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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. @nebuchadnezzar I just released and all-in-one version on GitHub https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases
  2. The single most intensive part of SVE is scatterer's Ocean Shaders. You can disable this in the main menu in the scatterer window that pops up. If you want to disable Volumetric clouds, in game hit Alt+0 and toggle over to CloudManager. There look for Kerbin-MainClouds and scroll down until you see an option for layerVolume. uncheck that and you should be good
  3. Yeah what i normally do with part packs is go through them and delete the parts i know i wont use. I also use procedural parts to replace all of the fuel tanks. this usually raises my fps by 10 or 15 fps. results may vary though. i only use 2-3 part packs but i usually run 90 other mods at the same time. Again, the problem might not be part related but maybe just the fact that im seeing nearly all performance issues stem from AMD processors
  4. For some reason nearly all of the issues that have been brought up about performance and SVE have been with amd processors. I don't know why and I can't test to figure it out. Also part packs will bring ksp to a crawl when installed. You don't even need to be using the parts for the game to slow down. Just having them in your GameData will slow the game down a quite a bit. To answer your question, SVE is pretty demanding regardless of how your game is set up. If you read the last page or so on the thread, you will see @Jashin with a gtx1080 getting roughly 40 fps with a heavily modded game. Maybe he can give you some pointers.
  5. @RangeMachine I don't know if this has been brought up yet but I follow this thread pretty closely and haven't seen anything about it. So here is my issue. When Scatterer is installed alongside Texture Replacer, TR doesnt seem to know what to do. I get some pretty odd artifacting in the visor reflection. It seems that Scatterers ocean shaders are visible through the terrain in the visor reflection. Would it be possible to disable Scatterer's water from the reflection maybe in a later version? Without Scatterer everything is great. With scatterer not so much.
  6. UPDATE v1.6 Updated to KSP v1.2 and latest Scatterer
  7. @Jashin i use default dx9. dx11 tends to break EVE and Opengl breaks scatterer.
  8. @Jashin this is what my fps look like. The screenshot got cutoff a little but its at about 73 fps. They average roughly 70-75 fps with what you see here. I am currently using a GTX 980 OC'd and have an i54690k OC'd to 4.1 ghz It would not surprise me if multiple part packs bring you down to about 40 fps. Thats actually not bad. What i usually do with my part packs is go through them and remove all of the parts i know i wont use and I use procedural parts to replace all the tanks. This frees up enough for me to average 60fps with about 90 other mods installed... Only 2 or 3 part packs though.
  9. Give me a second and ill take some screen shots showing my FPS. do note that i dont have any other mods besides SVT and SVE and the recommended mods. Part packs crush FPS even if they arent being utilized in game. Just having the part pack in your GameData folder causes performance drop.
  10. Jool rings now avalable on GitHub https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases i need a screenshot of your gamedata folder at the very least
  11. Unfortunately I already had that in my template and it didn't work I'm guessing. Man, that is poopy.
  12. It is that easy but I had already uploaded it when I realized I could do that. Thinking about it, I would have to edit the land control quite a bit in order for trees and rocks to show up on Tellumo. I will either do that or wait for a method to just remove the dishes from the template. Which ever comes first.
  13. I finally got my planet pack up and running in 1.2
  14. there are a few i know of at the moment but they are out of my hands. like the KerbNet stations. I tried moving them around on Gael so they could be on land, and I could accomplish this with kittopia tech but unfortunately its not possible to keep them there persistently according to sigma88. It may need a plugin and im not the guy for that job. Also, Tellumo has the same KerbNet stations. Once i figure out how to move them or remove them i will update again. Its kinda cool though. It allows for travel between Gael and Tellumo without having to set up a network
  15. dont act like you were waiting on me I could have given you the keys to the mod development repo had you just asked. i can't tell you no!
  16. UPDATE v0.8 Update to 1.2 Mac and Linux compatibility version Renamed Sun to Ciro....again. SVE cfgs are now more performance friendly Planet descriptions are complete This is still a beta version so expect some bugs Known issues are listed in the OP Windows Download Mac and Linux Download
  17. Yep that's the one. If you are using force opengl in your command line, delete it and try the mod again Also, your module manager is not up to date. It won't make a difference, I just happened to notice.
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