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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. It's a thing. I get it with my planet pack as well. It doesn't break the game at all, just an eyesore. Easy enough to ignore for me.
  2. Yes it will work along side opm but the ground textures will only work with the stock planets. I haven't done ground textures for opm. . That's really up to @CaptRobau. I wouldn't mind doing them but I would want his permission. The terrain is caused by Svt (I changed Minmus completely) but the terrain altitude is caused by Sigma Dimensions
  3. Sigma Dimensions really adds a whole new look to SVT doesnt it? thanks for the screenshots!
  4. Its all good take your time. I am also looking at just rewriting the cfgs completely and giving them scaled radius' and atmospheres... of course i would much rather just use SD lol
  5. I am having to try and rewrite some cfgs to get Sigma Dimensions to work properly. I hopefully will have time this weekend to finish it all
  6. try this out and see how you like it of course you will need to download sigma dimensions for it to work https://www.dropbox.com/s/otlo2y64fx4jl0h/SVE Sigma cfg.zip?dl=0
  7. Probably not but I can put out a Sigma Dimensions cfg that will do the same thing basically if you would want something like that
  8. No that would require me to add the height maps back which caused some career contracts to have floating waypoints so i have to leave them out unfortunately.. i feel your pain though.
  9. I meant to have an update out last night, but I got sucked into the presidential election and fell asleep before I could upload. Anyway.. UPDATE 2.0 All celestial bodies have been redone (except Kerbin) New, more immersive textures REQUIREMENTS: KOPERNICUS https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases DOWNLOAD
  10. That is exactly what I did. It just got a little late so I didn't upload any pics
  11. Galileo's Planet Pack? Never heard of it.
  12. It's because I removed the edited normal maps from the 1.2 version. I plan on adding them back when I finish working on the next update
  13. Oh yeah you were working on rings a while ago. You were trying to add ring shadows if I remember correctly
  14. Maybe @Waz or @blackrack can assist? I also have an idea which may work. I'll try it later today and post the results
  15. Yeah I can replicate it. It's actually Tarsiss. I'm not at my computer so I forget the value I changed in scatterer. . And the other screenshot was just a pretty landscape photo opportunity on Gael. I love how far the scatter reaches out. I did play with the scatter on Tellumo and I'll post some pics tomorrow. It looks pretty awesome.
  16. So i set up the cacheFile in each of my celestial bodies cfgs, but only 26 out of 28 are reflected in the cache folder. why would that happen? not a big deal to me, i just think its weird.
  17. I used to run it very well with a gtx 960 but that's the lowest end graphics card I have run it with. To optimize it, you could disable Scatterer's ocean shaders. That is easily the most performance heavy piece of SVE.
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