cfgs so I dont know what the issue is. Just post your MM cache and i will look
  4. Can you also send me your ModuleManager.ConfigCache? Is this a fresh install and did you remove anything from the cfg folder? I am not having this problem. What i assume is you deleted the DisableOblateBodies.cfg because you have an oblate saturn in your screenshot
  5. Can you do me a favor and post a screenshot of your gamedata folder and your output log?
  6. Don't do it that way. There are many different types of dds file formats and the one it gives you, while it may work, it is probably not the best type to be using. If you are using Gimp or Photoshop, there are plugins that you can install that let you save as a dds with all of the options available.
  7. The problem was having the textures inside of a PluginData folder, not the way we were saving, surprisingly. I have updated my repo with the fixes. @CaptRobau I can transfer the github repo to you if you want or you can just download and host it on spacedock if you want. This interim update allows OpenGl users (mac and linux) use dds textures and reduce ram usage! DOWNLOAD
  8. Uploading again. I forgot the rest of the mod
  9. UPDATE! Change Log: v0.0.2.4 Fixed moire effect on Earth for Mac and Linux users DOWNLOAD
  10. UPDATE! Change Log Mac and Linux can now use DDS textures DOWNLOAD its actually a KSP bug. Happens in stock too.. If that is just rows caused tiling, the only way to fix it is to make the texture perfectly seamless, not just in texture but in color also. cant have a darker or lighter area on the texture anywhere, it would have to be super perfect. lol This is why i dont make my tiling too small. Its less noticable if its a bit bigger
  11. Yep you got it right. The multifactor basically is what your texture is multiplied by as it gets further away, that way your textures don't look super big and disproportionate at a distance
  12. Well i have already pushed the changes to github if you want to test it out. the difference was minimal to me. GPP shouldn't load much slower than RSS
  13. OMG FINALLY! I have struggled with this for 8 MONTHS, and never once did I think about why RSS uses a separate folder for their textures, sans PluginData folder. Thank you so much for your help @HebaruSan!
  14. Ok, I think this will do it! Versuch C1 Just drop Versuch and VersuchTextures into your gamedata. If this works, it means OpenGL does not like planet textures being in a PluginData folder and the fix is to basically move the textures and fix your directory. Having the textures in a PluginData folder has its advantages, but I can look past it if i dont have to maintain 2 separate mods all the time
  15. Its progress! Im uploading something. You will have to delete all of your other versuch related files in your gamedata for this one
  16. I would say try Versuch B1 and remove the file extension and add only the shininess and specular code to the cfg. The gradient won't matter.
  17. They arent stored in the directory. This is all i have seen to go off of
  18. I have tried the -force-opengl thing and i dont see the issue. Also, all of squads textures are DDS as well as RSS's and they all work fine on OpenGL. I dont know what else to try.
  19. yeah there is a plugin or 2 you need I am uploading a gimp version now. Funny, for someone that dislikes gimp as much as i do, I sure had a fresh copy of it on my computer Versuch B1 is now up for download in the OP Made with Gimp. 4k w/mipmaps
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